TEAM AM FAM aka AIR MAX FAMILY THREAD (New Application Process)

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Man, I wanna see what's in those boxes. I'm excited like $$! is for me (damn shame). Keepin it 100, I just wanna see so I can copy. Fellas, if yourshoes are banging, just so ya know I'm not hating. but I'm gonna copy like a mofo.

Yeaahhhhh mane!!!
Jake Im no pro on those...but Id say fake. Shape looks off for an older model AM1.
Sup Fam! hope all is well with everyone! These pages are flying

never get tired of seeing any of the powerwall AM's....even the ones that i wouldn't buy are piff!

Infrareds, Reverse grape and crystal 95's looking good (i'm really just glad to have a blue color on the grey gradient, next up blue gradients forBrian)

if Nike wants those 24/7's to do well, they need to start by losing those striped lace loops....ASAP

Chris, TP800, Supamars, Cris - dope ID's guys....i swear i am afraid my entire bonus(and more probably) will go toID's once the new options go up. with all the crap i have in my locker's not looking good, by next week my locker will most likelydouble.

Shaun - damn bro....i don't know how u do it. i couldn't leave to work and not open the'd botherme all day long.
Chris - fantastic work on the midsole for ur id's.
Mike - u damn right...JD lasers > ______

Jake - told u before, and will say it again....sick painting man
(edit-yea those clot's look off, the toe shape...the stitching...i say fake)
Jack - dope pic of the white/red AM1's, wouldn't mind a untagged PM too, need a new wallpaper

Won - ATV's....DOPE!! i haven't been on one of those in a lot of years, i would love to get on one now thati'm older and much more liable to do some dumb $#!t.

.....ok i think i got most of everything i missed, sorry for that "wall-o-text", tried to brighten it up with some icons

did someone say something about currents?
.....i love them! they are alittle snug at first, but with wear they give in nicely and are super comfy. i will be needing a 2nd infrared pair and laser blue pair soon....before they areghost.

recycled pic of my currents(missing 1-2 pairs i think)

first pickups of 2010....starting the year off right!

thanks Ian, been after these for the longest time
(now i need the concord pair

Thanks vBay (Viet&eBay)
Justin...I opened em, just no time to take pics...

pretty happy for the most part with most of em. One pair is going back because of *cough*my mistake*cough*
Mayhemgatz- Definitely a solid way to start off 2010.
s dubl- I also thought you went to work without looking at them. Can't wait to see how they turned out.
Mayhem - dope pic of the currents, never considered getting a pair but now might be tempted, anyhow, great pickups
Happy New Year AM FAM! Spiridons and Vios....pfffffffffffffffff! Sick Justin!

Jake, stay away from that auction. Fishy. Plus, what were you going to do...stuff your big *** foot into those?
Originally Posted by FLINTGREY

Jake, stay away from that auction. Fishy. Plus, what were you going to do...stuff your big *** foot into those?

Nah I was thinkin about them for Joesuf...

Whats up Ron? Don't see you in here much anymore... What all hae you been picking up lately?
How's Chicago treating ya? What was the name of that bar we went to in Wrigleyville? That place was dope with the exception of the meat head in the glowingfur vest...
s dubl- Can't wait to see what's in there! Congrats!

mayhem- WOW!!! Everyone's landing Vio's these days. Congrats. Hopefully I'm up next.

Have a great day FAM!

Damn some nice Currents in here. I'll be keepin an eye out for the Bacons. I have a feeling they'll be hitting the outlets soon...

TP800 - Thanks for the Stash 95s man! I cant wait til they hit my doorstep!
Sdubl - 5 IDs! Can't wait for pics! I got my first pair of IDs today but they're hyperdunks...
Mayhem - Very nice Spiridons! One of the best CWs imo. Dope Vio's too!

Originally Posted by jwdanklefs

Originally Posted by Mayhemgatz

Originally Posted by jwdanklefs

Originally Posted by Mayhemgatz
Ill wait till you decide those are too big...
13 womens = 11.5 mens = happy happy joy joy
Ahh man I forgot about that!!! So does that mean I will never have a pair of those???
maybe if there was a womens 14 made? or if/when nike does a retro and make 'em in large sizes. I want the pairs Chris & Kev have...damn size 9'ers and ur ability to wear sick sample shoes

Drew - thanks, and we will talk soon bro...let's see what happens this week

Mitchell - thanks dude

New lights @ opium...
What up fellas?

No AMs today, too cold for that ishhhhhh......

Justin -- Sweet Spiris
. Unfortunately, I got mine at the beginning ofcold weather so I haven't even worn them yet
. But whenspringtime rolls around...........

Nice pic of the currents, too! And I'm not the biggest fan a lot of the AM light cw's, but that pair above is pretty nice.

S-dubl -- Looking forward to seeing pics
Powerwalls I own.






BRS 90 in this pic.

Pair Ive sold.


Missing is a pic of the white AM90 and the BRS 97s from the powerwall. I cant seem to find that pic on my computer.
Will try and take pic of it later.
Originally Posted by crisone

Just waitin' for the Bacon Currents to go on sale, cuz I have a feeling they will.............

haha....same! I check daily for them on sale
Originally Posted by crisone

Originally Posted by 7lcdmj

...............I had, the 93's, won them on ebay for about $40 shipped, re-sold for $200:


...Guess that makes me the sucker

, don't worry, it happens to all of us, I was surprise I even won it at that price, the seller didn't know what the worth was I imagine, it was listed as, "Mens Air Max Shoe", a homie on ISS linked me to it, I was gonna keep, but needed money, so just threw it up for a price I thought was reasonable for a shoe that can't basically be obtained.

Yea, you just never hear the origin of the story! I'm stoked though, thanks again!
Originally Posted by blackredxiiigoat

*Edit, anyone have an opinion on what the market price is for a DS pair of those Drury currents? I tracked down a pair in my size and Im trying to decide if I should pull the trigger...
Retail or less. They were at the outlets for ages, probably should have got some to add to the collection, have all but3.

If anyone's looking for some currents i reccommend the huarache/current 90s. Most comfy due to the current sole with huarache upper.
Originally Posted by phnrprman

Powerwalls I own

Originally Posted by larrivee7

But when springtime rolls around...........

Fam, check your pm's...

edit -
Spoiler [+]
actual pics of the spiridon mids.....i PRAY....PRAY....this means a spiridon retro
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