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O thought you had the next AD waiting to enter the league and we didn't even no
more like the next Dan O'Brien lol.... 

he does lacrosse, wrestling, football, and track (high jump) 

didn't make the basketball team his first time out ... he's no Delly 
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Someone knock some sense into me bros..

Been thinking about this chick (Laura)I talked to for two months off and on back when I was a freshman in college. It was my current girlfriend's friend at the time (they aren't cool anymore). She (my current gf, we'll call her Alicia) set us up. I only talked to her when I was on a break with my ex-gf. I would break up with my chick for a week, and Laura would welcome me with open arms. We mainly talked on the phone and texted, and would meet up for coffee dates. She'd always tell Alicia how cute I was, interesting, etc. Long story short, I deaded Laura after I got back with my ex. Laura was a mess though, one night stands with dudes, did alcohol and coke, but she was still smart as hell. Graduated with like a 3.9 gpa.

Fast forward to now, Laura seems to have chilled now and is in law school out in DC. I always see her on facebook, etc. and she seems focused and still pretty as hell..every time she posts a picture it makes me miss this chick. I've been with Alicia off and on for like 3 years now, but consistently for the past year. We live together, she's loyal, supportive, kinda has an attitude sometimes like most black women. She's less attractive than Laura (my gf does not take care of her body like she should now smh).

I've been thinking about hitting Laura up and asking her to meet, or potentially even meeting her in NY or something if she's with it. I hit her up about a year ago asking for her # but I never texted. I've been dreaming about this broad smh. Thinking about what we could be. I love the fact she's in law school and focused. My current gf is just like ehh, I know I'll get a decent job (which she 100% will) but I see no ambition. With Laura I see ambition, similar interests, etc. She always understood my struggle when I used to rant to her about 80 hour work weeks at my finance internship, how it would always lead to something great, Etc. Alicia would always complain and say "you never pay attention to me"

If you're confused about the timing:

4 years ago - Alicia introduces me to Laura
3 years ago - Start dating Alicia
2 years ago - Think about Laura, ask for her # again on FB but never contact her..
Now - Can't stop thinking about her.
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bro if you have no legally ties or kids with your current broad than do what you feel is right for yourself. What would you tell your current girl if she came to you and told you she was interested in another guy and already got his number off facebook and been dreaming about this guy?
You better hope Laura is still into you like you are into her.

Take your shot whats the worse that can happen. Seems like you are losing interest in Alicia anyway
I guess it's the thought of what could or could have happened with Laura. Not many black women around my way are focused on big things. This chick wants to be like a senator or something which I think is dope. :lol: She speaks well, is extremely intelligent and just has her head on straight. I guess I think we could be a force together.

..or maybe I just want to smash and I'll be over this. :lol:
since she's in the DC area you can just go ahead and pass her off to either myself, Hennessy Suberrat or Mark
 Not going to lie when I read his post I was like


Law School

Son you maybe doomed
I say go for Laura. You'll always regret it if you don't. Seems like you're in a rut and looking for an out with Alicia any way.
First let me ask, how cool are Alicia and Laura.

I'm going to be completely honest. Laura sort of has no reason to want you....she may just have to be the one that got away.
same with a lot our situations we want it because we never had it then once we get it, it was just meh to us.
You sort of strung her along for over 3 years homie.

now she's in Law school 7-9 hours away. You've been dating her friend (maybe friend) for 3 years.....

(Yambs only excluded)
are you ready to truly pursue Laura aside from Alicia.

reality of the situation.....women (well men too) get comfortable.
I know Laura is on her friend right now (which would be difficult pursing anything real with her atm. )
but what do you think will happen after yall been together 2-3-4-5- years...I isay if you got love for Alicia just let it go.

if you strictly just want yambs from Laura (which I don't condone cheating if you're in an exclusive relationship)
hit up laura see if shes still available.

But a Sexy Law student in DC, and Black woman at that...
Don't expect that thing to be on the open market for too long...
Ok I need some advice. Imma try to make this as short as possible.

Moved from NY to Bama. Met this girl feel in love even got her name tated on me(yeah I kno). She broke my heart and cheated on me kicked me out and everything. Fast forward 5 year. I met new girl fall in love have a kid all the jazzy. I then find out she not who she was in the beginning.( lazy, wouldn't work, started doing pills, ect). I stayed for two more years because of the kid(yeah I know) then left her last year.

