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Went to Williamsburg with my boys. Hit up a few spots. Second spot I got this chicks number that was NT thick but had some huge *******. 1.3 WAR but I figured worse comes to worse all else fails she could recharge my mitzvah. Left went to Whiskey Brooklyn. Just chilled a little as my boys played shuffle board when I saw a couple of my female friends that randomly happened to be there. Went over to their table and chilled. My homegirls boyfriend was there with this blonde chick he was friends with. Got her number and hooked up with her. Blonde, AWG by NT standards but she was all tatted up. Normally not into chicks with tats but she was pretty and blonde and I'm really into blondes so I gave it a shot. 4.5 WAR. Gonna see when we can set something up. We were really vibing the two of us.
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Went to Williamsburg with my boys. Hit up a few spots. Second spot I got this chicks number that was NT thick but had some huge *******. 1.3 WAR but I figured worse comes to worse all else fails she could recharge my mitzvah. Left went to Whiskey Brooklyn. Just chilled a little as my boys played shuffle board when I saw a couple of my female friends that randomly happened to be there. Went over to their table and chilled. My homegirls boyfriend was there with this blonde chick he was friends with. Got her number and hooked up with her. Blonde, AWG by NT standards but she was all tatted up. Normally not into chicks with tats but she was pretty and blonde and I'm really into blondes so I gave it a shot. 4.5 WAR. Gonna see when we can set something up. We were really vibing the two of us.

Dude she's 2.0 at best
how are weighing these chicks

1 win for personality
1 win for a great rack
1 win for a great butt
1 win for a pretty face
2 wins for a good mouth

what about babip?
advanced analytics on deciphering females intrinsic vs extrinsic worth.

im gonna add/minus 1 win for implied volatility. if she can be a pain in the ***/crazy/laid back. also 1 win for growth and 1 win for cooking. so i'm up to an 8 win parameter now.
Has any of the Yambgawd Coochielords in this thread ever messed with a virgin? How did you approach it and how did it turn out?
i tried smashing my boy's girlfriend's (at the time) roommate senior year of college that was a virgin. ***** had an implied volatility of 75%. started off like she was in love with me and just rejected me when things got too real for her. virgins are annoying. she was a true 1 win player for her tight box.
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i tried smashing my boy's girlfriend's (at the time) roommate senior year of college that was a virgin. ***** had an implied volatility of 75%. started off like she was in love with me and just rejected me when things got too real for her. virgins are annoying. she was a true 1 win player for her tight box.

I've known this girl for a while now, she's three years older than me.

Back in the day we went on a couple dates but I was always reluctant to get serious because she was a virgin.

Now that I've been yambless for like a good month and a half, I've begun to go out with her again, but I don't know how I should approach this. I don't mind playing the game for a little while, but I just wanna smash.

She looks good too. All of those traits yall are in here quantifying except for box and mouth because obviously I'm not there yet.
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could be a good signing, but that implied volatility is high and likely to go higher (if IV is high it's likely to go higher and if it's low it's likely to go lower). could be a headache and a clinger after you smash. like in all honesty, since she's a virgin, chances are you can't just smash and dash like you would with a random chick that's been cracked open like a budweiser. if you're into her and wouldn't mind being together for a little, i say go for it, if not, just tread carefully. i'm sure that mouth would be open if anything else.
Yeah I should clarify. I said "I just wanna smash" because I'm a horny animal, but I also like her as a person and see her as a human being and not just a series of holes :lol:
non-virgin you know i'd give you the green light since well **** it right if you aint hitting that someone else will. as a virgin, it's tough for that psychological impact to her hence the high IV.
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it's an options term :lol: basically a level of uncertainty—high IV, higher uncertainty (how she acts/consistency/etc.)—low IV, calmer, little more predictable, easy to deal with without any random headaches.
it's an options term :lol: basically a level of uncertainty—high IV, higher uncertainty (how she acts/consistency/etc.)—low IV, calmer, little more predictable, easy to deal with without any random headaches.

Gotcha. She's really chill though. The fact that she's continued to go on dates with me sporadically as **** without imposing ultimatums on me or anything tells me she's cool.
I dunno if a virgin is worth pursuing for just a smash. If you see something more, maybe. She's a champ at this point at rejection, you don't wanna get all invested, fail her frustration trap tests, get rejected deep in the game and be assed out.
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I dunno if a virgin is worth pursuing for just a smash. If you see something more, maybe. She's a champ at this point at rejection, you don't wanna get all invested, fail her frustration trap tests, get rejected deep in the game and be assed out.
Man ya'll kicking all this terminology at me.

She's definitely wifey material, so I'll go along with things for the time being until either I smash or I end up committing.

But what is a frustration trap test? 
A test to see if I'm worthy of the box?
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