T.O vs Keyshawn ( ps I need the link to both interviews )

Jul 23, 2007

T.O is a fool. He took everything Keyshawn said all outta context and went OFF.

Has Anyone else seen T.O's interview??
he was like "He's a Hater. Yea he got a ring, but U would never know it unless u looked up the Bucs Roster and seen his name (
)Tell Keyshawn toquit ESPN and come try and take my job. we came out the same yr, he went #1, i went 3rd round, now compare our stats", then shoots the
to the camera (

Key then had a phone interview and replies, " I was always taught dont get into pissing contests with a skunk"

I misssed the rest, I was too busy laughin with some friends.

can anyone find me a link to this?
" I was always taught dont get into pissing contests with a skunk"
"because they will piss all over you and like it"

It aint make no damn sense but it was funny as hell.

Skip Bayless is going to be back on his Team Obliterator nonsense ASAP talking about T.O. has started to self distruct watch.

I cant front though. T.O. is probably dumb mad Witten got all the shine last week and they almost lost to the damn Lions.
i saw this. keyshawn was making perfect sense, but maybe he shouldnt have told TO on nat'l tv. you know TO speaks first and thinks second.
Terrell Owens, unusually quiet this season, but never at a loss for words when the occasion required it, responded forcefully Wednesday to comments made lastweekend by former Dallas Cowboys receiver Keyshawn Johnson, now an analyst on ESPN's "Sunday NFL Countdown."

On the show, Johnson said he believed former Cowboys coach Bill Parcells -- now also an analyst with ESPN -- deserves credit for what the Dallas team lookslike now, with a 12-1 record.


In Dallas, Owens sharply criticized Johnson for defending Parcells, saying, "I challenge him to come down here and take my job. ESPN producers, let himgo."

Asked in the locker room why Johnson would take the position he did Sunday, Owens said: "I'm probably the reason he's in the booth now. He'sgoing to be a hater and throw me under the bus because he has to defend Bill. He won a Super Bowl and all, but you'd have to check the roster to know hewas even on the team.

"We came out in the same year. He was a first-rounder and I was a third. Go compare our stats. He couldn't come down here now and be a third or fourthreceiver on this team. Just compare our stats."

Owens swung between addressing the Cowboys-as-built-by-Parcells theory and responding to Johnson's comments.

"It's not a matter of me giving or not giving Bill credit," Owens said, according to The Dallas Morning News. "Everybody wants to make a bigdeal, that this is the team he built. It doesn't matter. ... My thing is give credit to Wade [Phillips]. The difference between Wade and Parcells is this:tongue:arcells, he didn't use me as a playmaker; Wade, he got the staff, and that's what I'm being used as.

"Plain and simple, without trying to be negative or anything. I'm being used as a playmaker, and as I said, the proof is in the pudding."

And then back to delivering a verbal barrage at Johnson:

"Those guys are probably talking about me, chopping it up, drinking coffee," Owens said. "They can have their little pity party and talk aboutme all day long. It doesn't bother me. There's a lot of people on the ESPN panel and across the country that has observed what has happened this yearversus last year. And there's a lot of people that just don't want to give credit for what Wade has done and what wasn't done last year. That'sit. I'm not trying to be negative."


Parcells DOES deserve the credit for constructing most of this team

And I believe they would've been seeing this success with him this year
Wow...either TO has zero reading/listening comprehension skills...or he's just a damn fool. No reason to attack Key like that. Props for defending yourheadcoach...but you're a moron for personally attacking Keyshawn.
It's simple with TO, wins and stats = a happy TO

If the Cowboys win the Super Bowl, he'll be fine...if not, we're gona see the old TO at somepoint
Keyshawn gave it to that Cowgirl, he told him he'd break down what he said on the elementary level so MAYBE he'll understand this time.
T.O.: "I dare him to come and try to take my position"
sounding like me and my boys during summer football practices and **+%

He's a Hater.
T.O. said that to the media about Keyshawn, who does that?
Yeah, I'm including Garrett

Just saying strictly Parcells vs Phillips

and I'd damn sure take Parcells in the playoffs over Wade...although those results remain to be seen
Oh, Parcells is definitely the better coach I think. But in terms of success this season, I just don't see the Cowboys being 12-1 right now with Bill.
Does anyone remember Michael irvin and Key goin at it two years ago in an ESPN interview? Remember TO and Michael are best friends, so you know TO dont likeKey for that too prolly
Terrell took this WAAAAAAAAAAY outta context. Dude actin like Keyshawn (
) ain't been there and done that...

My man Key had a point. Just shut up. Let your play speak for you. Let everyone else look at the difference between the way you're playing now and the wayyou were playing then, and let them draw their own conclusions...Parcells is a LEGEND in the NFL, leave him be. Just shut up, and move on.
I cant get mad at TO ... I know some people may be critical of what I'm about to say but he is the ULTIMATE competitor ... I remember when I played sports,if my team did good but I didnt, I'd be pissed ... If I did good and we lost, it was easier to swallow ... My senior year I broke my finger and missed agame against a bum squad, my team won easily and I was on the sideline like f this ... didnt even go to the after party that we always had after a win, justwent home and went to sleep ... There's something inside me that just doesnt make me care about anyone but myself ... I remember being on my bball team andif I got benched because I did something the coach didnt want, I would hope in my head that we would lose ... I don't know it was just the way I was, I wasout their for me ... I look at TO and I see exactly how I was ... You dont have to downplay it, TO was HEATED Witten got all the shine on sunday and its notlike he was hiding it ... He is a damn liar saying he only cares about winning because if he was a 6th string receiver on the pats right now watching themprolly go undefeated, hed be pissed ... Like I said before, I dont view the way he feels as a bad thing, just that he is a competitor and only looks out forhim ... Part of the reason I'm not playing sports now is because I either want to start or not play and I can't get into the team spirit thing ... Ithink TO is the same way
Keyshawn ALWAYS taking shots at owens on countdown.. I honestly think there's a bit of jealously there..

N' said T.O. dont like contact... and aint really physical

at T.O. talking bout Key's ability and to look at hisstats..

At the end of the day, Owens has better numbers than key.. is a better athlete than key.. and a better football player.. Shoulda let this one slide T.O... ThisN' cant %!%% with you.. Keyshawn be doing some extra hatin on Owens though
Keyshawn has been on Owens's back this whole damn season. Key is just bitter...
Nobody would even know he won the Super Bowl unless you checked the roster.
"My thing is, we came out the same year. He was a first-rounder, I was a third rounder. I'm still playing, he's not. You compare our stats up until the time he retired, it's a no-brainer. I'd challenge him to come out and try to make this team. He'd be a third or fourth receiver at this point. He can hate all he wants to. Compare the stats, they don't lie.
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