TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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As far as 30136322445565 baller yea you playing yourself fam. You being lenient & getting disrespected for what? No shots but it sounds like she got you open & that's only gonna lead to you getting hurt in the future. Drop her fam
I feel my best friends dates all the types of guys here in NT today I just sit back and say I don't even care.

Son in the gucci skully would probably have a chick with hella low self esteem and daddy issues and she would probably respond to him as if he were a father figure.

Again, any chick i date legit wouldn't even act like that around celebs.
Like Zenk said earlier, it all stems from earlier on in the relationship, dudes just letting things go because they don't want to ruffle feathers. But then later on, he calls the girl out on something and she doesn't understand how she is doing anything "wrong."

If something isn't cool with me, I am going to speak up. Forget the, "I want to say something but I don't want to PRETEND it doesn't bother me (IE: Not look like a b*tch)" approach. Set boundaries in your relationship.

But yea, she just WALKED UP to them man. If dude wasn't there, no telling the type of damage that would have been done
The fact that you're making all these back to back individual posts and trying to justify it(your girls behavior) to yourself as well as everyone leads me to believe this is your first girlfriend and she's experienced with dealing with suckers like you. You might just end up hurting yourself if she breaks up with you. I hope you love your mother as much as you love this girl. Cause you sound like the type to put any ole broad in a mansion while your moms is still sleeping in the hood in some box.
All of this. And you post in here talking about her (we already warned you about complaining about this girl and taking no action), we try to tell you what's going on, and you justify her bullish and say we're being extreme with it. Come on son. :smh:
yea man, again its not evne the fact she has a male best friend. (and i say this because i have 2 or 3 female best friends my self )

but it's just the fact you don't joke like that. especially openly. My only problem is why did she tell you......and i think it's like some others have said. she WANTS you to step up and say something.
Some women just play games like that. (it may n ot be a game) but they want to know that you'll step up if it ever comes up in another way with a nother man. it shows that youw ant them and youll fight for what you want. the fact that this is an established best friend is def a trial run in my eyes.
and the fact he's a "virgin :rolleyes" The dude is legit in love with her. He will always be the man in waiting (from the info you gave me) and honestly i don't respect the best friend for that but as others have said you need to dead that. I'm glad you want to talk to him at least man to man, but that needs to be something you do now. f 2 weeks from now. and I'd make it apparent to her that he needs to not say things like that to you while you're in a relationship (whether it's new or not )
All of this. And you post in here talking about her (we already warned you about complaining about this girl and taking no action), we try to tell you what's going on, and you justify her bullish and say we're being extreme with it. Come on son. :smh:

I checked her multiple times but I feel it
yea man, again its not evne the fact she has a male best friend. (and i say this because i have 2 or 3 female best friends my self )

but it's just the fact you don't joke like that. especially openly. My only problem is why did she tell you......and i think it's like some others have said. she WANTS you to step up and say something.
Some women just play games like that. (it may n ot be a game) but they want to know that you'll step up if it ever comes up in another way with a nother man. it shows that youw ant them and youll fight for what you want. the fact that this is an established best friend is def a trial run in my eyes.
and the fact he's a "virgin :rolleyes" The dude is legit in love with her. He will always be the man in waiting (from the info you gave me) and honestly i don't respect the best friend for that but as others have said you need to dead that. I'm glad you want to talk to him at least man to man, but that needs to be something you do now. f 2 weeks from now. and I'd make it apparent to her that he needs to not say things like that to you while you're in a relationship (whether it's new or not )

yea man, again its not evne the fact she has a male best friend. (and i say this because i have 2 or 3 female best friends my self )

but it's just the fact you don't joke like that. especially openly. My only problem is why did she tell you......and i think it's like some others have said. she WANTS you to step up and say something.
Some women just play games like that. (it may n ot be a game) but they want to know that you'll step up if it ever comes up in another way with a nother man. it shows that youw ant them and youll fight for what you want. the fact that this is an established best friend is def a trial run in my eyes.
and the fact he's a "virgin :rolleyes" The dude is legit in love with her. He will always be the man in waiting (from the info you gave me) and honestly i don't respect the best friend for that but as others have said you need to dead that. I'm glad you want to talk to him at least man to man, but that needs to be something you do now. f 2 weeks from now. and I'd make it apparent to her that he needs to not say things like that to you while you're in a relationship (whether it's new or not )

I said something about to her as well. But I respect it . I checked her on it
So full disclosure of a sucker moment. Ex and I were out with her friends and my friends celebrating her birthday, having a great time and she's super thankful because she's having fun. We're out a lounge later and she's a bit tipsy, and runs into an old friend from college. They pull to the side grab a couple seats and have a face to face conversation, her knees in between his, she's touching his leg and they're just laughing it up reminiscing. I come back from the bathroom with this furious look on my face when I see this, and I could see the awkward, uneasy look on her friends and my friends faces. Like you couldn't tell she was with me in that moment. When she stopped talking she came back over to me all happy and huggy but I couldn't keep my cool for much longer so I just cut it short and we all left. Like it was her birthday yknow? didn't want to start an argument with her and ruin it. She still had no idea what was wrong until her girls had a chat with her later. She of course apologized profusely after that, but my thought was why would that looking bad even have to be explain? Of course my nose was wide open so we made up despite other red flags and the rollercoaster ride to that point. After we made up my boy pulled me to side, straight up, looked me in my eyes and said "you deserve better". Hissed my teeth and continued down that spiral. Hindsight is 20/20.

I say all that to say we're giving to you straight 2343243245345345435645645 because, we been through it, we were you. But we know you gon do what you want to anyways.
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Let's have a NT mini summit at a happy hour in two weeks.

This will give people enough time to get their stuff straight and to come out for a drink.
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