TAY: thread about yambs...

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for example today i went to by yeezus and theres this cute chick at the register and heres our convo
her: oh this came out today
me: yeah but it leaked on friday
I give her money and she has trouble counting so i help her count it only like 11 dollars the one dollar bills had her confused
me: wow i thought you would be able to count money *sarcasticly*
her: laughs and says yeah i just messed up a lil.

got her to laugh and giggle but didnt pursue
like i just said above i can make em kinda comfortable but im just not good at asking for the number. after i made her laugh a lil i wasnt sure what to do next thats where i get a lil stumped.

You had her on the hook and just didn't reel her in threw her back in the water

Happens all the time

When I get stuck I go with compliments hair,nails,clothes etc can't go wrong

Anything to keep convo going til you feel comfortable enough to score

im thinking of just going with hey gimme/take ur/my number and we'll hang out sometime
im thinking of just going with hey gimme/take ur/my number and we'll hang out sometime

Sounds good

I've had the best luck with let me leave you my card if I'm unsure if she likes me or not

Shows you're about business and pleasure if she's interested

Instead of the ol put my # in your phone blah blah

Don't get me wrong that works too but only for ratchets,bust downs,pigeons

If you want the upper echelon yambs you gotta show some class
I'm batting 1.000 on hookah bar dates where ur allowed to drink

This is without counting the "I wish I wasn't on my period so you can smash" times in which we smash a few days later :lol:

we need to analyze WHY some of us wont step to the chicks...

i need detailed explanations. how you feel, what your thinking, what deters you away...

and i can promise you i have the same feelings... somebody lemme know whats the thought process...
1. I'm afraid of rejection, being dissed, sonned, [insert related terminology here].  I rarely put myself out there partially to avoid rejection, partially so I won't have to feel any pai

2. I hate small talk.  I'm introverted and to me small take is the bane of my existence.  I do enjoy deep/stimulating conversations but those aren't how you're supposed to open up talking to girls.  This leaves me in a rut.  I think small talk has killed deep/thoughtful conversation in most of the people of my generation.

3. In my head, I'm very aware that I'm uncomfortable.  I'm very aware that I am not in shape.  I'm very aware that I hate that I am making trivial small talk.

4. Though I am getting there, I am not in shape.

5. I don't know how to walk up to a girl.  I've been laughed at twice while trying to walk up to a girl.  I sometimes feel the only alternative is to make sure they don't see you walk up on them.

6. I literally don't know how to open up once I'm within speaking distance.  Saying, "Hi! My name is Don Adidada." and reaching out for her to shake my hand is ridiculous.


8. I don't have "mainstream" interests, and oft times I come off as snobbish and/or hipster when in fact those are just the things I've been exposed to.

That about sums it up.
response to ricky409 question.

for me it depends on da looks. for example if they look ratchet or annoying i will look da other way basically here

1. i may be too good for them

if a yamb into me dey will come.
1. I'm afraid of rejection, being dissed, sonned, [insert related terminology here].  I rarely put myself out there partially to avoid rejection, partially so I won't have to feel any pai

2. I hate small talk.  I'm introverted and to me small take is the bane of my existence.  I do enjoy deep/stimulating conversations but those aren't how you're supposed to open up talking to girls.  This leaves me in a rut.  I think small talk has killed deep/thoughtful conversation in most of the people of my generation.

3. In my head, I'm very aware that I'm uncomfortable.  I'm very aware that I am not in shape.  I'm very aware that I hate that I am making trivial small talk.

4. Though I am getting there, I am not in shape.

5. I don't know how to walk up to a girl.  I've been laughed at twice while trying to walk up to a girl.  I sometimes feel the only alternative is to make sure they don't see you walk up on them.

6. I literally don't know how to open up once I'm within speaking distance.  Saying, "Hi! My name is Don Adidada." and reaching out for her to shake my hand is ridiculous.


8. I don't have "mainstream" interests, and oft times I come off as snobbish and/or hipster when in fact those are just the things I've been exposed to.

That about sums it up.
1.  We all are bruh.  Gotta remember though that broads be scared of that too, like they see you walkin up and they start fiddlin and pretendin they don't see you cuz they thinking, 'what if he doesn't like me?,' or 'what if he's not the one,' and all that ish.  sometimes for super fly birds i gotta psych myself up a bit, usually just start singin somethin, take my mind off it then once i'm in there, i'm in there.

