SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

WWE showing once again their resperct to african americans and latinos. Putting them in a match together.
I honestly can't think of 1 match at SummerFest that doesn't have an obvious outcome..
I never heard of this Stephen Amell guy until last week. Can't believe he's suppose to be a selling point for the PPV :lol:

I honestly can't think of 1 match at SummerFest that doesn't have an obvious outcome..

Seriously :lol:

The actual SS card on paper looks like it could have some very good matches "workmate" wise, but my interest in most of them are just not there
Wade Barrett had potential to be such a great heel in 2010. Hurts to see what that program with Cena did too him.
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