Jan 2, 2010
HUNTSVILLE - Three people were killed and at least two others are in critical condition after a shooting at the University of Alabama in Huntsville this afternoon, officials said.

UAH spokesman Ray Garner confirmed that three people were killed during the shooting at the Shelby Center science building on campus. He also said another person was injured and taken to Huntsville Hospital for treatment.

Hospital officials told reporters that three people injured in the shooting were being treated at the hospital - two men and a woman. They said two of those were in critical condition.

Identities of the victims have not been released.

The shooting occurred just before 4 p.m., according to Garner.

He added that a woman police say was involved in the shooting has been taken into custody but did not disclose her name. Police have described the shooter as a woman wearing a pink sweater and a black-and-white shirt.

One report indicates the shooter was a faculty member who was denied tenure earlier in the day. Police have not confirmed that report, though.

Garner confirmed there were five victims. Four victims were faculty and one was a staff member, Garner said.

Sophomore Erin Johnson told The Huntsville Times that a biology faculty meeting was under way on the third floor of the Shelby Center when she heard screams coming from the room.

Students were escorted from the Shelby Center and the campus was placed on look down.

UAH has about 7,500 students, with several dozen of those being Shoals residents.
That tenure is no joke.... Americans are FED UP. I pray something changes soon or else its gonna get worse before it gets better regarding these shootings...
I wonder if she knew she hadn't received the tenure before hand and just affirmed her rejection through the shootings.

Receiving a tenure meant she would have been set for life, something you work your whole academia career for. However, taken someone's life is never necessary.
crazy....there's a lot of dirty politics that are played out when it comes to tenure. It often isn't even about a educator's ability to teach when it comes to these situations
Originally Posted by EZLN1

crazy....there's a lot of dirty politics that are played out when it comes to tenure. It often isn't even about a educator's ability to teach when it comes to these situations

My understanding is getting tenure has very little to do with the teachers teaching ability, it depends more about what they write, how famous they are, etc. Alot of teachers with tenure dont actual teach
Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by EZLN1

crazy....there's a lot of dirty politics that are played out when it comes to tenure. It often isn't even about a educator's ability to teach when it comes to these situations

My understanding is getting tenure has very little to do with the teachers teaching ability, it depends more about what they write, how famous they are, etc. Alot of teachers with tenure dont actualy teach
I cant describe how much this $+#! irks me.
To become a professor is one of the hardest thing to accomplish.

I can see why she did it... do you know how much adjuncts make? I'd jump a roof too.
I heard about this when the news first broke. I know some people who go there. AL takes another L.
my ex had her as one of her teachers, she said she wasn't even that great of a teacher anyway.
good thing we're out of classes all of next week though, it would of been too much.
i'm really starting to think that Alabama needs stricter gun laws. maybe that will cut down on this junk a bit.
it's way too easy to get a gun here legally, and even easier illegally
You know what's really sad?
No one really seems to care about this

This hits near home since I have family that lives in that area.
Keep !%$! like this in mind when you just **$%%+** on those teacher evaluations you fill out toward the end of the semester. Messing around with those can possibly affect someone's livelihood.

With that said, SMH at this "educator."
This is pretty sad -- the thought of a gun and violence like this being brought to a university.
She's probably one of those types who poured her whole life into lab. And now she's 42 with no tenure. It's like someone who dedicates their whole life to some Olympic sport and then they get injured the week before. The difference here is that she probably didn't have much else going on in her life (I'm guessing she's not married) and she probably had some underlying mental instability.... I'll stop there.
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