Suns defeat Grizzlies in 4th quarter burst: Shaq sits entire 4th quarter

Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Originally Posted by Bastitch

Just wait until they figure out how to play with Shaq on the court.
Who's to say that they do?

Who's to say that they don't?

The complete clash in styles of play and how they've looked thus far with him on the team...

Shaq has won on every team he's played on. Period.

I'm not going to neglect history like the rest of you.

And I hate the Suns.
What did he win with the Magic?
Ima type real slow so everyone can read along with me. The trade will NOT help the Suns in theplayoffs. Tell me, please someone tell me, how trading your best defensive player for an average one is a goodthing. Now please tell me how the Suns will use Shaq in the 4[sup]th[/sup] quarter. Cuz if I'm coach, here's what I do. I'll use the Lakers since I'm a Laker fan, but all otherteams can play too. I take Mbenga and his 6 fouls and I send him in the game with 6 minutes left. I don't care if we're winning or losing, he goes in. And he fouls Shaq at midcourtevery time. Now, maybe Shaq hit a couple, chances are he won't make too many. We've all seen plenty of 2 for 8 outta him. So what do you do if you are Phoenix? Take Shaq out right? Ok, so now you are out BOTHMARION AND THE GUY YOU TRADED HIM FOR!!!!!! GEEEEEEENIUS MOVE GUYS. Now, Stathas to play defense. Good luck there, and you have the Frenchman Diaw in for Marion instead of just actually havingMarion. I love it. As a fan of another team other then the Suns, I loveit. They crippled themselves with this. Now if they go into the 4[sup]th[/sup]quarter up by 20 in every playoff game, then they have a shot, but other then that, if it's a close game and Shaq can't even be on the court andyou're left with Nash guarding your best guard, and Stat "guarding" your low post guy, and Hill and Diaw/Barbosa trying to guard your wingman,we'll be seeing you next season. And this is just dumb a&^ me. If I canthink of that, you don't think Phil, or Avery, or Byron, or Pop can think of how to get Shaq out of the game? Comeon people.
What f***** difference does it make? Other players have been traded and have meshed in very well with their new teams. He just clearly doesnt FIT. It was a bad move from the jump. How can you ask a team to change the way they've been playing for the past 3-4 years to accommodate a washed up Shaq? He serves no purpose on the team...all he does is take up space and !*@+! up their movement on the floor.
You sound really mad.

Sorry you can't participate in a mature discussion without the !@##$$@$#

BTW, besides most lopsided trades can you tell me some players who were traded that meshed in right away?
You're making WAY to much out of this. They were up by a good amount, why would he play anyway? The last thing the Suns want is their new $20 Millioninvestment to get hurt again.
Another shaq post? Really?

Its like this... Its the 4th game. Like somebody said this isn't the gasol deal. Thats easy but to tell you the truth everybody just thinks its going towork when bynum get back. We don't know how they will ALL play together.

Same with shaq give it a couple of games. They lost to a piston team that nobody would have beat that day and they lost a close game to the number one team inthe west.

Tonight the suns have the hornets, march 9th they have the spurs and march 24th they have the pistons again. Lets see what they do vs those teams.
My only problem is, bringing in Shaq changes the whole identity of their offense. It's a serious transitional period, because they are moving from a teamthat ran your tail off for 48 minutes, night in and out, to a team that cannot get out and run as often because Shaq just can't keep up. The pick-and-rollhalf court set they've run forever is clogged up and terribly slowed down, because they've got fewer shooters on the floor and a big man that cannot beeffective more than 5-8 feet from the rim. Shaq being in the middle of the offense they've run for years is just slowing everything down. And itdoesn't help that they don't have the number of serious deep threats they've had in the past to really spread around Shaq...

While Jason Kidd is going through an adjustment period in Dallas, with turnovers and people not knowing when and where to expect passes, he's coming into asituation where he's fitting into the Mavericks identity, not the other way around. With Shaq, the Suns have to seriously tweak their offensive attack andhow their mindset on the break and in half court sets...

Whether or not they can make the transition is yet to be seen... It's silly to write this trade off after 4 games, the results thus far are less thanimpressive. But people do need to understand they are changing the identity of their team, and it's going to take time.
i thought this was gonna be a great trade and the suns would be the top team but shaq is still playing like he did in miami before he was injured and traded.

i think it has alot to do with the refs. they arent giving him the calls no more when he bulldozers over players..
Originally Posted by grittyman20

What f***** difference does it make? Other players have been traded and have meshed in very well with their new teams. He just clearly doesnt FIT. It was a bad move from the jump. How can you ask a team to change the way they've been playing for the past 3-4 years to accommodate a washed up Shaq? He serves no purpose on the team...all he does is take up space and !*@+! up their movement on the floor.
You sound really mad.

Sorry you can't participate in a mature discussion without the !@##$$@$#

BTW, besides most lopsided trades can you tell me some players who were traded that meshed in right away?

Im sorry...I wasn't under the impression you could hear me. I curse all the don't flatter yourself young boy. Nobody's mad over here

I'm not exactly sure what a trade being lopsided has to do witha certain player fitting in well with his new team. If certain styles clash...then they clash...what difference does it have to do with if the transaction waslopsided or not?
Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

guys he played 24 mins and had 13 and 11 boards.

Every game it seems like there's going to be a SHAQ POST, and more idiotic people come and hate for exactly no reason.

