TAY: thread about yambs...

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double post but i meant to say a good opener.
they seem to be interested until wee get down the real deal... they completley act like they change theirr minds.
slow it down and make sure she feels comfortable. girls want it just as much but they want to labeled a ****. 

seduction should be in effect throughout the night.. you should arouse her and make her want it more than you.
double post but i meant to say a good opener.
they seem to be interested until wee get down the real deal... they completley act like they change theirr minds.

Learn to master the neck massage. If she wasn't down then she would've never went in your crib in the first place. Something you're doing once y'all get there is interfering (your nervousness probably showing).

If you get them fingers working on that neck it's shooting free throws on tech at that point.

Just like the homie said, it's all about seduction.
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I am getting good tips here but i cant even get the girl back home :/ Almost 24 and still a virgin :(

If you laughed after you read that i cant blame you.
I am getting good tips here but i cant even get the girl back home :/ Almost 24 and still a virgin :(
If you laughed after you read that i cant blame you.

didn't laugh... but I did say "dang"...

aiight man, walk us through a scenario where you had a girl back at your spot. Start from the beginning to the end, DO NOT leave out any details.

Did you grow up really religious thus meaning you were released out into "the world" late? Like any additional background/upbringing might help too
didn't laugh... but I did say "dang"...
aiight man, walk us through a scenario where you had a girl back at your spot. Start from the beginning to the end, DO NOT leave out any details.
Did you grow up really religious thus meaning you were released out into "the world" late? Like any additional background/upbringing might help too
I didnt start late. Girls have no interest in me. To the point where i just gave up in late 2011. My last story is from that long ago. I failed one too many times and then i snapped. I dont see myself back in the game till late 2013. Too much i want to do by the end of the year. I wont spend any time or money on girls till they are done. I spent like 2.5 stacks a year on girls and for the last 5 years and about a grand a year before that. Except this last year. In that whole time I have gotten a handy a bj and made out with 3 or 4 girls.

I simply gave up.
I am getting good tips here but i cant even get the girl back home :/ Almost 24 and still a virgin :(
If you laughed after you read that i cant blame you.

No laughing here my man, everybody got different levels, no matter if it's TAY, DB thread, Official (insert car) thread, hell life in general. But what help on the interwebz and in real life is when those who've mastered their craft (and just as important those who've taken their share of L's) give feedback & advice.

Get her to the crib by pulling dinner/movie "home edition". Whip something up & when she gets there act like you ran out of time to do dessert. Have her help prepare it but make sure it's something where you can lick her fingers (seduction) like bake a cake.

I always get a horrible movie sowe can talk through it & laugh because it's so bad. Don't get a good movie that she actually is interested in; ain't got time for plot devices, you tryin to twist her ending.

Get her feet in your lap. Foot massage creeps into lower thigh and so on.

Main thing is to have a gameplan/outline and plan for how you'll handle any curveballs. Preparation, confidence & seduction are your foundation for closing the deal. Just don't lose your card to a JO, I speak from experience...
I didnt start late. Girls have no interest in me. To the point where i just gave up in late 2011. My last story is from that long ago. I failed one too many times and then i snapped. I dont see myself back in the game till late 2013. Too much i want to do by the end of the year. I wont spend any time or money on girls till they are done. I spent like 2.5 stacks a year on girls and for the last 5 years and about a grand a year before that. Except this last year. In that whole time I have gotten a handy a bj and made out with 3 or 4 girls.
I simply gave up.

Sounds like you're the nice guy. Truest words spoken - "Nice guys finish last". I used to be one too, I understand where your coming from.

Women want what they can't have or what's no good for them. It's all about the challenge. There is no thrill being with a nice guy in their minds. This is why the ******* who treats her like dirt will swoop in on the yambz that the nice guy has tenderized with weeks of simping.

