Super Bowl XLIV Thread: Saints vs. Colts 2/7/09 6pm CBS vol: Peyton vs. Drew

check list for superbowl
hd tv check
food check
afghani kush check
naggin chick back to her house..... priceless
Queen latifah diesel up, but she could still get it
Walter Payton Man of the year award is awesome. Instead of having finalists and one winner, they should recognize a cast of players who are worthy and put them all up there. I realize its "man" (singular) of the year but these guys are all great and should all be recognized the same.
air bender look aight

over and under on how many times they show eli's goofy *$+ fist pumping . i say 6
What you doing Carrie? What's up with the holding of the notes? This is nothing like that other anthem you did. DAmnit. I always lose this prop.
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