TAY: thread about yambs...

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its 2013 bruh. don't forget woman these days take chivalry as flirting....on top of they will be like..what u think I can't handlr it cuz I'm a girl... I am woman hear me roar steezzzz...

rickys way is best I mean it can't hurt. looks less thirsty than being like can I help u with that. that means u took time to basically follow her out and all that.

maybe be slick about it bump her cart gently then hit then with the ..looks like ur about to cook a feast. start from there then use rickys line. if u gotta give the number that's cool.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take fellas
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ive noticed something with me...when im nice to women they seem to flex up on me but when im an ******* they act like im steebie j grimey...I guess I have to find the right around of "cocky & funny"
aight famb... here's the theory i'm thinking...


It's legit rick , never doubted you would deliver >D. although I sort of knew this in general, but not quite as thought out as you got it though :lol:

But now I'm thinking if this theory is applicable to grocery stores, what about gyms? any average - good looking female in a gym on a friday/sat night has got to be single :nerd:

I'll be scouting the local gym this week :smokin
No way is a fool proof sure way

That time of the month is always a killer

I'm giving my 2 cents on the theory

With that shortcut I just blessed the thread with sometimes I never even make it into the store

Until after I'm at her spot helping out with bags

Call it a way for my man with no phone to come up haha

Like I said yall the experts I'm just a amatuer learning from the best

ricky you setting da bar too high on everyone else. 

also da cereal and ramen noodles in da cart is golden. 

thinking bout hittin up a grocery store maybe albertsons and jus wonderin around, but like someone said dont want to sound too thristy.

also it would be nice if you put how da convo went so i can bust out da pad and pencil
me:excuse me
Her: yes (kept going and looking to the side)
Me:so you not gonna stop?
Her:what's up (still not fully facing me)
Me: damn girl. Its 9 o'clock. You in a rush
Her: no, but were just standing here.
Me: cuz I'm trying to talk. You're not used to guys approaching you?
Her: lol. We can walk.
Me: you know damb well I'm gonna look lame following you around Walmart.
Her: lol. OK. What's up
Me: well I wanted to just stop and introduce myself. You look like you got some big plans tonight... *looks at cart*
Her: lol. No... Just cooking some pasta
Me: well you see what I got going... Straight noodles and cereal.
Her: awww. You don't know how to cook?
Me: Naw. Learning. You seem like something's bothering you though (lowkey, it really did)
Her: yeah... I just have a lot on my mind...
Me: well I'm not gonna hold your extreme shopping... Looking like your timing yourself.
Her: lol shut up
Me: take my number and hit me up... If won't tell me what's going on, at least let me know when you cook too much food...
Her: okay

Looking back, it was more a test of the theory... Not really worried about her cuz she had lace front...

I can tell she had a phatty thru the Jordan shorts though...
The grocery store thing is legit. I'm always paying attention to what in a chick's basket :lol: If you see too many groceries and some pampers, you have a full family on your hands
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although I beg to differ

Here is proof I'm a rookie cuz everyone in this thread feels virgins are overrated 

that theory is thread worthy.

dat is genius ricky. im gonna go around walmart with noodles and cereal looking for yambs dat know how to cook.
that theory is thread worthy.

dat is genius ricky. im gonna go around walmart with noodles and cereal looking for yambs dat know how to cook.
to be real...

Many cats dont come in here cuz they think its lame... I think a thread would show people the kind of stuff that goes on in here... Get some more input, ya know?
It's legit rick , never doubted you would deliver >D. although I sort of knew this in general, but not quite as thought out as you got it though :lol:

But now I'm thinking if this theory is applicable to grocery stores, what about gyms? any average - good looking female in a gym on a friday/sat night has got to be single :nerd:

I'll be scouting the local gym this week :smokin
only problem with gym is that women are the same as men when it comes to that. they don't want people all in their grill while they work out.
now its a slower process at the gym (I've pulled this way) just go up to em.. what u training for.?
you should try out......
alright have a good work out let me know if u need a spot....
you then walk away...next day you see her just be like how that new exercise work for yo u..then start up convo then be like I need a partner today. trying to workout with me...
she says yes then u start the convo and get the number so yall can be workout partners
Bruhs, can ya'll help a brother get out of the friend zone? I've known this broad for years & I think I've got my *** back to the borderlines.
Parking lot pimpin

I think its easier to ask her can you help put the groceries/bags in her car

Works anywhere mall/grocery store/health club etc.

