Tech - you know there's only way to combat that - SELL EVERYTHING TO ME!!! :tongue:
Whatever, man. My only regret is that I'd rather you see the money than pretty much whoever else it was.
That's kind dirty, IMO. It's one thing to get steals online and resell. It's another thing to basically broker yourself as the middle man between two collectors who build with one another, ya know. ...Like, if he's buying your kicks - and those kicks at that - he's most likely aware of the thread and that the next buyer is going to be another collector who moves in the same circles, so it's like acting as a roadblock between natural trading partners and just collecting a toll for being the unsolicited middleman in a transaction. You get your scratch, but it's ravenous.
I got some fantastic deals off Kev, for example. How can I turn around and ask you or Nadel for twice that? If I want to squeeze all the juice out of that transaction, I'd have to take it outside the fam. ...Only exception being if you get an unsolicited offer. That's just sort of my code of ethics here. ...Now, if I got something off ebay or outside the network of you guys, then it's all fair game.

But the thing is, the "circles" these collecters move in, are all ONLINE, INTERNET BUDDYS. Lmao, it aint like hes interfering between you and your neighbor or friend from back in the day.. My bad just sounded kinda corny to me.. Like who really cares :rolleyes
The flip side is that there's very little distinction, in today's society, between "internet life" and "real life." I interact with some of these dudes more frequently than I do with tons of my real life friends. Between family, 11 hour days at the office, and other day to day responsibilities, it's hard to find the time to kick it, in person, with most of my friends - especially Mon - Fri. A good proportion of people's interactions nowadays with their own fam and friends are through a computer-based interface, so what's really the difference? People communicate via the internet, they handle their business through the internet - hell, internet dating is one of the most popular means by which spouse meet. So, the idea of dismissing "internet buddies" as less than is a little archaic. ...That's not to say that I don't know what you mean. I obviously came up in this hobby in a totally different era.

But, the other points 'is that's how MOST hobbies are anyway. Even if I did kick it with my boys 24/7, almost none of them care about sneakers the way I do. So, it would be a moot point anyway. The people who I have the strongest sneaker hobby based bonds are those in this very thread. So, again, where does that leave us. The sneaker hobby was better in many ways pre-internet, but the idea of an Air Force 1 aficionado "community" basically didn't exist in any way like it does in this thread outside of the internet. So, you're sort of arguing a strawman.

My point was just that Tech sold these a few weeks ago. If I would have answered my PMs earlier, I would have bought that pair directly from him. This guy comes in and acts as a middle man and flips them right back within the same small community. It's certainly his right, but it's a lame way to make $40, IMO. Scrounging at the margins.
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I agree w/ that last point for sure, for example there is a seller on ebay (who I know personaly), who buys items of another hobby I partake in just to relist the next week at a $40/50 increase. Im knocking the hustle for sure, cos theyre taking the items out of the true collecters hands/making it more difficult to acquire. But to refer to collectors of vintage Af1s as some sort of exclusive "circle" (as I read repeatedly from posters in this thread) is facepalm worthy, especially considering nearly all these dudes gained their knowledge thru the internet.. I get your point completely, just seems lame to dwell on it, just cop em yourself the first time around..
Coordinate, maybe I'll see if anybody has all three around town and check 'em out.

Does anyone else feel weird that we prefer the shoes from when they had lower workers standards at their third world countries?  I mean is it wrong that children can make better Nikes than grownups?  And should I feel bad that the ones made under better conditions are crappy quality?

Some of the things that come to my mind XD
I've never seen anyone of us claim to be a "exclusive circle" but we are definitely a community tho n we not afraid to show the Team pride.

NJ - its the quality n shape we like not the fact they were made by kids, as far as the other question goes I think there directly related. Since Nike was pressured into fair wages they had to cut costs somewhere to keep margins up and investors happy, so one of the things they did was use cheaper materials whic killed quality.
NJ -

Yeah, I don't think there's any exclusive circle at all - you introduced the word "exclusive" not any of us. I think it's just that when you're somewhat deep into a hobby, you can't really help but run into the certain people over and over - regardless of whether any of the parties are physically located. Is it corny for me to say that if I'm getting rid of a pair, I'd rather they go to somebody in here, all things being equal? Is it corny to say that I'd rather give my money to somebody in this thread who has looked out for me in the past than to some other random seller? I don't know. Maybe it is. But, if it is, I certainly don't mind being corny in that regard.

In reality, I think we're actually closer to being in agreement than we are to being on different pages. It was just wack that Tech got in touch with me to ask if I wanted any of X pairs he had. I said, I'll take X, Y, and Z - including the red canvas. He said they were already claimed. And, then they're on ebay 2 weeks later. And, it's not like dude made some massive come-up. He's squeezing the margins (and, I think he was shill bidding). ...But you know what - we vote with our wallets, and my buying them from him validated his whole nickle and dime hustle. So, I'm part to blame too. But, at the same time, it's not like you can just find that shoe anytime you want. so it's a bit of a catch 22. I'll tell you this - with the benefit of hindsight, I bet Tech would have just declined the other offer and sold them directly to me. I bet he would have preferred it went down that way. Whatever though - it's just fodder for convo while we're waiting to see if Peyton Manning takes step 1 of surviving this NFL season.


