yeah ive checked on KX and the price isnt that bad imo, the seller could deff get 200-300 more if he listed them on ebay
in the past ive seen them go on ebay for twice the money, if you compared with that, then you have got your self a nice deal imo

Damn! That makes me feel even better haha
Lemon: Great pickup. I passed on a pair a few years ago and I still wonder if it was the right thing to do.

Rich, Sprigan and Markix : All great wears

Still wearing my Flyknit Ones, so no pics to post !
Wow awesome stuff in here guys! 

Geces- Very clean HOA's! 

Sprigan82- Very buttery! 

Tak- Very clean Mike! Got a nice pair of Tak airs on its way...

Lemon- Very nice pickup on those Powerwalls. Man you're just killing it with the pickups. Talk about a good amount of spare change.

Markix- Minty fresh Marcus!

Shoofoo23- Very clean stabs and 360's
S, Rich, Lemon, Rpreme, geces, bguira - thanks!

nice 90's tak, great pick up Lemon and dope shot Marcus (sorry no shirt update)
87's Safaris, Urawa :smokin

Spiris are stupid fresh :tongue:


Sprigan, great urawas.
Great wear Mike!
Lemon! I saw that pair too! So nice! Great pickup man.
Marcus, great wear!
Nice rotation shoofoo23.
Battleground, both awesome pairs!
Thanks- Geces, Lemon D, BSide, JUKEBOX & RPreme

Nice wears all around.

James- Im wearing 90s 'Believe'
I promise to take some pictures outside of my apartment here soon, but there is 6 inches of snow on the ground in Chicago so I don’t know when that will be. I just picked up these “Chili” Nike Air Max 1 on ebay last week and they were in pretty rough shape. I gave them a quick once over and they are ready to wear. Replacement insoles are a bummer but nothing to major. Such a classic AM1 and they are about to have their 10th birthday.

Before I worked on them, Right out of the box from Ebay:

After a little TLC


Not Perfect but very nice!
Bruggs- nice restore on those chillis, such a great pair!
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Msgt -diggin the lace swap

Floppers- very nice. Not used to seeing 98s in here......there was a time for that o_O
Bruggs- Very nice restoration on those Chili's

Lemon- SC's looking good David.

Msgt16- Drurys looking fresh! 

Rich- Those AM98's are so fresh! How are they holding up? 

Wearing these till they crumble... 
UFBeezy in da heezy! Wdup?! Thought you forgot about us...

Almost thought someone was paying us. Visit when I saw those 98s. Nice Rich.

Good job on those chills Bruggs.

Peace Fam.
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shaun! mark!

its been a long time for sure.. im sure ill be more active in the up coming weeks. glad eveything is up to par in this thread
World Famous - You already know.........Every time you post them 90s "I HAZ SAD"
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