TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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Sounds good. But imo it doesn't really apply in real life!

Timing is EVERYTHING, time is a key factor. Standing at a door knocking for an hour is different than just coming back another day.

Love & Career imo goes hand in hand with eachother on why one or the other may not exist.

Anybody can change a period into a comma, just continue to live a complacent life, going with the flow.

It's changing a comma into a period that's hard. Starting over is hard. Change is hard.

It's scary not knowing the unknown, what this new "sentence" this new "paragraph" how this new "chapter" will play into your life.

That quote is all over the place. Like I said, my opinion. I don't find it deep at all.

I get where youre coming from however i think homie posted this in regards of "moving on from your ex" topic....that period should stay there and move on.
all you gotta do is tell us the name, we can take the rest from there. :nerd:

by the way who ever recommended that facial wash stuff. with the Aloe stuff been working like a charm i've only had one breakout since and that was because i stopped using it for like a week.
Funny thing is I didn't even get her first name, she introduced herself like she was still my teacher :lol:. I'll get her name next time I see her
Sounds good. But imo it doesn't really apply in real life!

Timing is EVERYTHING, time is a key factor. Standing at a door knocking for an hour is different than just coming back another day.

Love & Career imo goes hand in hand with eachother on why one or the other may not exist.

Anybody can change a period into a comma, just continue to live a complacent life, going with the flow.

It's changing a comma into a period that's hard. Starting over is hard. Change is hard.

It's scary not knowing the unknown, what this new "sentence" this new "paragraph" how this new "chapter" will play into your life.

That quote is all over the place. Like I said, my opinion. I don't find it deep at all.

I get where youre coming from however i think homie posted this in regards of "moving on from your ex" topic....that period should stay there and move on.

Oh I see. In that case, then yes do what you gotta do to move on.

But to me nowadays, the whole "he/she is called an ex for a reason, ex them out my life" it's all cliche to me.

I mean if it was a bad break up, then sure I get it.

But some people were just not meant to be. Some people grow apart. Doesn't mean they have to get ex'd from your life forever.

Your past, your history is what made you today. History plays a role in your future. Nonsense in deleting it.
So you would want your ex still in your life?

srs question^^^

I guess if yall both broke up on good terms it would be OKAY...
I got a homie who was dating this one broad, mutually they broke up on good terms but homie just stopped talking to her all together, i think its been a year now. He did move on but he doesnt want to hear about her life or anything.

Idk i guess its based on the relationship and the cause of break ups.
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So you would want your ex still in your life?

srs question^^^

I guess if yall both broke up on good terms it would be OKAY...
I got a homie who was dating this one broad, mutually they broke up on good terms but homie just stopped talking to her all together, i think its been a year now. He did move on but he doesnt want to hear about her life or anything.

Idk i guess its based on the relationship and the cause of break ups.

This plus depends on the person in my opinion.

Like the girl I've been literally on and off with for the past 3 years. If we were to totally call it quits, I doubt I'd cancel her completely out my life because we have a lot of chemistry together. Me and her already said before that we need to get ourselves together before becoming really invested in one another.

It all depends on the person because the answer can differ from person to person.
So you would want your ex still in your life?

srs question^^^

I guess if yall both broke up on good terms it would be OKAY...
I got a homie who was dating this one broad, mutually they broke up on good terms but homie just stopped talking to her all together, i think its been a year now. He did move on but he doesnt want to hear about her life or anything.

Idk i guess its based on the relationship and the cause of break ups.

The old me? Probably not.

My first serious relationship just ended though, even in somewhat bad terms.

But time heals, and with time, we realized that even before we were together, we were friends, and together we became best friends.

We know eachother's deep and darkest secrets. Know eachother's families, knows our weaknesses, our personalities... ect.

**** like that is hard to find. We agreed that even though we didn't work out together in a intimate relationship, it doesn't mean we can't have any other type of relationship.