Kicks off convo which is usually all I need

But what do I know yall the experts

Today's day and age... Don't do this.

Setting off all kinds of alarms. Chick is prolly thinking in the back of her mind, once she's out there you'll put her in the trunk. Stick to Rick's method fam.

And by giving them the number it cuts the BS.. If she contacts you, she's interested and from there if you DONT get the yambs...
What if said yamb don't know how to cook and she's only shopping for the family I think you'd hurt her feelings asking for advice

Result no yambs

Helping with bagz tho even if she's acting all independant the thought of a man trying to help always wins

Kill'em with kindness I've never saw it fail

Even if its time of the month ask her some will laugh some will show you its that time

Either way you walk away a gentleman and not a scheming playboy
Today's day and age... Don't do this.

Setting off all kinds of alarms. Chick is prolly thinking in the back of her mind, once she's out there you'll put her in the trunk. Stick to Rick's method fam.

And by giving them the number it cuts the BS.. If she contacts you, she's interested and from there if
you DONT get the yambs... :smh:

Again like I said I'm a rookie, a amatuer, a freshmen

Listen to the experts I'm just observing and adding some of my own experiences in this particular situation

Pay me no attention I have no clue what I'm talking about and I'm sure I sound foolish like every other comment I make on this site

Great rebuttal

but think about it you already hurt her feelings you already hurt her feelings assuming she knew how to

From what I learned females deal with emotion once you've put her in a uncomrfortable place 9 out of 10 nothings moving

So why even take the chance

Besides most dime pieces don't know nothing about a kitchen because she's always in the bedroom haha

Like I said fam don't mind me I have no idea what I'm talkn bout

I've seen a lot of discussion about getting yambs in non-traditional places ie grocery stores and at the gymb and I have a theory of my own on the latter.

As mentioned a few posts earlier, the thing about the gymb is that both parties went there with the intention of getting a good workout so no matter how attractive or swole you are, yambs may not eem notice you because they're too far in the zone. However, I think I've come up with a way to change that.

Classes. So most gymbs offer various classes such as yoga, spinning, Zumba, etc that are filled with bottomless yambs. These classes tend to operate on a schedule and yambs attend them regularly as apart of their weekly routine. My theory is that yambs can be gotten at using a 3-class method.

Class 1: Pick whatever class tickles your fancy or you think will have the most yambs. Don't go into the first class with your head on the swivel, tryna blatantly catch glances of da mass or create eye contact. Just go in, do your thing and leave immediately after.

Class 2: Return the following week and do the exact same thing. Handle your business and leave without spitting game or scoping the other yambs in the class super hard.

After the second class, whether the girls go back to the locker room and discuss amongst themselves or not, they will at least internally wonder "Who is this guy and why is he not 'mirin? Why is he coming to this class full of women in yoga pants and booty shorts and just taking care of business then leaving?". You'll seem so damb mysterious that they'll want to figure out your story. They will want to figure you out and will want to tell their friends that they are the one that figured you out. Note: It helps if you are in good shape and/or moderately attractive as this will help with their intrigue about you.

Class 3: By this point, you should have drummed up the curiosity of at least a few yambs. Crush the class as you normally would then afterwards maybe take a little longer to pack up, chop it up with the instructor or something of this nature and then afterwards you can strike on the yamb of your choice.

The fact that you are in the same class as them makes them think you already have one thing in common then the fact that you seemed overly hydrated and not eem a bit thirsty will also allow them to let their guard down which will make it even easier to approach, assuming one of them doesn't approach you by the conclusion of Class 3.

me:excuse me
Her: yes (kept going and looking to the side)
Me:so you not gonna stop?
Her:what's up (still not fully facing me)
Me: damn girl. Its 9 o'clock. You in a rush
Her: no, but were just standing here.
Me: cuz I'm trying to talk. You're not used to guys approaching you?
Her: lol. We can walk.
Me: you know damb well I'm gonna look lame following you around Walmart.
Her: lol. OK. What's up
Me: well I wanted to just stop and introduce myself. You look like you got some big plans tonight... *looks at cart*
Her: lol. No... Just cooking some pasta
Me: well you see what I got going... Straight noodles and cereal.
Her: awww. You don't know how to cook?
Me: Naw. Learning. You seem like something's bothering you though (lowkey, it really did)
Her: yeah... I just have a lot on my mind...
Me: well I'm not gonna hold your extreme shopping... Looking like your timing yourself.
Her: lol shut up
Me: take my number and hit me up... If won't tell me what's going on, at least let me know when you cook too much food...
Her: okay

Looking back, it was more a test of the theory... Not really worried about her cuz she had lace front...

