TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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Welp Bros. Got into it with my lady on the phone. Told her exactly what i felt. She was talking so much **** about not wanting to be on this trip, but all of a sudden it's great and maybe she was wrong blah blah blah. I told her straight up, why put on that little act for me before you left? I said she's acting fake, and she knows it. That pissed her off and she said not to speak to her for the rest of the week :lol: hey, you told me to tell you what I'm feeling at all times, I finally do, and you get mad. What a day.

Maybe me I missed some posts (my bad if I did), but sounds like a goofy argument to start.
Welp Bros. Got into it with my lady on the phone. Told her exactly what i felt. She was talking so much **** about not wanting to be on this trip, but all of a sudden it's great and maybe she was wrong blah blah blah. I told her straight up, why put on that little act for me before you left? I said she's acting fake, and she knows it. That pissed her off and she said not to speak to her for the rest of the week :lol: hey, you told me to tell you what I'm feeling at all times, I finally do, and you get mad. What a day.

Maybe me I missed some posts (my bad if I did), but sounds like a goofy argument to start.
She asked me how I was feeling. I said meh. She told me to explain that, so I did. I just can't wrap my mind around someone saying they hate their coworkers guts, but yet, you're living it up with them right now. Idk. Maybe I'm being jealous or something.
You realize they need to be stewing in them for like 30 mins before its truly edible lol its like a fruit roll up... do they even sell those anymore
If you don't see a future with her and want the freedom to sleep with other girls why don't you just be honest with her and tell her that? I've done it plenty of times and the girl usually will keep smashing you until they meet someone new.

You're in a relationship and you get on tinder and start talking to other girls. Reeks of beta-ness bro. No shots, just why be in a relationship when you're doing that? I don't get it.
If you don't see a future with her and want the freedom to sleep with other girls why don't you just be honest with her and tell her that? I've done it plenty of times and the girl usually will keep smashing you until they meet someone new.

You're in a relationship and you get on tinder and start talking to other girls. Reeks of beta-ness bro. No shots, just why be in a relationship when you're doing that? I don't get it.
Guess I'm a Beta broski no hard feelings taken 
Y''all could've been moving too slow for their liking. If y'all got intim
Talked to my ex for the first time since our break-up (been a little over a week). We've exchanged texts here and there but just wanted to see how a phone call would go. Definitely felt awkward but the nature of our convos was pretty much the same. Family, workplace drama, random day-to-day stuff. But then she goes into how she's looking to buy a house and working out now. Now the girl wants to level up on me :lol: jk

Didn't talk about her birthday or family reunion that's in a couple months. The plan was for me to go but since the break up I'm assuming that's out of the picture now. We are still friends and I wanted to do something for her bday but it doesn't look like I'll be going do to see her. Any gift ideas?
This is what I don't get. You and your girl break up and you still out here worrying about buying her something and family reunions. Live your life fam. On to the next
Welp Bros. Got into it with my lady on the phone. Told her exactly what i felt. She was talking so much **** about not wanting to be on this trip, but all of a sudden it's great and maybe she was wrong blah blah blah. I told her straight up, why put on that little act for me before you left? I said she's acting fake, and she knows it. That pissed her off and she said not to speak to her for the rest of the week :lol: hey, you told me to tell you what I'm feeling at all times, I finally do, and you get mad. What a day.

Maybe me I missed some posts (my bad if I did), but sounds like a goofy argument to start.
She asked me how I was feeling. I said meh. She told me to explain that, so I did. I just can't wrap my mind around someone saying they hate their coworkers guts, but yet, you're living it up with them right now. Idk. Maybe I'm being jealous or something.

I know it's all positive vibes here, and dudes don't like to hear otherwise, but you acting like a female right now. You can't calm yo *** down when your girl is away for a week?
I wouldn't even think about getting her a gift. Especially since it's a couple months from now. It's just going to make you think about her more. She's not your gf any more you don't owe her a gift. You're not part of the family any more going to her family reunion sounds weird.

Sounds like you want to get back with her. If you do, I'd stop talking to her completely. Stop inquiring about if you can go the reunion or her birthday gift. No contact, move on, she'll hit you up.

If you don't want to get back with her. No contact, move on, she'll hit you up.

Either way: Just don't contact her, move on, she'll hit you up. Don't be a simp and buy gifts for someone who doesn't want to be part of your life any more. You're just wasting your time, thought, and money. Giving her a gift won't change anything.
FWIW I broke up with her but we still want to be friends. Our relationship turned long distance and it just wasn't working out for me. I didn't see myself moving down there based on how our relationship was going. No one did anyone dirty, no hard feelings, so that's why this makes this difficult. Its not like I don't care about her at all. She's still the homie or maybe I'm being naive. She was the first one to initiate contact and we still text as much as we used to. I'm not going to straight ignore the girl if she reaches out.