"let it go, and if it's meant to be, it'll come back"

Well how can opportunity come back to you, if you purposely ex it out of your life?
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Ran into an old teacher of mine from junior high just now at the gym. She hasn't aged at all, ish blew my mind..just a couple grays. I've seen her a couple times before but only today had a chance to talk to her. Of course I had to flatter her and tell her she looked exactly the same. She's like 'I'm an old lady now'
. I told her I used to have a lil crush on her and I swear her whole body trembled, never seen a reaction quite like that. She was with her mom and when she went back I could tell she was telling her what I said and her mom kinda gave me a look like 'aww sooky sooky now'
. Mama could low key get it too
. Time flies man
Why didn't you get the #? Why you disappointing the NT fam, b??
I need to get **** off my chest. I legit have had the best 2 weeks of my life in achieving things and setting up for a crazy Winter 2016 and beyond.Cleaned up all my debt and got my bank account out the red. Finalizing on the copyright for my clothing line at the end of the month and printing tees starting next month. An artist we are sponsoring is dropping a mixtape with yachty soon. LondonOnDaTrack has expressed he wants some stuff and is down for a shoot. I'm up for a full time promotion at my job with a nice raise. Got a PT job that'll start in November starting off at $45/hr working at my own leisure. Just did a role for a big time film studio with a big time actress made a $1k a day. Opened up more opportunities with that as well with more work in October. Bout to move out my moms crib and have my own place no roommates/gf after being here for 6 months. Got two models phone numbers(one was a main in a Future and Gucci video). All these good things happen to me a 24 year old college dropout but.......ALL THE FŪČK I THINK ABOUT IS A GIRL!!!! BRUH!!!
I know where we stand she's still into me supposedly but we haven't spent much time at all. She slick avoids me. When I confronted her about it she says that she wasn't sure where my head was cause we linked up after I got out of a break up and found herself always wanting me over and that there was point I was at her house 2-3 weeks straight was putting other stuff on the side like going out with her friends and soror, missing meetings just to be with me. Not having her finances where they should be. I told her that if she has things to do, do them but the problem was she didn't want to when I was there so she doesn't invite me over we'll just FaceTime on occasion. She warned me that she was scared of me and that she's falling for me and if she found herself too attach she'll push away for a lil bit.
But like bruh this **** slick hurt I legit wake up, go through the day, go to sleep thinking of her. I was going through one of the roughest times of my life and she was there. I don't want none of this stuff if she's not there. I trade in my last two weeks and rather have those bum days cuddled up next to her watching Netflix smoking which were the happiest days of my life. I'm successful and depressed right now I always thought money brings you happiness but it don't I'm typing this sitting in front of a makeup station on set right now. We have date Friday, hopefully she doesn't cancel, I haven't been able to talk to her like I want and now that she's back in school it'll be even harder. Sorry for light skin moment Frank Ocean be having dark skinned brothers in our feelings!!!
Glad you could vent man. Straight up she's not that special & you tripping bruh :lol: You're a prisoner of the moment. Sounds like you have a bright future so count your blessings, continue to focus on you & fdb. It sounds crazy now but in the future she'll be such an insignificant part of your life you'll look back and laugh at yourself. Women come & women go. Get out the feelings & get to living like you been doing.

Personal success is always more important my g.

If the connection is real, it will work itself out. If not, you gotta keep it moving.

Like you just said, you've been having the best two weeks of your life and got things in order that many around our age (24) haven't gotten started on.

Trying to figure out a woman's motivation for her actions is a fools proposition, a lot of times even they don't know or are in denial themselves.

On the road to personal growth and self actualization, you'll find the right woman who's in her glo in the same way.

You attaching emotions to her that she brought out in you, she ain't create them. From what you've said, she seems a little emotionally immature, women who are ready don't say those types of things.

