Switch lives with a fictional character?

Nov 15, 2007
My friends and I had this conversation the other day, and I thought it would be an interesting topic.  If you could trade lives with any fictional character, whether it be from a movie, tv show, or book, who would it be?

I personally would pick Vinnie Chase from Entourage.  Movie star, got money, surrounded by his boys, and gets mad chicks...can't beat that.

Dexter. I want to cut some people up.
fictional character? there's so many, so ill just say...majority of today's rappers...got money, big houses, big cars, and all the ladies...
So many to choose from, super heroes etc. But I wouldn't mind living this guy's lifestyle for while...


Spoiler [+]






 And so on and so on...
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Tony Starks...
I dont know how this isnt everyone's answer.

Tony Stark is cool, but he doesn't have any power without his suit. I'd much rather be able to teleport myself to wherever I want to go.
Originally Posted by Hizzle

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Tony Starks...
I dont know how this isnt everyone's answer.

Tony Stark is cool, but he doesn't have any power without his suit. I'd much rather be able to teleport myself to wherever I want to go.
but money = power ?

that being said, teleporting would be pretty neat.

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by Hizzle

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

I dont know how this isnt everyone's answer.

Tony Stark is cool, but he doesn't have any power without his suit. I'd much rather be able to teleport myself to wherever I want to go.
but money = power ?

that being said, teleporting would be pretty neat.

And plus, dude's swag is enough reason to switch places, not to mention his intellectual abilities
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