Tailgater gets brake checked and crashes (Lulz?)

We aint got no damb autobahn in the US

Tailgaters faul

If anytimg drive your "experienced" self around my car
Flash headlights?

Don't do that man

My cousin's sister-in-law knew a guy who flashed his lights and a bunch of gang members killed him as an initiation

Crazy. On my way to work early am a couple months back, I thought I spotted my coworkers car. Somewhat unique. But not entirely. I thought it'd be fun to flash my high beams for half a second on him to sorta say "what's up". Turns out, it wasn't my co worker. Dude slowed from highway 70mph speeds to 30. I waved and mouthed 'my bad' and got off next exit. Scary.

People take driving serious or shall I say personal.

I could've accidentally flicked the high beam switch, been in emergenecy, or he assume I was a cop or someone in trouble. I just don't know. I know I won't be that reckless on the road again. Even using my horn, I won't ever do.

No one ever wants to take a 'small loss' in the name of safety.
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I blame the brake checker.

You don't know why the other cat was going so fast. Could be rushing a loved one to the hospital, someone could be dying, etc. Why not just go to the other lane for 2 secs and let the fast driver go past?

I will break check any tailgater. I will always drive a good speed. But I'm not going 90mph for you because your tailgating me.

OK well drive a good speed in the slow lane grandma

Good on that break checker. Had awareness enough to see a car coming down the on ramp. No where to go anyway. I had a guy do that to me in a huge duallie pickup. Some of those people think they are kings in a truck or something. If not for my family in the car, he would end up the same. And i dont drive the sign, i drive flow of traffic. Eiter way i got close enough to snap a pic of the plate and call em in for reckless.
View media item 1949348

Did they laugh at you when you called it in?
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I don't understand why people can't get this in their heads. It was a bad time for the break checker to switch lanes because traffic is merging into the right lane.
Bad time?  There was only ONE SUV that merged
.  All he had to do was put on his turn signal and either let that ONE SUV pass him up or slow down to let him in.  Instead, he wanted to give the tailgater his comeuppance, which very well could've came at the cost of other drivers' lives
whether the driver in front is driving slow or not tailgating is not safe and one of the first things instructors tell you not to do

if the tailgater was a safe distance away the pressing of the brakes wouldn't be an issue

i just recently moved to an area where damn near everyone drives the speed limit and I can't drive around tailgating people, I just have to adjust to a more laid back drive

it's weird cause I never seen this in my life where most people respect the speed limit but it's my new reality

I bet that person won't be tailgating for a while now tho lol
i don't brake check but if the guy is getting super close, i'll let my foot off the gas until they go around. if my family is in the car with me, i move out of the way.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So foul. Once they came on screen I was like damn dude is driving really close to dude in the fast lane and then he gets break checked.

I need to see that in a high speed car chase for a movie. Criminals break check the cops and they all just crash :lol:
i don't brake check but if the guy is getting super close, i'll let my foot off the gas until they go around. if my family is in the car with me, i move out of the way.


If I catch dude in my rear view mirror speeding and swerving. And he decides to tail gate me, best believe I'm turning on my cruise control and going 5 below speed limit.

But like you said, if I have someone with me. I'll just switch over!
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Off subject where's the video of the car that rear ended another car at a stop light...

Mothers hops out to deliver some fades..

Meanwhile lil homie comes out the car trying to win an Oscar :lol:
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brake checking is like self defense

you can't be mad for how someone reacts to you being in their personal space

I've never done it but some people also hit the brakes outta shear fear
Driving is never that serious. The guy that brake checked was going fast enough that where if he got over he would have to slow down to let the other guy pass him. He wasn't going excessively slow. If dude wants to drive 90-100 mph then learn to bob and weave better. But :lol: at the SUV that does the brake check...and then gets over anyway :lol:

That being said i never brake check. If you are tailgating me in the fast lane i will usually get over or maintain speed so the guy can go around me. I commute a lot and the amount of ridiculousness i see on the roads can't even be explained. People need to understand that the most time you are really going to make up by speeding if you are going a normal distance is 5-10 mins. What do you really need to do with 5-10 mins that risking your life or car is worth it?
Bad time?  There was only ONE SUV that merged :lol: .  All he had to do was put on his turn signal and either let that ONE SUV pass him up or slow down to let him in.  Instead, he wanted to give the tailgater his comeuppance, which very well could've came at the cost of other drivers' lives :smh: .

The clown tailgating is the one risking everyone's life. He is the one taking the risk and assuming everything is fine with the car in front. What if the brake checkers tire blew out or his car just stalled at that point?

All the tailgater needed was a little patience and he wouldn't need to be brake checked and he wouldn't have wiped out.