Good luck with the date but if I were you, I'd focus on continuing your path and devoting your energy to that.
It sounds like you've matured and are getting your **** together now. Don't stop making yourself better for a chick. If she was down for you, she would be trying to better her life with you instead of playing games. Keep grinding, the one that's meant to be is out there. As of right now, it's not her fam.
I need to get **** off my chest. I legit have had the best 2 weeks of my life in achieving things and setting up for a crazy Winter 2016 and beyond.Cleaned up all my debt and got my bank account out the red. Finalizing on the copyright for my clothing line at the end of the month and printing tees starting next month. An artist we are sponsoring is dropping a mixtape with yachty soon. LondonOnDaTrack has expressed he wants some stuff and is down for a shoot. I'm up for a full time promotion at my job with a nice raise. Got a PT job that'll start in November starting off at $45/hr working at my own leisure. Just did a role for a big time film studio with a big time actress made a $1k a day. Opened up more opportunities with that as well with more work in October. Bout to move out my moms crib and have my own place no roommates/gf after being here for 6 months. Got two models phone numbers(one was a main in a Future and Gucci video). All these good things happen to me a 24 year old college dropout but.......ALL THE FŪČK I THINK ABOUT IS A GIRL!!!! BRUH!!!
I know where we stand she's still into me supposedly but we haven't spent much time at all. She slick avoids me. When I confronted her about it she says that she wasn't sure where my head was cause we linked up after I got out of a break up and found herself always wanting me over and that there was point I was at her house 2-3 weeks straight was putting other stuff on the side like going out with her friends and soror, missing meetings just to be with me. Not having her finances where they should be. I told her that if she has things to do, do them but the problem was she didn't want to when I was there so she doesn't invite me over we'll just FaceTime on occasion. She warned me that she was scared of me and that she's falling for me and if she found herself too attach she'll push away for a lil bit.
But like bruh this **** slick hurt I legit wake up, go through the day, go to sleep thinking of her. I was going through one of the roughest times of my life and she was there. I don't want none of this stuff if she's not there. I trade in my last two weeks and rather have those bum days cuddled up next to her watching Netflix smoking which were the happiest days of my life. I'm successful and depressed right now I always thought money brings you happiness but it don't I'm typing this sitting in front of a makeup station on set right now. We have date Friday, hopefully she doesn't cancel, I haven't been able to talk to her like I want and now that she's back in school it'll be even harder. Sorry for light skin moment Frank Ocean be having dark skinned brothers in our feelings!!!
Fam, I read the first half of your post and was like:

Then I read the last half of your post and was like:

Why are you letting a random bird cloud your mood? You are a handsome, delicious dude who is firing on all cylinders in his life: getting $$, making connections, building your self-equity.

You let this venom negatively impact your judgment and play right into her hands. You should be hitting up other birds and expanding the roster. She sounds very immature and full of excuses (red flag), which you should NOT tolerate. She's not your damn girl; it's just your turn.

You owe her nothing, she owes you nothing. With that knowledge, play the damn field and focus on improving yourself.
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^ I guess the jokes didn't stick. 

Point still stands -- OP sounds like he just needs to actualize his potential like @awwsome said above. Maybe I empathize more as I'm also 24yo and building towards my future.
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Remember work broad experience I shared a few months back?

Well .. she bust my window today.

Bruh, what? :x

I ain't been in here in forever so you gonna have to give me a quick summary.

This was just a side joint you was hitting that was a co worker?
Sounds good. But imo it doesn't really apply in real life!

Timing is EVERYTHING, time is a key factor. Standing at a door knocking for an hour is different than just coming back another day.

Love & Career imo goes hand in hand with eachother on why one or the other may not exist.

Anybody can change a period into a comma, just continue to live a complacent life, going with the flow.

It's changing a comma into a period that's hard. Starting over is hard. Change is hard.

It's scary not knowing the unknown, what this new "sentence" this new "paragraph" how this new "chapter" will play into your life.

That quote is all over the place. Like I said, my opinion. I don't find it deep at all.

I get where youre coming from however i think homie posted this in regards of "moving on from your ex" topic....that period should stay there and move on.

Oh I see. In that case, then yes do what you gotta do to move on.

But to me nowadays, the whole "he/she is called an ex for a reason, ex them out my life" it's all cliche to me.

I mean if it was a bad break up, then sure I get it.

But some people were just not meant to be. Some people grow apart. Doesn't mean they have to get ex'd from your life forever.

Your past, your history is what made you today. History plays a role in your future. Nonsense in deleting it.

Yeah most of the long term couples I know had multiple/long breakups, so that cliche can be tossed. At the same time though this sort of hope is the last thing someone going through a breakup needs to hear, they need to accept it's over.
Remember work broad experience I shared a few months back?

Well .. she bust my window today.

Bruh, what? :x

I ain't been in here in forever so you gonna have to give me a quick summary.

This was just a side joint you was hitting that was a co worker?
Yup :lol:

Shorty keeps trying to escalate the feelings and I told her I'd never be in a relationship with you because we work together. She was cool with the ending for a min (3 weeks ago). Told me she miss me and my D so whatever happened (2 days ago) and I guess she thought because she put some effort into the head I'd change my mind.

Went on her lunch break, came back, and said you and your car are a piece of **** :lol: can't even tell no one else about this situation. At least I have glass coverage :smh:
Remember work broad experience I shared a few months back?

Well .. she bust my window today.

Is this the work bird who has a man?

I thought you killed that relationship?

Yeah, her. The sense of entitlement is wild when she got a whole *** man at home :smh:
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