I can tell she had a phatty thru the Jordan shorts though...

See, if she pulled that little refusing to pay attention, keep walking ish with me I woulda just gave her the "Well have a nice night sweetheart". Next yamb I come up on in public i'll try pushing the issue a little and seeing how it goes.

Great rebuttal

but think about it you already hurt her feelings you already hurt her feelings assuming she knew how to

From what I learned females deal with emotion once you've put her in a uncomrfortable place 9 out of 10 nothings moving

So why even take the chance

Besides most dime pieces don't know nothing about a kitchen because she's always in the bedroom haha

Like I said fam don't mind me I have no idea what I'm talkn bout


How would her not knowing how to cook cause her to have hurt feelings though?
I've seen a lot of discussion about getting yambs in non-traditional places ie grocery stores and at the gymb and I have a theory of my own on the latter.

As mentioned a few posts earlier, the thing about the gymb is that both parties went there with the intention of getting a good workout so no matter how attractive or swole you are, yambs may not eem notice you because they're too far in the zone. However, I think I've come up with a way to change that.

Classes. So most gymbs offer various classes such as yoga, spinning, Zumba, etc that are filled with bottomless yambs. These classes tend to operate on a schedule and yambs attend them regularly as apart of their weekly routine. My theory is that yambs can be gotten at using a 3-class method.

Class 1: Pick whatever class tickles your fancy or you think will have the most yambs. Don't go into the first class with your head on the swivel, tryna blatantly catch glances of da mass or create eye contact. Just go in, do your thing and leave immediately after.

Class 2: Return the following week and do the exact same thing. Handle your business and leave without spitting game or scoping the other yambs in the class super hard.

After the second class, whether the girls go back to the locker room and discuss amongst themselves or not, they will at least internally wonder "Who is this guy and why is he not 'mirin? Why is he coming to this class full of women in yoga pants and booty shorts and just taking care of business then leaving?". You'll seem so damb mysterious that they'll want to figure out your story. They will want to figure you out and will want to tell their friends that they are the one that figured you out. Note: It helps if you are in good shape and/or moderately attractive as this will help with their intrigue about you.

Class 3: By this point, you should have drummed up the curiosity of at least a few yambs. Crush the class as you normally would then afterwards maybe take a little longer to pack up, chop it up with the instructor or something of this nature and then afterwards you can strike on the yamb of your choice.

The fact that you are in the same class as them makes them think you already have one thing in common then the fact that you seemed overly hydrated and not eem a bit thirsty will also allow them to let their guard down which will make it even easier to approach, assuming one of them doesn't approach you by the conclusion of Class 3.

i see what you did there

this man knows! this is key to baggin yambs. you have to make them wonder a little
^^ isnt dat wat girls want someone to give them attention. I would keep trying till she says get out or sometging like that.

On dat yoga post. Dat is also golden. I was seeing some show or vid abput how yoga is helpful there were nothing but yambs except for like 3 guys. I thought to myself if those guys arent gay they are doing it.
Also it seems easy to get yambs attention in yoga classes, hpw? There are some that are really into that just go early and see if theres any there or just tell yambs to help you out.
^^ isnt dat wat girls want someone to give them attention. I would keep trying till she says get out or sometging like that.

On dat yoga post. Dat is also golden. I was seeing some show or vid abput how yoga is helpful there were nothing but yambs except for like 3 guys. I thought to myself if those guys arent gay they are doing it.

Also it seems easy to get yambs attention in yoga classes, hpw? There are some that are really into that just go early and see if theres any there or just tell yambs to help you out.

Think about it, you saw that video and you noticed there were bottomless yambs and three guys. Therefore the yambs in that class DEFINITELY took note those guys. It all depends how they played it. The key in the situation is that the girls notice you just off the fact that you are a guy in a predominantly female setting. You automatically stand out. If you're going to talk to anyone in that setting, do it like you would anywhere else that you'd strike up a convo with a random girl.
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