I read the Magic Bullet book myself & didn't realize I had become friend zone material. Not saying you have to go ultra a-hole on these chicks but make them think you're better than them & it stokes their interest.
I didnt start late. Girls have no interest in me. To the point where i just gave up in late 2011. My last story is from that long ago. I failed one too many times and then i snapped. I dont see myself back in the game till late 2013. Too much i want to do by the end of the year. I wont spend any time or money on girls till they are done. I spent like 2.5 stacks a year on girls and for the last 5 years and about a grand a year before that. Except this last year. In that whole time I have gotten a handy a bj and made out with 3 or 4 girls.
I simply gave up.

ok.... so given that you've gotten a BJ... it's not that girls aren't into you, when don't give BJs to guys we aren't interested you.

You're going to have to dissect these events and pinpoint the exact moment where all starts to go downhill... like when you were getting the BJ... how did that NOT transpire into sex? I'm legit curious and want to know...

Get her to the crib by pulling dinner/movie "home edition". Whip something up & when she gets there act like you ran out of time to do dessert. Have her help prepare it but make sure it's something where you can lick her fingers (seduction) like bake a cake.

Get her feet in your lap. Foot massage creeps into lower thigh and so on.

this is really sweet but the whole licking fingers is a bit much and you just met somebody.... sometimes guys do "too much" with the whole touchy feely thing too soon. I mean, we are trying to get him laid, not get him laid the first night. Ease into it. Girls are fickle, when we think you aren't after sex, that makes us want to have sex with you even more. The trick is wanting sex but not exuding it... which, on that first night just be cool. Be interested, but don't be grabbing and touching and licking and you just got the broad back home. Screams overzealous... thirst... etc.
You gotta want to have sex with her too. Don't put that chick you really really like in some special category where you won't push for sex. Doesn't matter if she acts weirded out, once ya'll have sex she'll get over it. If you don't try to escalate physically or flirt or something to show she's sexy because you're too busy acting like the gentleman you think she wants, she'll lose interest. Not saying treat her like one of the ratchets on the team (oh and don't drop the team for her, keep options till it grows to something you approve of), but def try to get it papi. **** if she thinks you're a horndog.

, on that first night just be cool. Be interested, but don't be grabbing and touching and licking and you just got the broad back home. Screams overzealous... thirst... etc.

Yeah calm down, but don't be too calm, show her some interest. She in the crib, take off the knight armor.

*As a matter of fact, for you? **** that too. I'm feeling the crux of your issue is you're not aggressive enough. Be as hot and heavy as you want early on, and do it with as many women you can fit in. That way if one doesn't, the other might and you're not shying away because of the outcome. If she really dug you she might not give it up, but she'll be around. If not, meh.

I take stake in **** like this because my boy who's a 27 yr old virgin is hopeless.
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ok.... so given that you've gotten a BJ... it's not that girls aren't into you, when don't give BJs to guys we aren't interested you.
You're going to have to dissect these events and pinpoint the exact moment where all starts to go downhill... like when you were getting the BJ... how did that NOT transpire into sex? I'm legit curious and want to know...
this is really sweet but the whole licking fingers is a bit much and you just met somebody.... sometimes guys do "too much" with the whole touchy feely thing too soon. I mean, we are trying to get him laid, not get him laid the first night. Ease into it. Girls are fickle, when we think you aren't after sex, that makes us want to have sex with you even more. The trick is wanting sex but not exuding it... which, on that first night just be cool. Be interested, but don't be grabbing and touching and licking and you just got the broad back home. Screams overzealous... thirst... etc.

Not really. This girl was bipolar and was on 12 different meds (I didnt know at the time). we got drunk and went to her house. One thing led to another and we were naked. she gave me a bj and i came. She didnt want to have sex since she was on her fourmonth. She then slapped me and said "I am sorry, I didnt know that you were real. This was seconds after she rolled her eyes out of the back of her head. She started searching her apartment while I was getting dressed. She found what she was looking for. It was a bag of prescriptions. what looked like 15 prescription bottles. I approached her to see what was up. Googled a few of the meds and found out she was bipolar.

She hit me up the next day with no recollection of what happened. She said "sorry I am a **** when I am drunk" she said she is not interested in me and that she is sorry for the whole event. Her roommate told me she doesnt know how to drink. She will put a couple shots of cranberry juice in a glass of vodka and drink the whole thing in a few minutes......

I kept finding out more and more after the fact......

