Tariq Nasheed's Response To, "Why So Many Black Women Are Single"

Taken from my comment on her blog

"I dont find it strange that these "independent" women have a hard time finding a mate. EVERY woman I know or have dated who's claimed thatstatus either cant find a man, has a man and is unhappy or get stepped out on. Always one of the three. I recently had a girl Im dating pull that on me andthen she broke down and said that it's all a front. We've had a better dynamic since then. I can respect an independent woman who's hustling andworking. I can't respect the mindset. It's counterproductive to a relationship or developing one."
"Successful" is what needs to be thrown out of the conversation before any debate goes on.

They single cause of who they are..NOT BECAUSE THEY'RE "SUCCESSFUL"
I agree with Tariq esp on the not being able to find "educated white women" on google. I have never heard of a white woman having to say she iseducated.. We seem to wear education like a badge of honor when it should be a given...
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Some girl got mad at this...here's here response...sorry i cant make it a link

"Every comment that he made was overly negative and filled with contempt and animosity towards black women. The "Nightline" piece had nothing to do with black male-bashing and white male-praising, so I don't understand why he felt the need to spend over 30 minutes calling us "%!%@$*!" and discussing how successful black women constantly put black men "under the bus.""

I stopped right there.

If she would have actually watched the special, she would have noticed that they emphasized black women getting into interracial relationships. And it wasn't the successful thing he was saying is a diss, it was the education.

i almost want to get an account just to say "get back to the kitchen."

I agree with her. I fail to see the "truth" and/or "appeal" of this man. Why are y'all so mesmerized with what he says when all he does is generalize, ridicule, and objectify black women. IMO, dude does more to harm the "black male-female complex" than he does to help it. He goes out of his way to demonize black women and it would seem as though y'all love that...

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Edit:[/color]

"A lot of these women have decent jobs but they're not successful"--really, is that what it has come down to. Question--what exactly is the SUPREME definition of "successful", judging by "normal-peoples-terms" (

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Edit #2:[/color]

[scoffing] "This woman is a HS counselor, how much money does that pay"[scoffing]

So let me get this straight. This Tariq dude is ridiculing this particular woman because she is a HS counselor, which somehow means that she makes no money, which is proof to him that she is NOT successful. Now what I'm wondering is, why it is OK for him to judge based on "money" and "success" when he is "attacking" these women for exercising that very same judgmental and scrutinizing tendency.

Also, note that he cut of the part about the woman working towards her DOCTORAL in psychology. Interesting huh. I'd like to see his educational resume.


Well I have listened to all of his shows and I have never heard him bash Women...lackluster females that complain but never look in the mirror,yes.If anythingmost of the shows are related to (Black)Men and (Black)Women avoiding bad choices and improving oneself.And I don't know how being honest and truthfulequals bashing (Black) Women.I would think (Black) Women would want to hear the truth,but I guess running to ABC or any other network and complaining isbetter...

Maury: "Laquesha we are going to find the father of your child(ren),you didn't do anything wrong."(After the 10th paternity test)

Steve Harvey: "Girl,you are beautiful,successful,educated...it is nothing wrong with you" (Personality/Mentality anyone?)

As far as being "successful" he is talking about the women who get the degrees,career,etc and turn into the Queen of England.What they fail torealize what they are doing is what they are supposed to be doing.It is almost like when I hear a guy say "I gotta babysit my kids" or a female say"I pay my own bills",I mean that should be a given,right?

I suggest you go back and listen to all his podcast,I think you are listening from a "Oprah/Women can't do no wrong/victim perspective".
I don't always agree with what this dude says but a lot of times he says some real stuff
Antigen, you're gonna turn heel dissing the NT homie like that. I didn't even know who dude was until I stumbled across him on ustream last night andfirst recognized him as, "that's that dude from MTV Made," then saw what his name was and realized that's him. I just know dudes reply inevery topic, "Tariq did a podcast on that. Check it out on iTunes." Plus nt just likes bashing women and especially black women.
Maybe y'all take this as bashing because you haven't heard much of dudes other work but like someone else said earlier, he's always talking aboutBlack Men and Women bettering themselves. He's not a Black Woman basher at all. He shoots from the hip and whoever deserves the shots get hit, male orfemale.

Programs like "Why So Many Black Women Are Single"are exactly like he explained it, tools of division and subversive propaganda piece.Why are so many Black Women (allegedly) looking for Black Men unmarried ...why not ask some Black Men?

This ain't about dialogue its about entertaining and pandering to certain demographics.

So many of these "successful" Black Women do have this chip on their shoulder and put up all types of walls, qualifiers and prerequisites withoutgiving good brothers a chance. Then they huddle around their equally bitter friends on girls night out. wondering why they can't find a good man.

This doens't apply to all Black Women off course just the ones who clutch that "successful" Prefix to their chest like their lives depended onit...when like he said, they are just doing what everyone should be doing...getting an education and making a decent life for themselves. Many"educated" Black Women somehow feel like that puts them on a pedestal and no equally or more "successful" Man with self respect is going todeal with that.

