Thanks for the nice words iloveaf1 & mic.

Just got these in today . . .



I was so excited I got these in today that I forgot to post what I wore . . .


Excellent pick up Tyler I have a pair of those lined up to, I was always on the fence with them but they have really grown on me.
i am consistently impressed at the great stuff in this thread.

i know this has been brought up before but it completely amazes me that there are so many deadstock old forces floating around. between people like kazi andkbiz posting up stuff they found in the states to paul, oli and the rest posting up stuff they got from japan.. .. . i dunno man. it boggles the mind.
Originally Posted by 7 Paul 7

Excellent pick up Tyler I have a pair of those lined up to, I was always on the fence with them but they have really grown on me.

Paul - You won't regret them man. I think I'll piss my girlfriend off and rockthem to her prom.
SJ23 - they make great prom shoes, and you will snap necks as well
(if your school is full of shoe heads)

Originally Posted by kevin2nd

i am consistently impressed at the great stuff in this thread.

i know this has been brought up before but it completely amazes me that there are so many deadstock old forces floating around. between people like kazi and kbiz posting up stuff they found in the states to paul, oli and the rest posting up stuff they got from japan.. .. . i dunno man. it boggles the mind.

and a handul in my size.

I keep on telling myself that I won't be buying forces, 'til I see a vintage pair on eGay or Yahoo JP in my size
lol the 96 patents will make great prom shoes.

I agree Kev, I to am amazed with all the great pick ups posted in here, but personally I think its just luck really and being a size 10 is a real advantage, Iused to think size 9 was the size to be but not any more. Also after each pickup I always think that will be it for a while but I still always seem to findaround 3 shoes a month which really surprises me.
Originally Posted by kevin2nd

i am consistently impressed at the great stuff in this thread.

i know this has been brought up before but it completely amazes me that there are so many deadstock old forces floating around. between people like kazi and kbiz posting up stuff they found in the states to paul, oli and the rest posting up stuff they got from japan.. .. . i dunno man. it boggles the mind.

I have to agree man. It's almost like there's somebody who has access to a timemachine or something. Speaking of which, does anybody want to help me build one?

By the way Kev, keep wishing me luck. There's about 8 hours left. My feet are going tohate me if this goes through.

I Love AF1 - That'sdefinitely not the case. There's a few people down here that knows what's up, but most people have no idea. It's funny how many self-proclaimed"sneakerheads" that live in my area. Fakes are like an epidemic now here and if it's not fake sneakers, it's fake sneakerheads(if there issuch a thing).
SJ23 -
. Dudes be copping ugly Dunks and green clear AF1's and front on MySpace, ISS or Sneakerplay (I have yet to see NT'ers doing this), claimingthey're the @%%%. It's all good, as the good AF1's go on clearance only to be copped by I Love AF1 and a couple other T Dot heads.
GUM SOLE - I did the same, about 2 months ago.. I just didnt want to put up the money
oh well.. I'm sure they will come up again.

Dope pick up Tyler
and upsetting your girlfriend on prom night may hurt your chances later on in the night
Originally Posted by 7 Paul 7

Also after each pickup I always think that will be it for a while but I still always seem to find around 3 shoes a month which really surprises me.

i've already talked with jath about this. it's sofunny because i work in the field of addiction and some of the criteria for drug dependence is: "a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut downor control xxxx" and "great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain xxxx" hmmmmm....i fully acknowledge my shoe addiction. itmakes my life so much easier when i embrace it rather than fight it

you're right paul. size 10 is where it's at for the ds older forces.
Originally Posted by JDocs

and upsetting your girlfriend on prom night may hurt your chances later on in the night

pshhhh... that's why god has blessed us with rohypnol
James -
Thanks man. I'm justtrying not to blow all this money away because those AM90's are <hova>so necessary</hova>. Looks like I'll be selling some more stuff offin the near future.
wow, amazing stuff in here as usual.

those campers...smh, i keep putting off buying a pr
i will eventually.

but anyways, my minimal contribution to the thread compared to others...

peace yall
"a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control xxxx" and "great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain xxxx"
That is so true its scary, my girlfriend always tells methat I have an addiction but I always deny it but shes always right about everything. My way of cutting down is to try and stay under 50 shoes, so I make alist of AF1's that I would like to acquire and try to stick to those which is not easy I always stray or just end up making the list longer
I think Jimmy Jazz stays open until 9PM, so there's still a slight chance. Please letthe Purple Highs win.

Yeah, somebody is still voting. Those Stashes keep going up.

team how much should i expect to pay for these, size 10.5 with og box and *+*#, he says they are un black albums and i knwo the black albms are expensive soidk how mcuh to pay for them
Originally Posted by kevin2nd

Originally Posted by JDocs

and upsetting your girlfriend on prom night may hurt your chances later on in the night

pshhhh... that's why god has blessed us with rohypnol

.. so wrong lol..
not to turn this into the AM thread lol, but I hear that Tyler, I'm still trying to contact my friend. And I amlooking into getting my Aunts company to ship them
. Hopefully it turns out swimmingly for all .

cs02132 - Dont let him fool you with that "un" stuff .. I would say you shouldnt be paying over $100 for those. but thats just me
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