2. small talk sucks but the reality is that you as a man have to say very little.  intro yourself, compliment/tease her about something then ask what she's doin there and trust me - there will be a long story about it.  just sit back, do the appropriate 'yups', nod and latch onto something to continue convo or take it in another direction.

3.  get outta your head.  don't have much more advice there is except i'm dealing with the shape thing too.  i'm not fat, but i have a small pouch that didn't used to be there.  hittin the gym doe :wink:.  

4. eh.  be comfortable with what you're workin with and keep improving.  abs don't grow overnight and time too short, gotta get them yambs too.  if a broad feelin you, what you feel is outta shape she'll convince herself is 'cute'.  

 what you crip walkin over to a table?!  sometimes i WILL dance over to a table, makes for a fun, relaxed approach that can get some girls' guards down, just gotta know what to look for.

6.  naw man, that's the perfect intro.  all these damb dudes outchea talmbout all these ridiculous can opened openers when a simple, 'i saw ya over here, had to say hello cuz you're kinda gorgeous, i'm rob, nice to meet ya' works wonders.  sometimes a funny line can catch 'em off guard but girls can tell a natural intro from a forced/canned one everytime.  just be natural, stick out that hand, look into their eyes with some damb confidence, tell 'em who you are and start talkin.


8.  take off the beret and sunglasses and cut that goatee off, ya hipster douche.
Pretty much bro be fearless. I've gotten bad grades, lost my granny, lost my job, been broke, and you know what? A chick saying no to me is like nothing. You simply move on. Be confident and say what comes to your mind. Just dont be thirsty. Scared to fail? Try it on the hottest chick you see. t will give you the confidence that even if you fail, its alright, just move on and try the next chick. Like dude said, these chicks be just as scared as us thinking "what do I say when he talks to me? What if I don't like him and I hurt his feelings?

We all human bruh. Just be fearless bruh, fear nothing and be relax and yourself. And to the interest thing, a lot of us have hipster-like interest that others dont understand, but she may be the same and yall can share your weirdness lol. Be human bro. You got this, just do it. Don't know if your just looking to get yambs or build actual relationships. If your just a yamb chaser, then my advice probably won't work.
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I'd admit I have no game when it comes to straight openers in uncommon situations, the the recently mentioned gymb or grocery store. To me that puts you guys instantly on a higher level because I'd never be able to pull that off. But in social situations like concerts, clubs etc it all easy to me because I follow a simple rule my older bro told me. "Girls just wanna have fun, they see you're having fun so they'll try to join you if you got the steez they like" girls joining a crew for the night is easier then a guy trying to enter a girls crew and work his way to yambs.

One time snowboarding in Tahoe we're hitting the terrain park my boys are all playing music, damn near 2 stepping with our board while bombing down the hill and I'm cooking right before I hit the jump etc etc. my friend is in line and a girl comes to him saying "damn you and your friends are really out there like they own the mountain with no damns..... I'm a waitress down at the bar you should come through I have co-workers that'll love you" Her us the 2 blonde snow bunnies that we met made that night nice
That's the best when yambs approach on that we want to have fun too tip. No work at all since you're already just trying to have fun anyway
Been waiting to get to a computer so I can respond...

The gym is not an impossible place to pick up chicks.. now I'm a somewhat athletic muscle body type.
so my approach at the gym is just,, hey i see you bench pressing, i know another exercise if you're trying to kill it today.

or hey what you training for..
(just used this once twice yesterday, and got good convo from both I did that too)

yea a guys look a bit more thirsty doing it at the gym but its as the one dude said.. you never know until you try first and foremost. You don't have to say I'll be your gym partner, just be like if you want me to show you i can..

and just as dude said with the 3 class rule. it can be 3 day/workouts rule as well. you see the same chick in there you just

and chicks at the gym are there for one thing.. to look better, so ofcourse a nice compliment or a little attention. still goes a long way to them.

There are classes almost every hour in my gym. and thats where all the woman be, maybe 1 or 2 men, (one is for sure gay and the other is a bigger old guy)

Easy pickings. difference between women and men, women wear their wedding rings while they work out.. dudes do not. all the time

plus the most classic line to really see where a chicks head is at.. I bet your husband/bf/man is proud of you, or happy to be getting dinner (if in grocery store).

