TAY: thread about yambs...

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my girl was honest with her count which is a lot. and as discouraging as that may be. especially to me who has had less than 10. I sweated it at first.

til I put it in saw that face grimace and them nails dig.

always gotta be confident fellas. girls geel that aura.

We call that community ***** where im from.

It's all fun and games until you get hit with one of these,

Random Dude: "You and ol girl talkin now? Head game is amazing."

You: ".........:smh: "

YO!!!! lol

I knew, i mean i knew a lot, but i had a convo like this...to keep it oone hundred, she smashed my fam before too, but still man, the awkwardness/embarrasment was still there.

I dunno why bother asking that anymore, you won't like the answer whether high or low.

I agree. I never ask. Don't want to know and don't want to lie about mine or tell the truth.

Latest chick volunteered her number and didn't want to know mine. Probably a combo of wanting to let me know that the sex was a big deal bc I was only her third and not wanting me to look at her as a sloot
Yea I think I had that convo one time at like 19 and it made me feel so lame after asking.

Summer is coming and my bf just move to the oceanfront at Virginia Beach. Anybody that knows that area knows the strip is flooded with bloopers everynight. I'm bout to do numbers and can't wait.

Is there usually just chicks over 18 out there or some a lil younger out there? :nerd:
How do you guys feel about girls getting your number? Like instead of you taking hers down, you give her your number. I think the positive is that you'll know if she's legit interested if she hits you up but it could be thought of as a beta move
How do you guys feel about girls getting your number? Like instead of you taking hers down, you give her your number. I think the positive is that you'll know if she's legit interested if she hits you up but it could be thought of as a beta move

Whenever a girl asks for my number I have her call/text me on the spot anyway
It's always a nice counter to leave a girl your number, if she's hesitant to give you hers imo. I want to see if this works with girls with BFs :nerd:

How do you guys feel about girls getting your number? Like instead of you taking hers down, you give her your number. I think the positive is that you'll know if she's legit interested if she hits you up but it could be thought of as a beta move
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They expect you to hit them up first anyways. You'll give her the number, she'll text her name, then wait. Gotta be proactive regardless.
Whenever a girl asks for my number I have her call/text me on the spot anyway
How do you guys feel about girls getting your number? Like instead of you taking hers down, you give her your number. I think the positive is that you'll know if she's legit interested if she hits you up but it could be thought of as a beta move
i never ask a girl for her number i always tell them take mine.

been depressed all day, didnt act on a clear sign of this chick wanting me to talk to her 
  been in the back of my mind all day
some advice i dropped on facebook.

TO ME... arguing with a woman is like playing a team that runs a full court press. You HAVE to stick to the game plan, cuz if you try to match their playing style, you'll lose. Pressure teams make you take good shots instead of great shots, do a lot of screaming and yelling to get you off your game.. Women will change the subject when they know they're dead wrong, or do some guilt-tripping or crying to get you off your game.

Work the shot clock (stay on the initial subject).. and you'll get layups, (apologies)
some advice i dropped on facebook.

TO ME... arguing with a woman is like playing a team that runs a full court press. You HAVE to stick to the game plan, cuz if you try to match their playing style, you'll lose. Pressure teams make you take good shots instead of great shots, do a lot of screaming and yelling to get you off your game.. Women will change the subject when they know they're dead wrong, or do some guilt-tripping or crying to get you off your game.

Work the shot clock (stay on the initial subject).. and you'll get layups, (apologies)
my sis is the one who told me to man up and keeo same amount of pressure on a chick she throws on you. even the sweetest chicks need that stern talking to
And I've never had an issue with it. If a girl is gonna approach me/ask for my #, why wouldn't she be ok with me having hers?

Don't see the big deal
Just caught up on the last 42 pages of this thread within the past 24 hours :wow: :wow: . My yambitions are back where they need to be thanks to ya'll. I look to actively contribute to this thread so the NT Yambily can continue to harvest these yambs outchea. Just a few observations:

Ricky: Great stuff over the past few months :pimp: . How is the April Yambition thread going? Will it continue to be a monthly thing? Will there be rule twists each month or the same thing?

Did we ever get an update from DipsetGeneral?
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