Tailgater gets brake checked and crashes (Lulz?)

I'm moving at 80 mph on the freeway. If you really gonna tailgate me you got something coming your way lol. I've thrown a cereal bowl out the window and hit some dudes car for tailgating me, don't eem care :lol:

Kinda unrelated.. but some **** boi was trying to gas me at a stop light a few months ago. I was game, so were speeding up towards a freeway on ramp (only one lane to merge onto the freeway) I slowed down after hitting ~85-90, he kept going so he could merge in front of me, if I had to guess he was going 100+. Dude's brakes locked up or couldn't slow him down fast enough to make the turn and he ended up hitting the corner of an island and ****** his bumper up. Rolled up next to him to see if he was alive like..


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Nice gamesmanship by the brake checker, but it's risky behavior by both. Road rage is real
Can't stand tailgaters legit makes no sense to drive up someone *** like that. These dudes are even worse when your in local streets looking for parking
People like you who drive nervous and timid should not be on the road.  Another thing, if you're looking for parking - what gives you the right to take your sweet *** time.  Is your time only important or must everyone stop what they're doing and wait for you to find parking first...
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I'm moving at 80 mph on the freeway. If you really gonna tailgate me you got something coming your way lol. I've thrown a cereal bowl out the window and hit some dudes car for tailgating me, don't eem care :lol:

Kinda unrelated.. but some **** boi was trying to gas me at a stop light a few months ago. I was game, so were speeding up towards a freeway on ramp (only one lane to merge onto the freeway) I slowed down after hitting ~85-90, he kept going so he could merge in front of me, if I had to guess he was going 100+. Dude's brakes locked up or couldn't slow him down fast enough to make the turn and he ended up hitting the corner of an island and ****** his bumper up. Rolled up next to him to see if he was alive like..


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl:
People are why I hate driving. This thread is a perfect example :lol:

Both of these people in the video are morons and neither should be allowed to drive anything heavier or faster than a go kart.

It was still funny though.
I always try to keep a safe distance between me and the car in front of me, but these rude *** Texas drivers will pull your card and slide in between like it's nothin :smh:
Houston drivers were the WORST. If there's a freakin foot between you and the car in front of you, they'll stick their nose in there like they've got dirt on you and ready to report you to the feds if you don't let them in.

If someone tailgates me I just switch lanes.
I'm moving at 80 mph on the freeway. If you really gonna tailgate me you got something coming your way lol. I've thrown a cereal bowl out the window and hit some dudes car for tailgating me, don't eem care :lol:

Kinda unrelated.. but some **** boi was trying to gas me at a stop light a few months ago. I was game, so were speeding up towards a freeway on ramp (only one lane to merge onto the freeway) I slowed down after hitting ~85-90, he kept going so he could merge in front of me, if I had to guess he was going 100+. Dude's brakes locked up or couldn't slow him down fast enough to make the turn and he ended up hitting the corner of an island and ****** his bumper up. Rolled up next to him to see if he was alive like..


You eat cereal while driving my g?


Get the hell out of the fast lane!

I'm really angry.

That's master level trolling
People like you who drive nervous and timid should not be on the road.  Another thing, if you're looking for parking - what gives you the right to take your sweet *** time.  Is your time only important or must everyone stop what they're doing and wait for you to find parking first...
I totally agree with this. There are many types of unsafe on the road and alot of people need to relearn or recheck the skills but on a highway or interstate, no need to gate. It aint like your gonna win a trophy or save gas by drafting. Some people legit have no patience.
Can't stand tailgaters legit makes no sense to drive up someone *** like that. These dudes are even worse when your in local streets looking for parking
People like you who drive nervous and timid should not be on the road.  Another thing, if you're looking for parking - what gives you the right to take your sweet *** time.  Is your time only important or must everyone stop what they're doing and wait for you to find parking first...
so you would prefer I drive fast when looking for parking and brake hard when I find a spot? And how does anything I typed mean I drive nervous or timid?
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i handle car accidents for a living......
fast lane or slow lane, DRIVE SAFE
if u want to speed SLOW DOWN!


dont tailgate. it aint worth risking a life cuz somebody aint driving to your specification. what if the car in front sees a police car lurking ahead and wants to slow down. or what if a car right ahead wrecks and the car u r tailgaiting needs to slow down ?

Damn Sage Steele looking good right now on ABC :smh:
Can't stand tailgaters legit makes no sense to drive up someone *** like that. These dudes are even worse when your in local streets looking for parking
People like you who drive nervous and timid should not be on the road.  Another thing, if you're looking for parking - what gives you the right to take your sweet *** time.  Is your time only important or must everyone stop what they're doing and wait for you to find parking first...
so you would prefer I drive fast when looking for parking and brake hard when I find a spot? And how does anything I typed mean I drive nervous or timid?
dude is obviously mentally impaired I don't know why you even responded to him
Please drive responsibly. When I was 21 I was dui & killed two kids ages 7 & 9 on Halloween. I always drive with my lights on now when drinking.
the front car wasn't even driving slow. he/she was driving at a faster speed than the cars on the right. people defending the tailgater |I

But he/she wasn't driving faster than the tailgater.

I will break check any tailgater. I will always drive a good speed. But I'm not going 90mph for you because your tailgating me.

That's good. You shouldn't have to drive 90 mph to accommodate my driving. You should just switch lanes to the right for 10 seconds, and then switch back into the fast lane.

I'm not going to stop tailgating but I drive a performance car with traction control that can stop on a dime. Also my reaction time is good enough to match speed regardless. and lastly there's plenty of space.. go around the other driver. this guy was amateur deserved it.

 Dumb ***

the front car wasn't even driving slow. he/she was driving at a faster speed than the cars on the right. people defending the tailgater |I

:lol:  these kind of threads always show peoples true colors and I love it.

Anyone defending the tailgater is a spoiled piece of ****.

"Get out of my way, where I'm headed is more important then your life and mine."

No, my life is not more important than yours which is why you should do the safe thing and move aside for 5 seconds, maybe 10 and allow me to pass you so I can get out of your hair.
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I blame the brake checker.

You don't know why the other cat was going so fast. Could be rushing a loved one to the hospital, someone could be dying, etc. Why not just go to the other lane for 2 secs and let the fast driver go past?
I don't understand why people can't get this in their heads. It was a bad time for the break checker to switch lanes because traffic is merging into the right lane.

Tailgater should have slowed down and be a little more patient. Getting into a wreck is not worth a few seconds of your time.
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