Too many off our sisters are picking up these Destiny's Child mantras and looking for a "solider" then crying when they get smacked up or walkingaround declaring themselves "Independent Women", then getting depressed when they can't find a man.

How about you drop the "successful" and "independent" before your name and just be a good woman looking for love? Maybe throw a smile backat the clean cut dude smiling at you in the '04 Camry, instead of turning your nose in the air, looking over to your girl and whispering "can youbelieve this clown?!"...Give the regular brotha a shot, take the walls down, tone down the diva and accept your brothas that are eager to acceptyou...those same women would see how much more luck they would have in their romantic lives.

I love my sistas and I know that there are so many great Black Women all over the country (s_ right here on NT) but those that get caught up in the"educated and successful" gaffle, waiting for Matt Damon or Grant Hill to sweep them off their feet, shower them with gifts and take all of theirBS...well, they need a strong dose of reality and Tariq just gave it to them.
LOL @ his tone: "Then they show a bunch of brothers in prison outfits." UPDATE: Real talk if you Google "Educated White women" itdoesn't exist. What comes up is "Why White women date black men, etc."
Nah tariq don't bash women but he'll definetly go in a chick who don't have their stuff together.But I wonder how they aren't finding a blackman to marry but when women of different nationalites are marrying the same men that they rejected but its the man's fault that he didn't fit thedescripton that she wants. If you weren't so choosey, you would have a man by now.
I agree with some of the stuff he was saying, but once he started to spin the argument towards white folks I had to stop listening, I wish he was just stay ontopic...

EDIT: he just said "go to stormfront.org and see what these white folks think of you"
that website does not speak for white people......dude is overtly racists, but he is also very entertaining....
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Some girl got mad at this...here's here response...sorry i cant make it a link

"Every comment that he made was overly negative and filled with contempt and animosity towards black women. The "Nightline" piece had nothing to do with black male-bashing and white male-praising, so I don't understand why he felt the need to spend over 30 minutes calling us "%!%@$*!" and discussing how successful black women constantly put black men "under the bus.""

I stopped right there.

If she would have actually watched the special, she would have noticed that they emphasized black women getting into interracial relationships. And it wasn't the successful thing he was saying is a diss, it was the education.

i almost want to get an account just to say "get back to the kitchen."

I agree with her. I fail to see the "truth" and/or "appeal" of this man. Why are y'all so mesmerized with what he says when all he does is generalize, ridicule, and objectify black women. IMO, dude does more to harm the "black male-female complex" than he does to help it. He goes out of his way to demonize black women and it would seem as though y'all love that...

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Edit:[/color]

"A lot of these women have decent jobs but they're not successful"--really, is that what it has come down to. Question--what exactly is the SUPREME definition of "successful", judging by "normal-peoples-terms" (

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Edit #2:[/color]

[scoffing] "This woman is a HS counselor, how much money does that pay"[scoffing]

So let me get this straight. This Tariq dude is ridiculing this particular woman because she is a HS counselor, which somehow means that she makes no money, which is proof to him that she is NOT successful. Now what I'm wondering is, why it is OK for him to judge based on "money" and "success" when he is "attacking" these women for exercising that very same judgmental and scrutinizing tendency.

Also, note that he cut of the part about the woman working towards her DOCTORAL in psychology. Interesting huh. I'd like to see his educational resume.

I see where you're coming from. I even agree with some of what you said.

He did say that they weren't successful in some capacity, but he was only holding them at the same level as black women hold black men. For example; halfof those women who appeared on the program wouldn't consider a dude making 35k/year successful. Yeah, he has a decent paying job and maybe he evenhas a nice car, but these women consider men successful when they can quit their jobs and live off of him and be a stay at home mother.

In my personal experience, women like that plan to have children. And rather than working while doing that, they expect the man to have enoughmoney to support her taking a year or two from work to raise their baby. There are plenty of successful black men with average jobs, but because they come adime a dozen, black women don't want him. They want the dude with the S class and a loft, not the guy just starting to make their way into the corporateworld.

He even said towards the end of the podcast that he was holding black women at the same standard they hold us. The entire point of his podcast was to judgethem based on that "money" and "success" theme so that maybe they'd see it from a black man's perspective.

on a side note, yeah, that woman was working for her doctoral, but none of the other women were. They had run of the mill jobs, but were expecting dudes thatare ridiculously balling to look at them. If they aren't willing to look at average joes, why should CEOs/etc be willing to look at them?
Originally Posted by kix4kix

The "Bg's" though? Really? Me and my boys don't call ourselves the "BB's"

Those women obviously don't act properly towards the men they want...they also look old as tariq said. payroll specialist & a high school counselor ?Seems like common professions to me...but the other two women didn't have common professions... w/ that said there was so much wrong in this interviewwhich was intentional to further the divide...I had initially read an article that came out right b4 this "news special" aired...

Too many off our sisters are picking up these Destiny's Child mantras and looking for a "solider" then crying when they get smacked up or walking around declaring themselves "Independent Women", then getting depressed when they can't find a man.

