TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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Yall make a fake FB to get on tinder/okc/pof etc? Not trying to make a legit one since i like being off the radar. How would one go about this?

how exactly are you off the radar if you have A.) your name, B.) Multiple pictures of yourself C.) about me/bio etc.... :rofl: :rofl:
Im about to be single
Females are the worst with this....
They get mad. You have to fix. It.

You get mad...then they mad that youre mad.then you still have to fix it.

Long story short. She took a jab at me. Told her hey that's not cool.
She says well u say it all the time. Which i agreed and said yea but theres a time in a place to say it.
Now shes mad that i said i dont want her to say that in the low blow way she says it. Then she says im butt hurt and acting insecure.
Like hold the **** up. What??
First dont disrespect me.
2nd. U know damn well if i said it the same way to you ths way u say it to me it'd be a problem. And then tell me im acting insecure.. respect that there is a time and place for somethings.

What bothers me the most is i tell her i don't want to text about it so call me. She calls with an attitude first words are. You have 5 mins..i say one sentence and she starts going off.
Naw homie you just handled that completely wrong
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^ Damn, get that respek back on your name. Even threw extra salt with that "you have 5 mins" 

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How is tinder looking these days? Used to kill it on there but I had no luck the third time I installed the app so I tried OKC (where I met my current). I feel like people are off tinder now but it's never a bad idea in the summer.

Tinder is good so far here in the Chi. I've gotten some matches and actually met up with a girl yesterday. I remember I actually deleted the app once I got catfished on Tinder lmaaaao! That OKC app works good? I remember hearing about it but never trying it out.
Been using Tinder for about a week and a half and it's been ok. Got a few matches here and there. Met a girl last week and she turned out to be a bit bigger than what she was in her picures. Tried OKC, some quality chicks on there. Going to meet up with one tomorrow night from there.
Im about to be single
Females are the worst with this....
They get mad. You have to fix. It.

You get mad...then they mad that youre mad.then you still have to fix it.

Long story short. She took a jab at me. Told her hey that's not cool.
She says well u say it all the time. Which i agreed and said yea but theres a time in a place to say it.
Now shes mad that i said i dont want her to say that in the low blow way she says it. Then she says im butt hurt and acting insecure.
Like hold the **** up. What??
First dont disrespect me.
2nd. U know damn well if i said it the same way to you ths way u say it to me it'd be a problem. And then tell me im acting insecure.. respect that there is a time and place for somethings.

What bothers me the most is i tell her i don't want to text about it so call me. She calls with an attitude first words are. You have 5 mins..i say one sentence and she starts going off.
Naw homie you just handled that completely wrong

What was the jab?

BTW I totally get what you and Sub were complaining about yesterday.

I was on the phone with my mom yesterday while my girl was showering. Telling her we closed on an apartment (which btw we did close on it last night; it's official now :pimp: ). Then my mom asked if I saw my ex. Guess my sister must've told her about it. I told her the story real quick. Then later in the night my girl asked what I talked to my mom about and I told her everything but didn't mention that. Then she's like, "I heard you tell her about your ex." I guess she heard me even though she was showering in the other room :lol: So I was like, "yeah, guess my sister mentioned it so I told her about it." Then she gets mad at me for not telling her that :smh: Which goes back to what you guys were talking about yesterday...

You just can't win with these girls sometimes. Hide something they don't want to hear because it will make them upset and they find out any way and get upset because you "hid" something from them. Be honest and tell them everything and they get upset because "I don't need to know everything" or "why would you mention that if you know it's just gonna make me upset". Like...