Now like some people in here, I also am a bit of an introvert but at the gym i'm kind of a whole new person. if they say no i go about my business and lift weights, plus woman will do everything in their power to kinda avoid you in the gym if it went bad or they didnt want to be noticed.
1. I'm afraid of rejection, being dissed, sonned, [insert related terminology here].  I rarely put myself out there partially to avoid rejection, partially so I won't have to feel any pai

2. I hate small talk.  I'm introverted and to me small take is the bane of my existence.  I do enjoy deep/stimulating conversations but those aren't how you're supposed to open up talking to girls.  This leaves me in a rut.  I think small talk has killed deep/thoughtful conversation in most of the people of my generation.

3. In my head, I'm very aware that I'm uncomfortable.  I'm very aware that I am not in shape.  I'm very aware that I hate that I am making trivial small talk.

4. Though I am getting there, I am not in shape.

5. I don't know how to walk up to a girl.  I've been laughed at twice while trying to walk up to a girl.  I sometimes feel the only alternative is to make sure they don't see you walk up on them.

6. I literally don't know how to open up once I'm within speaking distance.  Saying, "Hi! My name is Don Adidada." and reaching out for her to shake my hand is ridiculous.


8. I don't have "mainstream" interests, and oft times I come off as snobbish and/or hipster when in fact those are just the things I've been exposed to.

That about sums it up.
1.  We all are bruh.  Gotta remember though that broads be scared of that too, like they see you walkin up and they start fiddlin and pretendin they don't see you cuz they thinking, 'what if he doesn't like me?,' or 'what if he's not the one,' and all that ish.  sometimes for super fly birds i gotta psych myself up a bit, usually just start singin somethin, take my mind off it then once i'm in there, i'm in there.

2. small talk sucks but the reality is that you as a man have to say very little.  intro yourself, compliment/tease her about something then ask what she's doin there and trust me - there will be a long story about it.  just sit back, do the appropriate 'yups', nod and latch onto something to continue convo or take it in another direction.

3.  get outta your head.  don't have much more advice there is except i'm dealing with the shape thing too.  i'm not fat, but i have a small pouch that didn't used to be there.  hittin the gym doe :wink:.  

4. eh.  be comfortable with what you're workin with and keep improving.  abs don't grow overnight and time too short, gotta get them yambs too.  if a broad feelin you, what you feel is outta shape she'll convince herself is 'cute'.  

 what you crip walkin over to a table?!  sometimes i WILL dance over to a table, makes for a fun, relaxed approach that can get some girls' guards down, just gotta know what to look for.

6.  naw man, that's the perfect intro.  all these damb dudes outchea talmbout all these ridiculous can opened openers when a simple, 'i saw ya over here, had to say hello cuz you're kinda gorgeous, i'm rob, nice to meet ya' works wonders.  sometimes a funny line can catch 'em off guard but girls can tell a natural intro from a forced/canned one everytime.  just be natural, stick out that hand, look into their eyes with some damb confidence, tell 'em who you are and start talkin.


8.  take off the beret and sunglasses and cut that goatee off, ya hipster douche.
LOL I don't mean like I only talk to girls who are into 18th century french paintings type stuff.  Of course I could talk about LHHATL/NYC (my guilty pleasures..shut up!
) or yeezus or anything like that.  But the things I'd rather talk about are like house music and soccer and my favorite youtubers and sneakers n ish like that.  I guess more nerdly pursuits..lol.

Also I meant that those two times I got laughed at, the girls saw me, made a face or looked over to her girlfriend, and started laughing.  How do you walk up to a woman?! I just dont get it!
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LOL I don't mean like I only talk to girls who are into 18th century french paintings type stuff.  Of course I could talk about LHHATL/NYC (my guilty pleasures..shut up!
) or yeezus or anything like that.  But the things I'd rather talk about are like house music and soccer and my favorite youtubers and sneakers n ish like that.  I guess more nerdly pursuits..lol.

Also I meant that those two times I got laughed at, the girls saw me, made a face or looked over to her girlfriend, and started laughing.  How do you walk up to a woman?! I just dont get it!
So you get laughed at... Then what?

*googles if anyone ever actually died from embarrassment *

Ever thought they were saying "hey. He's cute... Go say something to him"

Nooooooo... They couldn't be possibly looking at you on a positive light... You're but a mere mortal to these woman as the glide in and out of the bathroom after dropping lemon scented dumps that cure cancer.

You can't begin to think that somehow she'll be *gasp* intrigued BT something that she doesn't know about...