I'll admit, I want to keep that door open. Never know what the future holds. Right now I just want to live my life, see what else might be out there, and not worry about moving 1,000 miles away to be with someone. The only reason I brought up the family reunion is because its happening the same weekend as her bday. But its a non-issue unless she brings it up.

But please, tell me if I sound crazy and this whole post-breakup-friendship/saving-for-the-future-maybe thing is a pipe dream. Appreciate the feedback.
I wouldn't even think about getting her a gift. Especially since it's a couple months from now. It's just going to make you think about her more. She's not your gf any more you don't owe her a gift. You're not part of the family any more going to her family reunion sounds weird.

Sounds like you want to get back with her. If you do, I'd stop talking to her completely. Stop inquiring about if you can go the reunion or her birthday gift. No contact, move on, she'll hit you up.

If you don't want to get back with her. No contact, move on, she'll hit you up.

Either way: Just don't contact her, move on, she'll hit you up. Don't be a simp and buy gifts for someone who doesn't want to be part of your life any more. You're just wasting your time, thought, and money. Giving her a gift won't change anything.
FWIW I broke up with her but we still want to be friends. Our relationship turned long distance and it just wasn't working out for me. I didn't see myself moving down there based on how our relationship was going. No one did anyone dirty, no hard feelings, so that's why this makes this difficult. Its not like I don't care about her at all. She's still the homie or maybe I'm being naive. She was the first one to initiate contact and we still text as much as we used to. I'm not going to straight ignore the girl if she reaches out.

I'll admit, I want to keep that door open. Never know what the future holds. Right now I just want to live my life, see what else might be out there, and not worry about moving 1,000 miles away to be with someone. The only reason I brought up the family reunion is because its happening the same weekend as her bday. But its a non-issue unless she brings it up.

But please, tell me if I sound crazy and this whole post-breakup-friendship/saving-for-the-future-maybe thing is a pipe dream. Appreciate the feedback.

You're fine. Don't sound crazy at all. Just forget about the present and reunion. Especially if you'd have to travel the distance to attend, and you ended it because the distance wasn't working out for you.
Lol @ being friends a week after a break up
You might as well just get back with her. Friends a week after a break up, yea just get back together.
that's weird or something? o_O 

me and my ex broke up and stayed friends ... she even came to visit a month later .... we slept in the same bed, went to the bars, etc etc....  didn't even have sex 

iono... maybe it's just me.... i don't have hard feelings after a break up cz it's never really about drama... **** just ain't work out 
I have been cool with all of my exes after a break up except 1. When both parties are mature being friends after a break-up is not a problem.
Lol @ being friends a week after a break up

You might as well just get back with her. Friends a week after a break up, yea just get back together.

that's weird or something? o_O 

me and my ex broke up and stayed friends ... she even came to visit a month later .... we slept in the same bed, went to the bars, etc etc....  didn't even have sex 

iono... maybe it's just me.... i don't have hard feelings after a break up cz it's never really about drama... **** just ain't work out 

I refuse to believe this is true.

Unless y'all never smashed during your relationship w/ her, that sexual tension had to have been through the roof.
Welp Bros. Got into it with my lady on the phone. Told her exactly what i felt. She was talking so much **** about not wanting to be on this trip, but all of a sudden it's great and maybe she was wrong blah blah blah. I told her straight up, why put on that little act for me before you left? I said she's acting fake, and she knows it. That pissed her off and she said not to speak to her for the rest of the week :lol: hey, you told me to tell you what I'm feeling at all times, I finally do, and you get mad. What a day.

Maybe me I missed some posts (my bad if I did), but sounds like a goofy argument to start.
She asked me how I was feeling. I said meh. She told me to explain that, so I did. I just can't wrap my mind around someone saying they hate their coworkers guts, but yet, you're living it up with them right now. Idk. Maybe I'm being jealous or something.

I know it's all positive vibes here, and dudes don't like to hear otherwise, but you acting like a female right now. You can't calm yo *** down when your girl is away for a week?

This, :lol:

Meanwhile I'm over here chilling until my girl moves back up in August.
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Bros I'm so close to just saying **** it, swallowing my pride and apologizing. **** is killing me
I refuse to believe this is true.

Unless y'all never smashed during your relationship w/ her, that sexual tension had to have been through the roof.
it's 100% accurate

whats so hard to believe about that? 

she moved on... we were still friends

i've slept in the same bed with a few of my female friends and never did anything 
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