It was a horrible time...... :(

The girl I got the handy from was a desperate ****, but apparently not slutty enough because she never wanted to go any further. Which is weird considering she did all the work, I just took care of the expenses
Y'all are right, forgot this was for the first time.

I'll just say that interacting with women is a like being an NFL QB. Never get too high after closing the deal, never get too low after taking the L.

Just make sure you're mechanics are fundamentally sound (wardrobe, $, appearance) & review your film after any L's cause the only thing worse than taking a loss is repeating the same thing that doomed you once before.

Part of becoming a man is living without regrets. Just be confident and believe you'll succeed (the self-fulfilling prophecy is deep) and you won't regret anything you try
Aight chill with the labeling, you sound frustrated with them for what is essentially a failing of your own. Figure out what's your issue, why you attract those types of women, and why you can't close. To get yambs, you gotta get yourself first. Figure you out, and become a better individual.
why not approach a different type of woman next time? Im not sure if thats the answer but it seems like most the women you described are in it for the bread... maybe you need to stay with the type of women you like but keep your bread in your pocket and not be so quick to throw it around.
I've never asked out a co-worker, but there's this new girl at work that has me wanting to take that risk. She started last week and we've worked together for a few days now. She seems pretty cool, and we always laugh and joke about random, dumb ****, but I'm trying to see what she's really about. A couple of days ago I asked her what she was doing for New Years and she didn't have any plans, so I figure I'll ask her to catch a movie with me tomorrow night. I plan on asking her tomorrow when I see her, so how should I go about doing that? I work at Ross if it matters.
I am not throwing any terms around. The first girl was bipolar.
Also I didnt even spend any loot on her. I dont get that vibe from the few girls i have had a date with
I go for many different types of women to no avail. I mean it. No one else has a greater range of women that they are attracted to. I have preferences, but none of them are a must/deal breaker
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Sunshine brah, you have to remember that all the advice we are giving you is good but the problem you are have is your mindset. If you don't have the right mindset than all the advice means nothing. Like everyone has been telling in in this thread and the foreveralone thread you need to take care of yourself first which means being comfortable with yourself. Do activities you like or are interested in and work on yourself and keep busy. Keeping busy with these activities will take your mind off the damb yambs and hopefully will get rid of that thirsty smell you got on you. When you are choosing activities pick ones that involve alot of social interaction: join a spinning class, book club, pottery class, cooking class, gardening class etc (IDK, naming random group activities) whatever activities where you can interact with all kinds of people. Say hello to everyone you meet and have a smile on your face while you do it, this will help with the anxiety later on brah. Also dress the part and take care of yourself: make sure you are always properly groomed, exercise to keep the body fit, and take pride in your appearance, girls notice brah. Remember that not every girl will like you and not to take personal, remember that its a numbers game and that eventually you will find a girl you will like and likes you back. Also never set a goal to getting a GF, the reason being chicks can smell a mile away if you are thirsty, take it one step at a time with each girl and try talking to multiple girls to see whats out there and best for you. Remember practice makes perfect, so practice and bring a female friend or any friend and ask them to observe you in action and give a critique on what you are doing wrong.

If you are having trouble check out this channel:

Some tips for you and everyone else who is struggling.

1) Closers Mentality = Always keep a closers mentality, meaning have a short term memory whenever you crash and burn with girls, eventually you wont give a dambs what chicks say.

2) Play until the whistle = This means keep talking to girls and hanging out with girls even though you might already dig this one chick. You never know if the chick is seeing other guys so why don't you see other girls. Who knows you might dig another chick more and she might dig you as well

3) Don't act like a BF before you are the BF = Self explanatory. As soon as you act like a WK/simp BF, the more likely they will put you in the back burner for the yambs. Put yourself in a woman's shoes, would you put out if you already getting all the benefits of BF for FREE. I am going to put it into sneaker analogy, which is more gratifying buying a generic pair of all white AF1 that you can get anytime without any effort or getting a pair of Concord 11's that hard to get. The more you make her work hard for your attention/affection, the more she wants you.