How about you drop the "successful" and "independent" before your name and just be a good woman looking for love? Maybe throw a smile back at the clean cut dude smiling at you in the '04 Camry, instead of turning your nose in the air, looking over to your girl and whispering "can you believe this clown?!"...Give the regular brotha a shot, take the walls down, tone down the diva and accept your brothas that are eager to accept you...those same women would see how much more luck they would have in their romantic lives.

I love my sistas and I know that there are so many great Black Women all over the country (s_ right here on NT) but those that get caught up in the "educated and successful" gaffle, waiting for Matt Damon or Grant Hill to sweep them off their feet, shower them with gifts and take all of their BS...well, they need a strong dose of reality and Tariq just gave it to them.

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Maybe y'all take this as bashing because you haven't heard much of dudes other work but like someone else said earlier, he's always talking about Black Men and Women bettering themselves. He's not a Black Woman basher at all. He shoots from the hip and whoever deserves the shots get hit, male or female.

Programs like "Why So Many Black Women Are Single"are exactly like he explained it, tools of division and subversive propaganda piece. Why are so many Black Women (allegedly) looking for Black Men unmarried ...why not ask some Black Men?

This ain't about dialogue its about entertaining and pandering to certain demographics.

So many of these "successful" Black Women do have this chip on their shoulder and put up all types of walls, qualifiers and prerequisites without giving good brothers a chance. Then they huddle around their equally bitter friends on girls night out. wondering why they can't find a good man.

This doens't apply to all Black Women off course just the ones who clutch that "successful" Prefix to their chest like their lives depended on it...when like he said, they are just doing what everyone should be doing...getting an education and making a decent life for themselves. Many "educated" Black Women somehow feel like that puts them on a pedestal and no equally or more "successful" Man with self respect is going to deal with that.

Too many off our sisters are picking up these Destiny's Child mantras and looking for a "solider" then crying when they get smacked up or walking around declaring themselves "Independent Women", then getting depressed when they can't find a man.

How about you drop the "successful" and "independent" before your name and just be a good woman looking for love? Maybe throw a smile back at the clean cut dude smiling at you in the '04 Camry, instead of turning your nose in the air, looking over to your girl and whispering "can you believe this clown?!"...Give the regular brotha a shot, take the walls down, tone down the diva and accept your brothas that are eager to accept you...those same women would see how much more luck they would have in their romantic lives.

I love my sistas and I know that there are so many great Black Women all over the country (s_ right here on NT) but those that get caught up in the "educated and successful" gaffle, waiting for Matt Damon or Grant Hill to sweep them off their feet, shower them with gifts and take all of their BS...well, they need a strong dose of reality and Tariq just gave it to them.

And foreal, I have been noticing Tariq does go extra hard on black women at times, so I went in listening to this show expecting it to be borderline bashingthese chicks, but what he said there was 100% truth. I can't argue with not a word he said on there.

And I'm mad I didn't catch "high school counselor" and "payroll specialist" the first time I watched that
. These are some regular chicks, they need to take their noses out of the air,get with some regular dudes and be happy. That whole idea of "educated black woman" being a sneak diss by white folks, and education being a givenis the got damn TRUTH. The black community as a whole needs to stop acting like that *$!# is a big deal, everybody gets one nowadays. You can't get abachelors in psychology/criminal justice and all of a sudden think you're cliff/claire huxtable, it's not that serious. Who you are aside from thedegree is what matters the most anyway.
{Only Built 4 Cuban Linx} Everybody's talkingbout the good ole days... {Only Built 4 Cuban Linx}

How times have changed...

Spoiler [+]

That is a two way street Haze. You see that affection the black men are showing in the first video? How the men aren't looking all around at other womenfor another "pick up" like Neyo is in the second video?

Tariq glories that kind of man.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

He really doesn't like white people

What he said was true though.

The White media does do some downright disrespectful and demeaning stuff.

They would never approach problems in the white community in that way...they wouldn't even focus on a national problem faced by White Americans period.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV
take a bow young man

also, episode was cool, but dude was OD angry.
he said $ doesn't create success, cool.
then at one point it seemed as if he was insinuating that any kind of academic success was a form of giving up to the white man and disloyal to the black men
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Too many off our sisters are picking up these Destiny's Child mantras and looking for a "solider" then crying when they get smacked up or walking around declaring themselves "Independent Women", then getting depressed when they can't find a man.

How about you drop the "successful" and "independent" before your name and just be a good woman looking for love? Maybe throw a smile back at the clean cut dude smiling at you in the '04 Camry, instead of turning your nose in the air, looking over to your girl and whispering "can you believe this clown?!"...Give the regular brotha a shot, take the walls down, tone down the diva and accept your brothas that are eager to accept you...those same women would see how much more luck they would have in their romantic lives.

I love my sistas and I know that there are so many great Black Women all over the country (s_ right here on NT) but those that get caught up in the "educated and successful" gaffle, waiting for Matt Damon or Grant Hill to sweep them off their feet, shower them with gifts and take all of their BS...well, they need a strong dose of reality and Tariq just gave it to them.

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