TAR - Thread About Relationships vol. Calling TAY Graduates

Good to see most replies calling her out for finding comfort in being single by projecting misery on couples. Just focus on you and what you need to do to obtain happiness.
I wouldn’t call that “projecting misery onto couples.”

It’s not like she’s talking about all couples, and the points she made are true. I know a lot of people in long-term relationships that are truly miserable but consider themselves to be in too deep at this point and won’t break it off.

Always hated artificial timelines and societal expectations, stuff like this falls into that nonsense.
She’s not projecting her message to couples though, it’s towards single women like herself.
Shorty is miserable in her late 30s, shorty needs to mind her business about what other couple’s are doing and go find herself a man who can put up with her nonsense .
This is copium. "Dont be sad you're alone on the holidays, other people who are coupled up might be cheating on each other"
Then turned around and said you’ll find a partner eventually. Like what? :lol:

Just calling out the hypocrisy and toxic “advice.” If you are single and feeling lonely then spend your time with family and friends, not scrolling through IG making baseless narratives on couples wearing their Santa hats. But as the saying goes, misery loves company.
I see nothing wrong saying stay single through the holidays and not having obligations like that to brand new people. I think the folks who got defensive might need to look inward, if your **** is fire this should be irrelevant to you.
Yeah I’m scratching my head at the way a lot of people here are responding to the video in question.

I’ve been in a relationship for over 3 years now, but everything she said was essentially true. I also didn’t take any of it to heart because my relationship is going well.

I didn’t see any coping, gaslighting, or anything like that.
Yeah I’m scratching my head at the way a lot of people here are responding to the video in question.

I’ve been in a relationship for over 3 years now, but everything she said was essentially true. I also didn’t take any of it to heart because my relationship is going well.

I didn’t see any coping, gaslighting, or anything like that.

Welp thats the value of discussions. People see things differently. If she wanted to give some advice to single people on the holidays, why bring coupled up people into it and say "these are the bad things they could be doing"?
I can see what she was trying for her target audience, to uplift their spirits. Downplaying another group to do that wouldn't be my choice but doesn't seem like a huge deal as bad couples do exist. Interesting that's the part that some the commenters gravitated towards though. Like "how could she? we're great over here!" Like fam who is she? Why you need to explain anything to her? :lol:
Holiday depression is real.

People cope with it in all kinds of ways.

Hopefully folks don't take her too seriously. She's obviously hurting.

Like being broke and claiming money cant buy happiness. :lol:
alone on the holidays is depressing. the fuh she talking bout
If you don't have a family? Sure. I'd rather be single during the holidays than in an unhappy relationship though.

A lot of couples really do stay together out of complacency or other terrible reasons. I saw it firsthand this year with my girlfriend's best friend and her fiance. Both absolutely miserable but refused to hang it up until they realized there was no way they could fix the damage. The only reasons they stayed together was because they'd been together for a long time and both were afraid to be alone. This went on for over a year while they tried to keep up an outward appearance of a happy relationship.

I still think the points she made were right and that people are reading way too far into it. She wasn't talking about all couples, and I think that was pretty clear.
I’m only criticizing her proposed solution of finding happiness in other’s misery. No one is disputing the fact there are unhappy and unfaithful couples out there putting up a front. But why encourage single people feeling lonely and seeking companionship to dwell on that?

I just don’t think the whole “it could be worse” approach is a healthy way to address loneliness. Embrace whatever relationships you do have or start working on finding comfort with yourself. Positive outcomes start with positive thoughts.
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