Fact is, you'll never reach that deep communication you're looking for without small talk first, people don't just open up and go vulnerable off bat. You're missing out on great girls by being that way, loosen up. You're also letting your mouthpiece game and sense of humor suffer.
^Yep, Just have to take chances sometimes. For me, if i see some super bad chick unexpectedly, I'll attempt to at least say something, cause there's no telling if/when you'll see here again (that's if it's somebody out of the blue, not somebody who you know frequents a certain place all the time)
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1st and foremost forget about yourself

Its all about her

Unless she ask

Don't tell her

Just continue asking questions about her

Women love to talk especially about themselves
LOL I don't mean like I only talk to girls who are into 18th century french paintings type stuff.  Of course I could talk about LHHATL/NYC (my guilty pleasures..shut up!

) or yeezus or anything like that.  But the things I'd rather talk about are like house music and soccer and my favorite youtubers and sneakers n ish like that.  I guess more nerdly pursuits..lol.

Also I meant that those two times I got laughed at, the girls saw me, made a face or looked over to her girlfriend, and started laughing.  How do you walk up to a woman?! I just dont get it!
So you get laughed at... Then what?

*googles if anyone ever actually died from embarrassment *

Ever thought they were saying "hey. He's cute... Go say something to him"

Nooooooo... They couldn't be possibly looking at you on a positive light... You're but a mere mortal to these woman as the glide in and out of the bathroom after dropping lemon scented dumps that cure cancer.

You can't begin to think that somehow she'll be *gasp* intrigued BT something that she doesn't know about...

What can I say...  My confidence clearly is in the pooper.

we need to analyze WHY some of us wont step to the chicks...

i need detailed explanations. how you feel, what your thinking, what deters you away...

and i can promise you i have the same feelings... somebody lemme know whats the thought process...
i thought that what the monthly yamb challenge was for......at times i think u the hitch of NT Ricky. About to finish reading to catch up on the thread....the thread has been moving for the past 2 days didnt expect this.
just finish reading.... everyone who having problems approaching chick u just need to be yourself. Like i tell my lil brother u will probably never see this chick again in your life. If you get rejected then u get rejected but u know u got rejected instead of thinking about what IF later on that day. Its a 50/50 game u playing. Lots of chicks like to judge before they get to know the guy(at least now a days). Take off the headphones when u walk ...take your eyes out the phone while u walking. Look for signs that a chick is interested in you...take gambles and approach chicks you find attracted while you are walking around random places. The club/bar should not be places where u find your missy at.
1.  We all are bruh.  Gotta remember though that broads be scared of that too, like they see you walkin up and they start fiddlin and pretendin they don't see you cuz they thinking, 'what if he doesn't like me?,' or 'what if he's not the one,' and all that ish.  sometimes for super fly birds i gotta psych myself up a bit, usually just start singin somethin, take my mind off it then once i'm in there, i'm in there.

2. small talk sucks but the reality is that you as a man have to say very little.  intro yourself, compliment/tease her about something then ask what she's doin there and trust me - there will be a long story about it.  just sit back, do the appropriate 'yups', nod and latch onto something to continue convo or take it in another direction.

3.  get outta your head.  don't have much more advice there is except i'm dealing with the shape thing too.  i'm not fat, but i have a small pouch that didn't used to be there.  hittin the gym doe :wink:.  

4. eh.  be comfortable with what you're workin with and keep improving.  abs don't grow overnight and time too short, gotta get them yambs too.  if a broad feelin you, what you feel is outta shape she'll convince herself is 'cute'.  


 what you crip walkin over to a table?!  sometimes i WILL dance over to a table, makes for a fun, relaxed approach that can get some girls' guards down, just gotta know what to look for.

6.  naw man, that's the perfect intro.  all these damb dudes outchea talmbout all these ridiculous can opened openers when a simple, 'i saw ya over here, had to say hello cuz you're kinda gorgeous, i'm rob, nice to meet ya' works wonders.  sometimes a funny line can catch 'em off guard but girls can tell a natural intro from a forced/canned one everytime.  just be natural, stick out that hand, look into their eyes with some damb confidence, tell 'em who you are and start talkin.


8.  take off the beret and sunglasses and cut that goatee off, ya hipster douche.

I had to rep you fam..
They're right fam.

Being fearless should be step one. Give a damn about rejection, none of us are perfect. Of course that **** sucks, but its life and happens to everyone.. You gotta learn to deal with it in a healthy way.

Also, you need to decide for yourself what you want. If you're looking for a wifey then you should be yourself. If you're looking for a fling on some casual type steez then learn to play different roles. It's all about mastering the approach and knowing what and what not to say at the appropriate time.
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