Fast forward to two months ago I meet the first girl again after 10 years. She tells me I was the best thing to ever happen to her. She messed up badly and wants me back. At first I'm not trying to hear this but slowing start digging her again. Well second girl won't leave me alone after I told her several times I don't want her (showing up at my house, job, ect). Well apparently both girl know and hate each other because of some stuff happen before I even knew them. I'm stuck in the middle and it's making me crazy I want to be with the first girl but this drama is killing me. What do I do?
Dude...Nothing about that story sounds beneficial to you (aside from your child).

Listen to this guy...
Cut them both off get a new girl.


And honestly. We don't know enough about your relationship with the first girl but feelings come and go. Don't make this decision solely based off of emotion. Think about it logically also.
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Dude...Nothing about that story sounds beneficial to you (aside from your child).

Listen to this guy...

And honestly. We don't know enough about your relationship with the first girl but feelings come and go. Don't make this decision solely based off of emotion. Think about it logically also.

First girl was good to me honestly when she broke up with me I was shocked I thought it was going good. Second girl was good for the first year then hell for the next four.
Just need to take the L. Got choked up and I should have asked for her # instead of giving her mine.

First thing she responded with was "hm, that's interesting..how are you and Alicia?" And then:

(Her and then me)

Well, that's good to hear. There's no ___.
1 hour ago · Sent from Web

I see. I just wanted to let you know. Was it a bad idea to do so? Maybe, but I went with my gut instinct for once.
1 hour ago

I mean, I'm all for people expressing their feelings, it's just a little strange. I just don't get what the point of this is. Like, what you wanted the outcome to be.
1 hour ago · Sent from Web

Strange? Maybe. It's strange in the sense that I have no idea why I thought about you. I didn't have a particular outcome in mind, I just wanted to reach out. I guess it's clear what the outcome is though.
Can you say the same? If not, I don't need to say anything else I guess.
57 minutes ago

Yeah, I mean, that was nice of you. I don't mean to be off putting, I was just confused.
43 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Lol no, you're good. I definitely understand. Was the feeling mutual?
I have to go into a meeting in a bit, text me if you want. *****

----TAY, should I just forget about it?
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I'm kinda confused. Seems like there's pieces missing between those first two messages.

Phone didn't copy and paste the whole thing. I said I had been thinking about her lately, etc..and she said "Hm, that's interesting. How are you and Alicia?" Then I responded we're good. How are you and ____?

And the message continued from there..
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Ok I need some advice. Imma try to make this as short as possible.

Moved from NY to Bama. Met this girl feel in love even got her name tated on me(yeah I kno). She broke my heart and cheated on me kicked me out and everything. Fast forward 5 year. I met new girl fall in love have a kid all the jazzy. I then find out she not who she was in the beginning.( lazy, wouldn't work, started doing pills, ect). I stayed for two more years because of the kid(yeah I know) then left her last year.

Fast forward to two months ago I meet the first girl again after 10 years. She tells me I was the best thing to ever happen to her. She messed up badly and wants me back. At first I'm not trying to hear this but slowing start digging her again. Well second girl won't leave me alone after I told her several times I don't want her (showing up at my house, job, ect). Well apparently both girl know and hate each other because of some stuff happen before I even knew them. I'm stuck in the middle and it's making me crazy I want to be with the first girl but this drama is killing me. What do I do?

felt like i literally just read a strawberry letter of the Steve Harvey show lol

bra run, run far away

1st chick could honestly be using u to piss yo baby momma off she cheated it can easily happen again.

Cant be easy to be in ur spot but man id just move on but then again u in bama?

This is pretty much what i saw happening. Not surprising. Thats why i said you needed to figure out what you wanted out of that yourself.
Women appreciate and respect straight forwardness. This is why I always say in here. If you coming. Come correct. Dont dance around anything. Make your intentions clear.

@ jules. Def drop both u don't need those problems

And attack in clash of clans the clan misses you homie
 she cheated it can easily happen again.
not true at all

can't just assume because someone ***** up once, they'll **** up again

people grow up, change, etc..... it's been 10 years for christ's sake 

who's the same person after 10 years, esp 10 young years... 
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