I like going fast too and it pisses me off when a someone is driving like a grandma in the fast lane but I'm not going to ride their *** to save a few seconds. I will just go around them when I have the chance.
I blame the brake checker.

You don't know why the other cat was going so fast. Could be rushing a loved one to the hospital, someone could be dying, etc. Why not just go to the other lane for 2 secs and let the fast driver go past?

Yeahhhhhhhh doubt that one buddy.

Sometimes people need to get hurt to learn things, I'm not even mad this happened.

Tailgating is very disrespectful.

I hate when people do it when it's unnecessary. People will do it when you're behind someone like you can do anything about the person in front of going slow.

Also if any of you have ever been in a car accident, it makes you a lot more aware of people following too closely. I've had two cars totaled from people running in the back of me.
Tailgater being right or wrong, a sudden braking at high speeds with a car following closely behind you isn't a good idea. Think bigger than the immediate situation and your egos. Just get the **** outta the way, which he was free to do since he was clear of the merging, but chose braking instead. Same token, tailgater could've chilled too until they were clear of the merging area. I can't stand most of you, driving anticipation range with one car. See further ahead, see further behind.
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Do state police in your states cruise along the freeway at 90+ mph and tailgate you until you move over?

That always irks me
The clown tailgating is the one risking everyone's life. He is the one taking the risk and assuming everything is fine with the car in front.

See Mark's post...

Tailgater being right or wrong, a sudden braking at high speeds with a car following closely behind you isn't a good idea. Think bigger than the immediate situation and your egos. Just get the **** outta the way, which he was free to do since he was clear of the merging, but chose braking instead. Same token, tailgater could've chilled too until they were clear of the merging area. I can't stand most of you, driving anticipation range with one car. See further ahead, see further behind.
See Mark's post...

The thing is tho, tailgating is never right. Regardless of what the driver is doing in front of you. This is taught in drivers ed for a reason. You never know what can happen to the car in front of you which is why they tell you to give space.

On that note, it's really strange how different our driving and walking behaviors are. We get pissed when someone is walking slow on the sidewalk but we don't ride their *** until they move so why do it driving? :lol:
Tailgaters are annoying as hell, but the brakechecker is a jackass. That is so dangerous and wreckless to every car around them. Very easily could have seriously injured or killed multiple people.
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Tailgaters are annoying as hell, but the brakechecker is a jackass. That is so dangerous and wreckless to every car around them. Very easily could have seriously injured or killed multiple people.

So tailgaiting isn't reckless?

If you followed the rules of the road you should be able to avoid someone who brakes, just like you would if they got a flat or car decelerated.
Tailgaters are annoying as hell, but the brakechecker is a jackass. That is so dangerous and wreckless to every car around them. Very easily could have seriously injured or killed multiple people.
So tailgaiting isn't reckless?

If you followed the rules of the road you should be able to avoid someone who brakes, just like you would if they got a flat or car decelerated.
I didn't say it wasn't.

Brakechecking definitely is, more so in my opinion. Brakechecking at that speed is almost a surefire way to endanger people's lives. If you want to get back at the tail gater for your own ego, just slow down and annoy him that way. Don't risk people's lives. He had a car to his right when he got brakechecked, he could have easily veered right and ended up in a collision with that car.
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Got a bit of a story for y'all on the subject...

My girl had just accepted a job at Oracle so I took her out to eat at Capital Grill to celebrate, if you will. We have a great dinner, dressed to the nines, etc, and we're about to head downtown to hit the bars and keep the night going. 

I'm pulling out of the parking lot taking a right on a red, to get on the main street after dinner. There's hella space and I didn't interrupt anyone progress or any of that… but this MF'er creeps all up on my *** and flicks his brights. I don't play that **** and for a brief moment forgot my girl was in the car. I break check the S*** outta their ***. Damn near stopped going about 35 or whatever… (oops, didn't mean to go that hard). 

My girl is PISSED, and so is the car behind me. We're approaching the light and there's two left turn lanes. I'm in the right left turn lane, roll down my window to talk some **** or whatever and let them pull up to my left. 

Turns out it's a couple 40 year old dudes drinking beers and they are UPSET. "Aye mother ****** you wanna die tonight, stupid *** white boy!" I still have my window down and I'm just stone face mean mugging them, without a care in the world, once again basically forgetting I'm with my lady. My girl is frantic talking about I need to floor it and bounce. Haha then this mf'er snaps his open beer at my ride and a bunch of ******** beer spays all over me and my girl. I proceeded to take my L and get cursed out the whole way home… I actually felt really bad putting her in that position as it could have gone very differently, but at the same time was mad I had to just eat the L. 

Needless to say I didn't get any play after spending bank at Capital Grill 
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