TAY Challenege: April Yambition... 30 (yambs) for 30 - maddog, where you at to make the list?

Day 2: 0-0

So disappointed in myself. Went to Target yesterday and saw a decent looking Asian chick working in the clothing area. I went to the fitting room to try on a shirt. As I'm leaving the fitting room, she asks me "are you going to buy that shirt?" My clueless self just answered "no" not realizing this was my opportunity to start the conversation. By the time I did realize that, it was to late. I walked away and hung head in shame :smh: Miso Lonley

Im seeing alot of excuses right now, get out there fellas. There are decent looking women EVERYWHERE you go unless you're holed up in the house all day. "Don't be scurred, its just *****"

Anyway, I just got on this older yamb at work. That mass is perfecto. She always been extra flirty with me but I just been letting her stew in her own juices. A bunch of ppl from the job met up and went to the bar but I couldnt make it. Used it as the preface...here's the convo

Me: So did yall hit d's bar the other day?
her: yes, where were you?
Me: I didnt have anybody's number to call to see if we were still going.
Her: You want my number??
Me: Yeah give it to me.
Her:281-330-8004....Dont let me get you in trouble with my number in your phone
Me: [chuckles] in trouble with who? Im the TROUBLE MAKER.
Her: [laughs] imma spank you youre bad.!

Just some lil corny lighthearted **** for the older chick.....it worked so dont knock it! Lol
Now that's the type of approach I could work. Repped when I can rep again.
Man I saw this fine chick at work about to approach. Then somebody came up to me and cockblock then I turned around she was gone.
This bigass stye on my right eye forced me to dress bummy with glasses and bball shorts...

Swag not on right now. DTD expected to miss 3-5 days

gonna have to haul *** to catch up with the quota
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I was in a minor car accident about an hour ago.  The other party involved was this cute 21 year old spanish chick.  We spoke for a minute, but I was kind of heated because of what happened, so I wasn't in the right frame of mind to talk extensively.  Anyway, I got a driver exchange form with all of her information and most importantly her cell phone number.  Can I somehow turn this L into a W?  Would it be wrong for me to send her a text and try and strike up a conversation?  
I was in a minor car accident about an hour ago.  The other party involved was this cute 21 year old spanish chick.  We spoke for a minute, but I was kind of heated because of what happened, so I wasn't in the right frame of mind to talk extensively.  Anyway, I got a driver exchange form with all of her information and most importantly her cell phone number.  Can I somehow turn this L into a W?  Would it be wrong for me to send her a text and try and strike up a conversation?  

Whose fault was it?

I can't really see this coming to a good conclusion.
I wasn't at fault.  But I see why you say that.  I had my doubts as well.
Well dudes aint lying when they say it takes the littlest things to spark up a convo with a broad
Held the door open for this chick today , afterwards she asked me where was the computer lab
& i basically just escorted her there while asking her what major she was & blah blah
I was already late as hell for class so I told her if she needed help finding anything else in this campus
Gave her my number & bounced :smokin

& she texted me 8)
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Well dudes aint lying when they say it takes the littlest things to spark up a convo with a broad
Held the door open for this chick today , afterwards she asked me where was the computer lab
& i basically just escorted her there while asking her what major she was & blah blah
I was already late as hell for class so I told her if she needed help finding anything else in this campus
Gave her my number & bounced :smokin

& she texted me 8)


But I dont even have any valid excuses to lean on today yall, I just took the :smh: for :smh: L in the Kroger today. Weren't too many around but I def let a couple decent pieces walk right past me. Couldnt think of a way to spark up the convo til the opportunity passed man

I'm all good though, gonna hit up a new spot tomorrow...j
couldnt hit sambucas ... too wet and rainy out here...

buuuuut... spit at a little wack breezy at the grocery store...

me: you looked like you dont wanna be here

shorty UNLOADED on me... :lol:

her: well, i just got back from school, and i had to go to the gym, and yadda yadda yadda...


she gave me the number, but i just crumbled it up and threw it away... she was NOT what i wanted in a yamb...

i'm going to still chalk this up as an attempt, but a miss...


I was in a minor car accident about an hour ago.  The other party involved was this cute 21 year old spanish chick.  We spoke for a minute, but I was kind of heated because of what happened, so I wasn't in the right frame of mind to talk extensively.  Anyway, I got a driver exchange form with all of her information and most importantly her cell phone number.  Can I somehow turn this L into a W?  Would it be wrong for me to send her a text and try and strike up a conversation?  

It's funny you mention this, cause I watched a chick run into the side of some dude's car in a Family Dollar parking lot, and the dude as if he was super-heated, then the chick got out the car with this "OMG what did I do :wow:?" look on her face (and a phat donk) and dude's whole expression instantly changed. You would've thought he was apologizing for running into her :lol:
0-0 still...worked all day...I saw one fine joint but didn't approach at all my managers were around...hopefully tommorrow will be different :smokin
didnt get my name in early enough but i figured i should play.

i got my first attempt today at grand central. I was standing against the wall waiting for my train among a pretty decent size group of ppl, this nice looking dark skinned girl walks by, she sees me checking her out and we establish eye contact for a second. usually i would try and front like i wasnt looking (i know, i know, a very beta move) but this time i just smiled as she walked by. a few moments later she walks back and taps me on the shoulder and asks me how to get to times square. i had sometime to kill before my train so i decided to walk her towards the subway and have a little chat;

me: you look really nice, are you just coming back from work?
her: thank you, no, i had a presentation at school today. im super tired.
me: oh yeah, what are you studying?
her: im studying to be a nurse
me: oh thats great, we need more people like you
her: *giggles* what do you do?
me: i work at_____. i just graduated from college not too long ago, cant say i miss the long nights studying
her: tell me about it! thank you for helping me out btw
me; no problem, i know how hard it is to ask strangers for help, some people can be mean
her: i know right.
me: well, here you are...it was nice talking to you, you seem really nice and easy to talk to. my name is ____btw, i would love to continue this conversation sometime
her: your sweet, im not sure if i should though. im in a long distance relationship
me: i can see why he would want to hold on to you..good luck with your studies maybe one day you'll be helping me out
her: lol thank you so much, maybe i'll run into you again sometime.

