TAY: thread about yambs...

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I met this chick off okcupid (the one I mentioned a few pages back) but that site has been down for a while so I haven't been able to put in work

One time I went down on my ex and she started her period while I was down there going to town :smh:
how long till you get on the subject of sex, and what is the best way to build/bring it up?
and how far to go for the timid ones (or the ones who like to act like it lol) and stop...if they dont bite, dont want to creep and make em stop talking to me. would want to keep em around for other scenarios or their friends.
best ways to save yourself/persuade?
inb4 creepy post.
The subject of sex should be brought up at a different time with each woman and each unique situation. It should be discussed when the moment feels natural. Not before, not later.

In terms of purely bedding women, you should be able to read a woman based on her type and the aura she gives off. If you just want "yambs," don't even bother with the conservative types. Generally the women that flirt easily and naturally and bite on pick-up lines immediately, are more open and liberal to sexual relationships and freedom, at least in my experience.
do it. couple of drinks to relax. get back to her spot, yambs
btw, did you tell her all you wanted to do was smash?
No, I didn't tell her that. I about to get some afternoon yambs from my young sidepiece after class. The milf has been playing games lately. For sure buns >>>> milf
This would be better in TAN, but it's urgent and somewhat relevant. 

So I met a girl 8 days ago. She seemed really nice and before I asked for her number, she asked for mine. So I'm thinking this is a keeper. Anyway, I plan to wait 3 days to text her back, but I'm busy with stuff so I finally get back to her with a text 6 days after we met. So 36 hours ago, I sent her a small greeting. I'm waiting for her to text me back and she hasn't. What's more is that the message shows that it was read. So I don't know what's going on in her mind. Should I send a follow up text with an internet meme like Why You No Reply? She's big on 9gag and reedit and stuff, so I was thinking it might get her to reply and maybe even laugh.
This would be better in TAN, but it's urgent and somewhat relevant. 

So I met a girl 8 days ago. She seemed really nice and before I asked for her number, she asked for mine. So I'm thinking this is a keeper. Anyway, I plan to wait 3 days to text her back, but I'm busy with stuff so I finally get back to her with a text 6 days after we met. So 36 hours ago, I sent her a small greeting. I'm waiting for her to text me back and she hasn't. What's more is that the message shows that it was read. So I don't know what's going on in her mind. Should I send a follow up text with an internet meme like Why You No Reply? She's big on 9gag and reedit and stuff, so I was thinking it might get her to reply and maybe even laugh.

why would u text her 6 days later :x

you shoulda texted her the next day bruh
This would be better in TAN, but it's urgent and somewhat relevant. 

So I met a girl 8 days ago. She seemed really nice and before I asked for her number, she asked for mine. So I'm thinking this is a keeper. Anyway, I plan to wait 3 days to text her back, but I'm busy with stuff so I finally get back to her with a text 6 days after we met. So 36 hours ago, I sent her a small greeting. I'm waiting for her to text me back and she hasn't. What's more is that the message shows that it was read. So I don't know what's going on in her mind. Should I send a follow up text with an internet meme like Why You No Reply? She's big on 9gag and reedit and stuff, so I was thinking it might get her to reply and maybe even laugh.

You're thinking too hard about it, if you like the girl and are interested why are you waiting X amount of days to reply or hit her up? Before you know it she's gonna be on to the next one because you don't seem interested.

All the waiting and letting time pass is one of those games mature people don't have time for. Not coming at you but just making a general statement.
This would be better in TAN, but it's urgent and somewhat relevant. 

So I met a girl 8 days ago. She seemed really nice and before I asked for her number, she asked for mine. So I'm thinking this is a keeper. Anyway, I plan to wait 3 days to text her back, but I'm busy with stuff so I finally get back to her with a text 6 days after we met. So 36 hours ago, I sent her a small greeting. I'm waiting for her to text me back and she hasn't. What's more is that the message shows that it was read. So I don't know what's going on in her mind. Should I send a follow up text with an internet meme like Why You No Reply? She's big on 9gag and reedit and stuff, so I was thinking it might get her to reply and maybe even laugh.
No that's creepy. 

What happened was that while she was reading your text, Tyrone rang her doorbell. And the rest remains unsaid.
:rofl: dudes waiting a set number of days before hitting a chick back.

Good luck losing that virginity fam.
Yeah I screwed it up. Waited too long. I'll just take the L. 
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Confidence doesn't require a days to respond limit or any of that my dude. It speaks for itself.....and very loudly.

Yep, yambs are time sensitive.

Women that need to have their cervix infiltrated want it when they want it, if they see dudes waiting a certain amount of days then you can hang it up. Somebody is being more aggressive about it and getting the prize.

Never think you're the only dude a chick is talking to, that is one way to get your feelings hurt quick. I learned that lesson the hard way 8 years ago and haven't looked back since.
Never think you're the only dude a chick is talking to, that is one way to get your feelings hurt quick.

This is that realness right here.

All of my best friends are females so i get to hear about all the ins and outs of their relationships and let me tell you................. some of that **** is just down right dirty and disgusting. :x :x :x

**** that men wouldn't even do to their worse enemy...and they do that to guys that they actually like.
Never think you're the only dude a chick is talking to, that is one way to get your feelings hurt quick.

All of my best friends are females.
Are you a wizard? 

And I literally only texted. Hey Alice, hows your week going so far? I was going to ask if she wanted to meet up on the weekend, but she never even replied. The whole thing that annoys me more than anything is that the message was marked as read. 

:lol:... No wizard here man.

But check this out.

You thought it was a innocent how's your week going didn't you?

Well what if her week isn't going so great....... but it's because of something personal that she doesn't wanna tell you about cause she's not that comfortable yet.

She could simply say it's ok.. I've had better.... but she probably doesn't wanna even say that because she's assuming the next thing from you is gonna be what's wrong .... or how can I help? Which she knows would be the typical guy answer and she's not looking for the tyipcal guy. ( no woman is looking for that so they think).
and I'm not saying these would be your responses just speaking in general.

If she's having problems with a friend or family she's not gonna wanna write back because you haven't met them yet probably and she's gonna have to go into a whole backstory and she's not about to do that through text... or if ever.

Initial conversation has to be super simple ( in female terms) so you get a response.

I personally like the How was your sleep? What's for breakfast... Lunch... Dinner etc. when starting out.
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Dime diva coming into town this week.

She's nowhere near as awesome a person as my ex...

Yambs ain't touvhing the ex either...

But she's semi loyal, pretty, and low maintenance .


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