Superman: Man of steel

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Nolan has his hands in this. I'm confident it'll be great. Take that Marvel!
I would be so happy if Marvel went in a different direction in this next batch of reboots that I'm sure are coming up.  Can you imagine if Tarantino got his hands on a Wolverine story?  As long as it kept with the direction of the comic book it would be amazing.  

Does everything need to be overly edgy and dark? Wolverine, spies, and X-force storylines are the only ones that would work with Nolan's type of movies. 
No not everything, but with Wolverines origin and alot of his storylines it would work.  Remember when he had his adamantium pulled out of his body by Magneto, then he went feral and lived basically like an animal for awhile? thats a dark storyline that would be pretty dope on the big screen
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by solarius49

I would be so happy if Marvel went in a different direction in this next batch of reboots that I'm sure are coming up.  Can you imagine if Tarantino got his hands on a Wolverine story?  As long as it kept with the direction of the comic book it would be amazing.  

Does everything need to be overly edgy and dark? Wolverine, spies, and X-force storylines are the only ones that would work with Nolan's type of movies. 
No not everything, but with Wolverines origin and alot of his storylines it would work.  Remember when he had his adamantium pulled out of his body by Magneto, then he went feral and lived basically like an animal for awhile? thats a dark storyline that would be pretty dope on the big screen
I guess. There's more to wolverine than blood and gore. He acting like a animal on screen is cool and all but it does not go anywhere really. 
If anything I would have a wolverine movie about



those would be VERY dark movies though. I dont think all comic book movies would be dark, that would just make the genre extra corny. For example a "dark" Superman movie would just get a
from me. But Superman should definitely be more violent that what they've been giving us
They need to make it so Superman and his powers translate well on screen.  Maybe that's why Superman Returns was so boring and had no epic fighting at all.  The well done, animated Superman and Justice League movies might always be better than a live action Superman movie.  They're able to show his powers and powerful villains in full force.
I do want the movie to be good since the latest one was so disappointing.
The past Superman movies seem like they were catering towards the female audience.  
Like someone said, we need actual villains, not some trivial robbers. Also, the romance stuff with Lois detracted from the story in the last one. She should get minimal screen time.
Originally Posted by solarius49

those would be VERY dark movies though. I dont think all comic book movies would be dark, that would just make the genre extra corny. For example a "dark" Superman movie would just get a
from me. But Superman should definitely be more violent that what they've been giving us

Wolvies kids movies would be dark but they would be more then Wolvie slashing 500 dudes till the credits roll.
Dark  Superman?


I think you would love it
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by SEAN C0MBS

what improvements would you like to see for this movie? (in comparison to superman returns 

He actually punching/fighting someone would be a good start.

I wan't see my man in beast mode for 1 hour of the film bringing bloodshed to Metropolis.
never liked Superman...I gave the last movie a shot and since Nolan is behind this one I guess I'll give this one a shot to.

interesting thought...wasn't their rumblings of picking up the Superman vs Batman story? Now that would be 
^^^save that storyline, easy pass.

Nolan taking over superman is great for superman, bad for nolan.

I might be the biggest superman basher on this site, but the dude does not translate well to live action film at this point in time. You know why their +%@!+%# up with him or what's partly to blame?....they keep on thinking the audience are a bunch of dummies that don't know about clark kent or lois, or lex. They need to get off their marketing to get everyone to know superman who is undoubtedly the most widely known superhero in existence.

The costume, the nice guy business, the krypton, the lois...all of it is played out.

In my eyes if Nolan wants to reintroduce superman he needs to get super edgy with him, moreso than he did for batz. No lex (maybe a cameo at the end would be killer, not some washed up middle aged guy like spacey, a young fit mogul with a mean sneer).

I really did not want these cats to go with ZOD...done already. Better than lex though. A redux of bizarro would have been better, you want to get real fans maybe throw in black adam as an audible...let everyone know the marvel family (cameo with billy batson somewhere) and get a captain marvel movie going (would be a nice jab at Marvel comics at the same time)

Throw in Mogul or one of these other otherworldly powerhouses, or even a super-villain team effort to take down supe...and when the credits roll you see the mastermind behind it all...somebody besides lex or over lex...sets up another superman movie and a JLA movie.