i walked back and got on my train, and realized that i could of pursued it further, but i'll chalk it up to being out of practice and caught off guard by the boyfriend thing, she was really giving me the vibe the whole time :smh:
Day 3: 0-0

Went to Publix but there was nothing but older woman in their 40's there.
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So far I am 1/2. This happened a few days ago when I had class on Tuesday.

First girl: I was walking to class and I saw this girl walking by herself and I was walking by myself. We were going to cross paths so I knew I had to game. I went up to her and said "excuse me, are you single?" She said "Yes, I am". I said "Ok, can I get your number?" I was dumb direct with her. :tongue:

Then, she threw me the "I'm a lesbian". :x But shorty really was a lesbian or something because she said "Yeah, right now. I am just going through a phase where I don't even know what I like". She really had a confused look on her face because she really was questioning her sexuality. I knew this conversation was going to go nowhere and I just said "You know what? I support gay marriage too!" I gave her a high-five and walked away. :rofl:

Second girl: I was walking to class but I was inside the halls. We have this catwalk where people usually walk during the cold days. I see this Asian girl walking by herself. Cute, nerdy with glasses on and I knew I had to say something. I knew she was Chinese and I asked her "Do you speak Chinese?" She said "yes". I asked if she spoke Mandarin or Cantonese and she said both. All of a sudden, I start speaking Cantonese to her. :rofl: and ask her what her name is. She replied everything back in English. As I kept talking to her, I made small conversations and told her that everybody at this school speaks Mandarin and it sucks because I only speak Cantonese. :smh:

We didn't go into much detail because I had about 5 minutes to get to class so I asked for her number. She said that's old school and I asked how. She told me that she is18 and that's when I realized giving out a number is "old-school". (I feel old) She added me on Facebook but I told her that it's easy for me to get ahold of her if I got her number. So, I pulled out my pen and she wrote her number on my arm.

I might not pursue this because she is so young but we will see.
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Shoulda hit her with

"No worries...u should take my # down anyway (insert smirk)...the city is kinda big, it might be cool to have someone from the area show u around"

-as soon as they mention "I'm having problems/we just got into an argument/even giving u the slightest vibe while in a relationship" it's a wrap...more than likely they want u to convince them to cross the line.

*if not, they just stroking their ego...still not a loss as confidence builds
Hit up a happy hour and then a lounge last night (cafe citron & 18th street for the DC heads), all sober by the way. Went 0/3 though, then found out one of the chicks I've been talking to for the last week got kids >D. Wack day for results but the effort was there.

Might hit a bookstore later today to do some research for this side hustle and go at a couple if there's anything in there, and then Friday and Saturday i'm gonna be all over. I might just start putting up shots A.I. style, like 12 a day. **** a percentage as long as I'm getting buckets man.
THURSDAY; TIME TO PUT UP MORE SHOTS THAN KOBE...hopefully prospects will be afoot since this weathers nice now :smokin
Hit up a happy hour and then a lounge last night (cafe citron & 18th street for the DC heads), all sober by the way. Went 0/3 though, then found out one of the chicks I've been talking to for the last week got kids >D. Wack day for results but the effort was there.

Might hit a bookstore later today to do some research for this side hustle and go at a couple if there's anything in there, and then Friday and Saturday i'm gonna be all over. I might just start putting up shots A.I. style, like 12 a day. **** a percentage as long as I'm getting buckets man.
Might wanna check out the Barnes n noble in Rosslyn. Dimes...dimes everywhere. If I get extra time I'll head up there myself since I only work 5 minutes away from there.
I made my first approach today, and I got her number so I'm 1-1 right now.  

I went to the Whole Foods Market around lunch time to pick up a couple of things and I noticed that this cute asian girl kept hovering around the fruit and produce section.  We made eye contact a couple of times and as I picked up some bok choy I noticed that she seemed torn between kale and broccolini, so I offered my opinion.  The convo went like this.

Bless: I'd go with the kale 

Girl: Haha thanks.  I'm still new to the whole healthy eating thing so I really don't know what I'm doing yet.

Bless: Kudos for making the effort, everyone has to start somewhere.  I'm Bless by the way.

Girl: I'm Ashley, nice to meet you.

Bless: Likewise, are you from around here?

Girl: Well, I'm originally from DC, but I've lived in Raleigh since I was a child.  I go to NC State now.  How about you?

Bless: Oh ok.  I'm actually from Virginia Beach, but I've been in Raleigh for a while now.  As for school, I attend WTCC, but that's only temporary.  I plan on transferring out soon.

Girl: Neat!  I didn't think you were from around here.

Bless: You're not the first person to tell me that, but listen; I'd love to stay and chat, but I don't have the time, so do you mind putting your number in my phone?  *Hands it over*

GIrl:  Ok.  Just text me.

I know I'm a little behind schedule, but I'm glad I was finally able to get a shot up.  I don't think I'll have much trouble putting up three more attempts before Sunday.

Today: 1-1

Total for week one: 1-1
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