SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

Nick Young > Kobe


Yea those pants definitely will be coming off after you eat that nonsense. #

DC your specific word usage for sentences cracks me up.
You have to tell these people that you basically want your wings to be BURNT because they will bring them out not cooked with hard skins. No point of eating friend chicken if it isn't crispy
Did people even watch the new tmnt movie? megan fox is still barely working like she always is.
Damn Redding is a trip you're from San Jo right?

Yeah from San Jo. Was about a 4 1/2 hour ride. Stopped in Vacaville at Nut Tree for some food. Definitely missing summerfest with yall :frown: I'll have to avoid the site and subscription emails in fear of the title changing to spoiler results. :smh:

I work at the outlets the other side of nut tree :lol: I stay in Fairfield though. They got some :smokin food on Nut tree now
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