Here's my take on your question. I think the child labor issue is a red herring in terms of whether it has any relationship to our preferences. Yes, Nike's quality was better in that era. And, yes, they used child labor more extensively then than they do know. But, correlation doesn't equate to causality. There's no reason to assume that had they continued to produce under the same exact conditions, they'd maintain the same level of quality. ...I mean, their employees are still horribly financially exploited now. Nike kept costs down then and used higher quality materials. To consider the child labor an important factor in this, you have to buy into the hypothesis that their decrease in quality of materials was a direct attempt to recoup the money lost from having to pay their workers a pittance better. I think that ignores Nike's larger pattern of pushing the envelope to see how much blood they can squeeze from a stone. My hypothesis is that they'd engage in cost cutting behaviors on materials, etc. regardless of who was making the shoe. And, today's AF1 would be the same in a parallel universe in which Nike's factory environment never changed.

As for the larger issue, this is something I struggle with given that I'm a pretty politically active person and a hardline leftist. My thoughts on that are complicated and I've already written a tome here, so we'll save that for another time. I do think it is worth noting that many of us here do most of our purchasing on the secondary market, and therefore only a small portion our sneaker dollars actually go to Nike itself.
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I've never seen anyone of us claim to be a "exclusive circle" but we are definitely a community tho n we not afraid to show the Team pride.
NJ - its the quality n shape we like not the fact they were made by kids, as far as the other question goes I think there directly related. Since Nike was pressured into fair wages they had to cut costs somewhere to keep margins up and investors happy, so one of the things they did was use cheaper materials whic killed quality.
Good point, I was mostly just goofin but that's a great point about the materials cost cutting measures.
As for the larger issue, this is something I struggle with given that I'm a pretty politically active person and a hardline leftist. My thoughts on that are complicated and I've already written a tome here, so we'll save that for another time. I do think it is worth noting that many of us here do most of our purchasing on the secondary market, and therefore only a small portion our sneaker dollars actually go to Nike itself.
Ya I was sorta kidding but I'm kinda the same way, I actually didn't buy Nikes from 95-00 during my 'idealistic' hs/college years.  Not that there was a sneaker culture in my hometown (1600 people in rural texas, 2 hours from the nearest major city), but I had stayed away for a bit and just find it weird, and sure, hypocritical I guess, but the point about the secondary market is pretty valid.  It's definitely better than having a hyped up GR af1 release with the materials they've moved to.  Guess I stumbled onto something there and wasn't the only one.  Glad to know I'm not the only one with at least a twinge of guilt.  But I do think taking care of one's kicks the way folks here look like they do is a pretty solid way to honor the folks who made it, karmic boost hopefully.
Any thoughts on these? Im definitely intrigued to see better pics...

I really like those supreme AF1 ....

nice white af1 MFP , those white gum sole are so so nice !!!!!!!!!!!

the denim pack was great , def need the burgundy and maybe the grey one .

delivery day .

supremes look pretty nice, all black canvas upper :smokin

and nice ids rampage
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Just read your sig, Bulkster. Didn't realize you're "G-Raider." Waddup.

Just got a shipment of some Forces I've been accumulating today.

Metallic Red jewel mids
Carbon fibers
'95 white/gold lows

Took a shot on these. Good prices, not the greatest pics. Top 2 came out fine. The bottom two need a bit of restoration. Cleaned the uppers this evening. Came out good. Trying to place an order for some "sauce" to see if I can revive the soles. If that works, I'll be happy. Pics to come at some point.

...Still putting together a collection post. Waiting on a few more pieces I still need to get sent to me.
I'm not a big fan of black shoes so I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad that those Supremes are black.
a white swoosh woulda been nice (courir anyone lol).

bip - whats up man.. my name didnt make it over.. didnt wanna hassle trying to bring it back. you stole my birthday present from me haha. i just knew i shoulda pm'd you about that link. post pics when you get those. the guy told me there was no yellowing on the midsole. so they should look nice.
Im not a supreme fan by any means,dont own anything supreme, but I do like these.....If they put some pairs on their site Ill take a shot at it, but that will be the extent of my effort to get a pair
wow, lots of awesome stuff in here

matt, those two pairs are absolutely incredible. and funny nadel should mention his pair, i assumed that's where you got them from.

finally have another pair on the way, one that's been on my list for a long enough time.

pretty sure i've been spending more time on #teamaf1 instagram than i have on here :lol:
im definitely loving the more simple colorway plus gum soles. cant deny supreme has done collabs with nike in the past that were nice and that were ugly haha. gotta call a nice colorway when i see it.
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