4) Hangout/Casual Dating vs Dating = I always tell her girls that I am not interested in anything serious but wouldn't mind one if one does comes along. This puts it her mindset that you are not a thirsty dude or at least thats what you are trying to portray. Casual dating provides you a great excuse to casually date other people as well. I always use the term hangout in the beginning, less serious than exclusively dating one chick and gives you a great way to get to know the chick without being too serious. Leave the dating thing after you get to know the girl, are serious, and ready to make it official. Peep the Mike "the Situation" and his girls Paula situation, and yes I watch the Jersey Shore. Don't forget to be honest of your intentions at the very beginning so she knows and there are no surprises or salty bishes. Remember that the more girls you meet and get to know will not only improve your game with the ladies but more importantly teaches you what exactly you want in a girl and the ish you will not put up with. Don't be the middle age man who keeps wondering if the grass is actually greener on the other side.

5) Keep them laughing = A great way to set yourself a part is to be funny and exchange jokes with the girl you after. Keeps the situation causal and gives you a positive association with the girl. The more you develop your sense of humor, the more girls will come out of the wood work just to get to know you. You could be wearing the freshest clothes and the latest foambz eyes.gif at the club/wherever and all the chicks are after some guy who is not so fresh to deff but has got the jokes for days. Remember all girls like having a good time, so oblige her. Unless you are Ryan Gosling, you can disregard the sense of humor thing.

6) Yambs as hobby not a job = The more you worry about getting yambs, the more girls can tell you are a thirsty dude. Focus on more important things like improving yourself, moving up at your job, maintaining your current relationships with your fambs and friends. The more you are comfortable with yourself, have things figured out, and more confident you are the more chicks line up for you. Confidence is the cologne you need, I tell you it acts like what the sex panther cologne is supposed to do, shout out to anchorman.

Remember success or failure is on you, drop the tude and any excuses out the door and keep you head held high
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I've never asked out a co-worker, but there's this new girl at work that has me wanting to take that risk. She started last week and we've worked together for a few days now. She seems pretty cool, and we always laugh and joke about random, dumb ****, but I'm trying to see what she's really about. A couple of days ago I asked her what she was doing for New Years and she didn't have any plans, so I figure I'll ask her to catch a movie with me tomorrow night. I plan on asking her tomorrow when I see her, so how should I go about doing that? I work at Ross if it matters.

Don't ask her per se, you want to have the upper hand, make it seem like you're doing her a favor. Try something like "Me & my crew were gonna go hit up Club A and Club B on NYE but I can't let a pretty lady like you bring in the new year alone. So I'm taking you to ______ & we're gonna close out 2012 w/ a bang (pun intended). The homies are gonna be pissed...but I think it'll be worth it ;-)

It probably would've worked better on the initial moment when you asked; hopefully she didn't get plans in the meantime. Our better yet, hopefully she did have plans but didn't tell you in the hope you'd step.
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Don't ask her per se, you want to have the upper hand, make it seem like you're doing her a favor. Try something like "Me & my crew were gonna go hit up Club A and Club B on NYE but I can't let a pretty lady like you bring in the new year alone. So I'm taking you to ______ & we're gonna close out 2012 w/ a bang (pun intended). The homies are gonna be pissed...but I think it'll be worth it ;-)
]It probably would've worked better on the initial moment when you asked; hopefully she didn't get plans in the meantime. Our better yet, hopefully she did have plans but didn't tell you in the hope you'd step.

True, but hindsight is 20/20. Appreciate the advice though man.
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full of lulz....

some of that stuff is universal doesnt matter the race...

but some of them jokes aint flying w/ the sistahs.
this what yall need, doe...


@ shawty and the music

Some NTer is probably going to use this tho :rolleyes

Is dat you ricky? 8o (not srs)
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Girls are fickle, [COLOR=#red]when we think you aren't after sex, that makes us want to have sex with you even more. The trick is wanting sex but not exuding it[/COLOR]... which, on that first night just be cool. Be interested, but don't be grabbing and touching and licking and you just got the broad back home. Screams overzealous... thirst... etc.

[COLOR=#red]Again the brilliance of the young but remarkably intelligent Tyler the Creator illustrates the above point in the song "She" when he says and I quote" We can chill and I can act like I don’t wanna *uck"[/COLOR]
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