just a heads up to sharp C and everyone else -
i assume the reason you tag your pics is because you want no one to steal them. but check this out:


i used to do the "small name in the corner tag" too, if some of you remember my earlier pics. however, i caught someone stealing my pics, croppingout my tags, and adding their own tags, just like i did to sharp C's infrareds. i really suggest tagging your pics like i did on this one - that way it isimpossible to get rid of. just adjust the opacity so that your tag is clear, and you can still see the shoes. your pics are just so great (along with othersthat i have seen in here!) that i wouldn't want to see them get ripped off like mine did!

by the way, the pic of the infrareds with my tag was just for purposes of example. the pic went directly in the trash after i made this post!
@++ MAN!!!! i see your auction on ebay with my stolen pics! smh

i kid

i used to do paper tag but nah.. i seen spacejam do his clear opacity tags and they were sexy..... i think paper tags ruin the picture but whatever and puttingtags on the shoe sorta ruin the picture but what can i do. and i really hate that +%!+@$ timestamp........


post up your forces team!!!!!
^^^!%%$%# SEXY MATRIXES!!

ids not so much. they clean though.
and thanks for the comments team!!!!
Dope stuff sharpC....I think I remember seeing the auction for those infra's and getting really mad about the size being too small.
my number 1 hater goes mia when i kill this page...
and kevin what size are you? even if they are your size... these are just too damn sexy!
Originally Posted by sharpC

my number 1 hater goes mia when i kill this page...
and kevin what size are you? even if they are your size... these are just too damn sexy!

you're supposed to let other people tell you that you killed the page. saying you killed the page yourself... i don't know, that doesn't comeacross right.

i mean, you did kill the page, but there is still a bunch of heat on this page.
Those are some huge shorts prym...haha...very nice mids though. I think 2000 was an amazing year for forces.
I've got a pair of gums still hangin on for dear life. I wish Nike would hurry up & release them again...and not that doily pattern pair that'scoming out later.
^Word. They just had to ruin it somehow as usual.

Nice crimsons Houston. I need a pair, still.
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