SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

So what times does it end 12?
East coast sucks 
[quote name=url="/t/634213/summerslam-week-8-23-balor-bailey-win-takeover-brock-v-taker-tonight-pred-contest/2400#post_24015922"]
I'm sure he lives in Houston, not Laredo[/quote]
Houston :x

Poor mans Columbus
You have to tell these people that you basically want your wings to be BURNT because they will bring them out not cooked with hard skins. No point of eating friend chicken if it isn't crispy
Agreed on that though. My grandparents were from the South. I know what real fried chicken is. :pimp:
My man the Arrow I need to get on that show.
You should have your homie Miz be the middleman. That way he gets a cut and all of y'all flourish... :nthat:
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