TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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Put down a deposit on the new apartment with my girl yesterday. Hopefully closing on it after work today.
Best of luck to you both.

In other words, I just got Tinder again, and I'm out here trying to flourish 
what the **** a girl gonna do, rape you? 

if you're a faithful person, it shouldn't matter how much temptation is in front of you

isn't that the entire meaning of trust? 
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girl and I had our weekly debate about
Half Truths vs Half Lies .

I told her men just tell you what you ask. and there is nothing wrong with that.
she says they are lies because you're withholding information.

I told her you can't lie about something you're not asked.
Put down a deposit on the new apartment with my girl yesterday. Hopefully closing on it after work today.
Best of luck to you both.

In other words, I just got Tinder again, and I'm out here trying to flourish :wink:


How is tinder looking these days? Used to kill it on there but I had no luck the third time I installed the app so I tried OKC (where I met my current). I feel like people are off tinder now but it's never a bad idea in the summer.
girl and I had our weekly debate about
Half Truths vs Half Lies .

I told her men just tell you what you ask. and there is nothing wrong with that.
she says they are lies because you're withholding information.

I told her you can't lie about something you're not asked.
Start telling her you don't miss her or whatever triva questions she wants to hear a yes to.

My girl be on the same stuff about not lying and always being truth in the relationship. But when I say I don't miss her or I don't want her to come over she is all in her feelings. Talking about you can be nice for once or just lie to make me so I can feel warm. :\
My other boyfriends would tell me they miss me. So you cool with your exes lying to you cause homies wasn't missing you 24/7

Dudes be out here training these girls and have me out here looking like the bad guy.
Start telling her you don't miss her or whatever triva questions she wants to hear a yes to.

My girl be on the same stuff about not lying and always being truth in the relationship. But when I say I don't miss her or I don't want her to come over she is all in her feelings. Talking about you can be nice for once or just lie to make me so I can feel warm. :\
My other boyfriends would tell me they miss me. So you cool with your exes lying to you cause homies wasn't missing you 24/7

Dudes be out here training these girls and have me out here looking like the bad guy.
More like breaking them bad.
I tell her that mess every dang time. I'm like so you want me to be truthful, but you want me to spare your feelings and say it delicately. delicate to me is lying. because then im holding back my true feelings.
Right dude. I don't understand it for real. This is my first time encounter something like this in a relationship.

Also you was right dude about giving your girl a key to the crib. She just shows up now no word of hey I'm about to pass thru after I leave here. Just locks being turned, door opens, and I'm in the room in my boxers playing video games.

That being comfortable in the relationship!
Ehh..I feel like anybody can be brutally honest. It takes some type of game and finesse or at least tact to say what you mean and have the other person respect you for doing it with charm.

If you can call your girl fat and ugly and her weave busted and have her laugh about it, you're really something
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Put down a deposit on the new apartment with my girl yesterday. Hopefully closing on it after work today.
Best of luck to you both.

In other words, I just got Tinder again, and I'm out here trying to flourish :wink:


How is tinder looking these days? Used to kill it on there but I had no luck the third time I installed the app so I tried OKC (where I met my current). I feel like people are off tinder now but it's never a bad idea in the summer.
Tinder is crackin in the LA area :lol:
Took a 2-3 month hiatus from it and came back to a bunch of matches
Only one of them replied doe but she's down to go drinking when she comes back from her vacation
Made a bet that if I outdrink her I can have her for the night and she agreed :pimp:
I think I already told you guys yesterday though :lol:
Right dude. I don't understand it for real. This is my first time encounter something like this in a relationship.

Also you was right dude about giving your girl a key to the crib. She just shows up now no word of hey I'm about to pass thru after I leave here. Just locks being turned, door opens, and I'm in the room in my boxers playing video games.

That being comfortable in the relationship!

Man i told you a key cost 400 a month in this household.
:lol: dam does she at least walk in wit some drinks or food? She minus whale walk in wit a trench coat and lingure if shes gona walk in un announced.
No need in even trying to understand women's logic. Females will contradict themselves in a simple conversation. I have a Philosophy minor so my girl never wins arguments lol.
Its about to be in this household to

lol what's funny is my girl was like when u get your new spot ima do all the interior decorating. I looked her dead in the eye and said "with whom's money?"

yall pray for me i get this job in DC. i swear if I do im moving out my country in to the big city lol
Its about to be in this household to
lol what's funny is my girl was like when u get your new spot ima do all the interior decorating. I looked her dead in the eye and said "with whom's money?"

yall pray for me i get this job in DC. i swear if I do im moving out my country in to the big city lol
"What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine."

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Do my best here to make this straight to the point as possible.

I'm in recovery and there's this girl I would see at meetings sometimes, never really talked much, I'd made eye contact with her, give her the head nod and nothing much else. I was also seeing someone around that time.

Haven't seen her around in a while, she friend requests me on fb and likes 2 of my statuses I make. I hit her up this morning "1pm St Mary's" that's the meeting I would usually see her at...hits me up 8 hours later, with 4 texts telling me which meetings she goes to every week.

I haven't hit her back yet, she's def trying to see if I'm some needy mofo. Giving me the good ol' ish test.

Good looking girl. Thinking I'll just text her tomorrow and maybe set something up for one of the meetings she goes too.
Do my best here to make this straight to the point as possible.

I'm in recovery and there's this girl I would see at meetings sometimes, never really talked much, I'd made eye contact with her, give her the head nod and nothing much else. I was also seeing someone around that time.

Haven't seen her around in a while, she friend requests me on fb and likes 2 of my statuses I make. I hit her up this morning "1pm St Mary's" that's the meeting I would usually see her at...hits me up 8 hours later, with 4 texts telling me which meetings she goes to every week.

I haven't hit her back yet, she's def trying to see if I'm some needy mofo. Giving me the good ol' ish test.

Good looking girl. Thinking I'll just text her tomorrow and maybe set something up for one of the meetings she goes too.

First congrats on the recovery brotha.
Yea man if she reaches out and request you she was peeping you out.
don't worry about looking "needy" go for it. ask her out to lunch or something, be direct.

How is tinder looking these days? Used to kill it on there but I had no luck the third time I installed the app so I tried OKC (where I met my current). I feel like people are off tinder now but it's never a bad idea in the summer.

Tinder is good so far here in the Chi. I've gotten some matches and actually met up with a girl yesterday. I remember I actually deleted the app once I got catfished on Tinder lmaaaao! That OKC app works good? I remember hearing about it but never trying it out.
Yeah I'm pretty sure I took my ex's key, but said she could still come through because she has some doctors appointments close by and I'm not interested in dating. She be doing the most though, more than when we were dating just popping up. Its irritating, should've never gave her that leeway but I'm finna move anyways. Never again with someone I don't see marrying. Not that she's an annoying person, but it's annoying to have someone in your space when you don't want anyone there.
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Yall make a fake FB to get on tinder/okc/pof etc? Not trying to make a legit one since i like being off the radar. How would one go about this?
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