So that had pissed me off and I told her I was going to bed and went outside to smoke a cig. I come back inside and I tell her if she has any more questions about my ex to ask now, cuz I'm not hiding anything from her, and I can't help these external factors. It's not like I reached out to my ex she's the one who hit me up I can't help that. Like her ex mom was calling her and her ex was desperately trying to get back with her writing long emails and calling drunk and leaving voicemails, finding me on LinkedIn, etc... This happened for like a week but she curved him same way I curved my ex. Like outside stuff happens but I told her she needs to not let it affect us because we both lose in that situation. I was honest and told her about it and I feel like I lose no matter what I do. So I told her get all her questions out now so we don't have to talk about this issue any more. Let's dead it. I didn't want anything lingering. She felt really bad after that and told me she's just not used to being with someone honest and she doesn't want me to hide anything but I need to be more sensitive sometimes. Women :smh: :x :rofl:
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Dont hide stuff. But be sensitive. That **** just dont correlate to me man. Like the amount of stuff i filter from you is taxing on me already. Lawd forgive me if i let that filter fall. My bs and anger tolerance hit the ceiling in college.
I'm depressed
 I don't feel happy in my relationship...but I'm too nervous to get back out there on the hunt. Not having to do it in a while made me scared of rejection I guess. I don't even know where to begin
Dont hide stuff. But be sensitive. That **** just dont correlate to me man. Like the amount of stuff i filter from you is taxing on me already. Lawd forgive me if i let that filter fall. My bs and anger tolerance hit the ceiling in college.

I'm depressed:smh:  I don't feel happy in my relationship...but I'm too nervous to get back out there on the hunt. Not having to do it in a while made me scared of rejection I guess. I don't even know where to begin

Bro if you're unhappy with your relationship, get out now. All you're doing is making it worse by staying in it. That single life is a tough adjustment after a relationship but you get used to it trust me plus it's the summer time. Flourish in all the sundresses that will be/are out!
bro I haven't had to do it in almost a decade..I dont even know how to approach the women anymore. I see them all the time but dont even know what to say to them
I'm depressed
 I don't feel happy in my relationship...but I'm too nervous to get back out there on the hunt. Not having to do it in a while made me scared of rejection I guess. I don't even know where to begin
Ditch the relationship. The focus should be your happiness first.

Get new hobbies, go out with homies, meet new people, and do things out of your comfort zone.
bro I haven't had to do it in almost a decade..I dont even know how to approach the women anymore. I see them all the time but dont even know what to say to them
Start with a greeting. Take time to practice just smiling and saying hello before you shoot any shots. Be confident. Good luck.
Being depressed and unhappy in a relationship is the worse. If you tried working it out to no avail, chunk duece and keep it movin. You married? Being freshly single off a long term kinda sucks but dam its worth it. Cut that ankle monitor off and do your thang.
I swear during the summer I get more matches on Tinder than any other season
I swear famb it's always the hardcore Christian girls that be the biggest teases. :smh:
please explain

I mentioned about a month ago how would I go about talking to a religious girl. She's Christian and she opened up to me about some personal stuff but not everything. She's quite reserved and sometimes can be cryptic when we talk so I have to play mind games and guess what she's thinking about. I don't know what I did wrong but we've barely spoken this last week after talking damn near everyday. I'm really feeling her too so I don't wanna let this go to waste :smh:
I swear famb it's always the hardcore Christian girls that be the biggest teases. :smh:
please explain

I mentioned about a month ago how would I go about talking to a religious girl. She's Christian and she opened up to me about some personal stuff but not everything. She's quite reserved and sometimes can be cryptic when we talk so I have to play mind games and guess what she's thinking about. I don't know what I did wrong but we've barely spoken this last week after talking damn near everyday. I'm really feeling her too so I don't wanna let this go to waste :smh:
It's ok bruh
I was talking to this girl for a month and a half and she lost interest last week
I just moved on and restarted Tinder again
Get your ego boosted yo
I just got out of a lunch and learn event with other business people locally. The guy to my left was on OKC. The guy to my right was on that Bagel app. Damn. Dating apps oversaturaed :lol:. Dudes are in their late 30s.

Both are tech dudes so dad jeans and all. The birds would never know they're both millionaires otherwise I'm sure they'll come flocking :lol:
Welp Bros. Got into it with my lady on the phone. Told her exactly what i felt. She was talking so much **** about not wanting to be on this trip, but all of a sudden it's great and maybe she was wrong blah blah blah. I told her straight up, why put on that little act for me before you left? I said she's acting fake, and she knows it. That pissed her off and she said not to speak to her for the rest of the week :lol: hey, you told me to tell you what I'm feeling at all times, I finally do, and you get mad. What a day.
Its the same thing we was talking about on the other page.

How you ask for the truth but can't handle it

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