Originally Posted by GrimlocK

^^^save that storyline, easy pass.

Nolan taking over superman is great for superman, bad for nolan.

I might be the biggest superman basher on this site, but the dude does not translate well to live action film at this point in time. You know why their +%@!+%# up with him or what's partly to blame?....they keep on thinking the audience are a bunch of dummies that don't know about clark kent or lois, or lex. They need to get off their marketing to get everyone to know superman who is undoubtedly the most widely known superhero in existence.

The costume, the nice guy business, the krypton, the lois...all of it is played out.

In my eyes if Nolan wants to reintroduce superman he needs to get super edgy with him, moreso than he did for batz. No lex (maybe a cameo at the end would be killer, not some washed up middle aged guy like spacey, a young fit mogul with a mean sneer).

I really did not want these cats to go with ZOD...done already. Better than lex though. A redux of bizarro would have been better, you want to get real fans maybe throw in black adam as an audible...let everyone know the marvel family (cameo with billy batson somewhere) and get a captain marvel movie going (would be a nice jab at Marvel comics at the same time)

Throw in Mogul or one of these other otherworldly powerhouses, or even a super-villain team effort to take down supe...and when the credits roll you see the mastermind behind it all...somebody besides lex or over lex...sets up another superman movie and a JLA movie.


All of this.  If you want to make a good Superman movie, it has to be a true COMIC BOOK MOVIE!  It has to include elements of the DC universe.  Of course Lois will be in it, but it doesnt need to be some ballad of love between Lois and Clark.  An epic violent fight scene between Superman and Doomsday/Darkseid/Black Adam/Captain Marvel would be dope. But it cant just end with Clark and Lois flying into the sunset, and the bad guy going to jail, somebody has to be pounded into the ground.  Superman should be beat within an inch of his life and then rally back to win.  Superman should be a HUGE franchise in today's era, but Hollywood always wants to make him an inspirational feel good movie
edit:  Metallo would be dope too, and it wouldnt even be that difficult CGI wise.  I mean James Cameron basically did Metallo in Terminator 2
now your thinking...metallo would be ill, super adaptoid would be ill...darkseid/doomsday may be too early...if Nolan is hoping for a 3peat that's when you bring the big names super villains in.

To translate well in our desensitized generation we need Nolan to put superman in metropolis that is in utter ruin, or on apokolips or something like that....thats when superman shines to me when the goons are breaking him and dude just turns into a red eye demon and just goes into slaughter mode. You should want to get out of your seat and clap for him after he puts his fist through someones facehole.

superman x new gods to fight darkseid
if it comes to that

I'm all about cameos, Nolan is not known for doing cameos, but superman differs from batman because the story needs to be as epic as superman is or exceed can't have this powerhouse with a plain jane story like the last one you want that go get the box set of adventures of lois and clark.
Just watched "Immortals" last week and didnt know Cavill was gonna be the new Superman. Looks like it will be an all star cast with Nolan on board Ill definitely check it out.
Originally Posted by Bombbiggidyphil

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Doomsday killing Clark.

The doomsday storyline would be great. Imagine the fight scene(s)
. The death of superman in a movie?


This, or just stop trying.

And please, no baby momma drama.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

RFX, can you explain what's that all about? 
 for the next movie?

The suits I posted? 
It's for next years film (which was suppose to come out this year). 

First is Supermans suit obviously and no underwear over the tights. Somewhat based on the new 52 suit, more alien like but I like the huge \S/ shield and the giant cape.

The body armor is for Faora, she's a Kryptonian that is always with Zod (the films villains).

The Kryptonian robe is Jor-Els. 
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by chino905

I wouldn't mind seeing Parasite as a villain.
word...give lex a break.
Lex isn't in this film, he might make a cameo in the end but its all about Zod in this film.
If you've seen Sucker Punch and the cgis he had in that film, then we might see a bada$$ Zod.

Love Superman as a character, but I do not want to see Zod. 
Brainiac, Doomsday, or Darkseid. Hell, I'd even take Gog.
They just need to stop. Superman was my favorite superhero growing up, but these newer movies are just crap.
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