At the end of the 3rd quarter the score was tied. Since Shaq didn't play the entire 4th quarter, what you are saying is that 13 points and 11 boards isgood enough to TIE THE MEMPHIS GRIZZLIES.
Originally Posted by bjm5295

You're making WAY to much out of this. They were up by a good amount, why would he play anyway? The last thing the Suns want is their new $20 Million investment to get hurt again.

This is another gem. The game was tied at the end of the 3rd quarter. Ergo, they were not "up by a good amount".
Originally Posted by tupac003

PUSHA x Vinsanity wrote:

Originally Posted by CP1708

I'll use the Lakers since I'm a Laker fan

So that's basically why you're in this thread then, huh?
Guess laker fans aren't entitled to an opinion.

Pac, you know I don't mind you.

But when dude comes in right off the bat just to share his "view" on our team, with such things as...

- "Suns are fakes anyway."

- "STAT is fake as hell."

- "Diaw sucks because he's French."

etc, etc.... It's pretty obvious that he could care less about the trade.
I'm not exactly sure what a trade being lopsided has to do with a certain player fitting in well with his new team. If certain styles clash...then they clash...what difference does it have to do with if the transaction was lopsided or not?
Examples of lopsided trades:

Gasol - Kwame
Garnett - Jefferson
Shaq - Odom, Grant
Barkley - Lang, Perry, Hornacek
Roy - Foye
Caron Butler - Kwame Brown
McGrady - Francis, Mobley, Cato
Baron Davis - Dale Davis, Speedy Claxton

It doesn't matter if the styles clash, when you make a major upgrade like these make adjustments so that it will work.
Originally Posted by PUSHA x Vinsanity

Originally Posted by tupac003

PUSHA x Vinsanity wrote:

Originally Posted by CP1708

I'll use the Lakers since I'm a Laker fan

So that's basically why you're in this thread then, huh?
Guess laker fans aren't entitled to an opinion.

Pac, you know I don't mind you.

But when dude comes in right off the bat just to share his "view" on our team, with such things as...

- "Suns are fakes anyway."

- "STAT is fake as hell."

- "Diaw sucks because he's French."

etc, etc.... It's pretty obvious that he could care less about the trade.
I know. But I still got to try to defend my fellow laker fans. They make it very very hard sometimes.

But anybody who knows basketball knows this trade wasn't a trade that was going to make an immediate impact. Suns made this trade for the playoffs andthats when we will see if this pay's off. Suns have had great regular seasons and things just never worked out in the playoffs. If they make it to thefinals this trade is great for them. I won't say this trade is bust after 4 games. Too much time left in the season and the playoffs.
Originally Posted by PUSHA x Vinsanity

Originally Posted by tupac003

PUSHA x Vinsanity wrote:

Originally Posted by CP1708

I'll use the Lakers since I'm a Laker fan

So that's basically why you're in this thread then, huh?
Guess laker fans aren't entitled to an opinion.

Pac, you know I don't mind you.

But when dude comes in right off the bat just to share his "view" on our team, with such things as...

- "Suns are fakes anyway."

- "STAT is fake as hell."

- "Diaw sucks because he's French."

etc, etc.... It's pretty obvious that he could care less about the trade.

I understand why that upsets you, but in fact I was in favor of the deal when it went down. I have watched every minute of their 4 gamessince he's been back and I see the hole he is going to cause on the team. To me it's pretty simple. He clogs everything up. I figured since they doa lot of different things in Phoenix they would find some new way to get him the ball, or involve him, but they have done anything new except give him the ballat the foul line for a pick and roll, or at least a screen and roll. So for that, my opinion has changed. Sorry you don't like it. But because I'ma Laker fan has nothing to do with any other Laker fans and I have every right to be in the thread, Shaq is one of the greatest Lakers of all time. I have anopinion when it comes to him and I always will. I actually hope the Lakers retire his number next year when the Suns are in town. But this trade is going tobackfire in the playoffs. imo.
Shaq is a waste of time....the suns screwed up with that move....and they lost a ton of chemistry i think
people are sure quick to judge off 4 ...they are still running shaq of the high pick and roll...that doesn't work withhim..he is slow and has no jumpshot. ...they need to run some off-ball screens when shaq has the ball in the post. plays will have to be implementedbecause shaq is in the game...nash can no longer run around and dish because shaq clogs the lane...they see this...jus give it time...more than 4 12 games in...i will judge on if the coach is doing a good job...right now.. no...but it is improving... from a rebounding standpoint...the sunshave outrebounded their opponents 3 outta 4 games...and they are one of the worst rebounding team in the league. shoot...he is only going to play 28 min maxfor them anyway...
/\ Iverson's first four games with the Nuggets were without Carmelo Anthony...try again
Typical irrational hater.. take 1 bad game, multiple by 82.. Shaq's a bust! They should've picked up Magloire! NOO!!!

With Carmelo coming back?

Good call.
Good call.
ill tell you what, tell me when the Nuggets get out of the first round then you can say "good call". Yeah they got a little bit betterfrom what they WERE, but the Suns have regressed from what they WERE. Dont say you used the analogy because they got better because it wasn't that hard toget better in the first place, the Suns on the other hand jumped the gun while they were the number one seed in the West.
There was a game post. I used the search tags to locate it. The game post just didn't use the search tags. I could have used the general search function.
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