Team Metal Heads thread : Keep metal alive join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!

over 10 minute song ftw.
waiting for someone to post Rime of the Ancient Mariner or 2112
 What a way to start the morning. Damn thats good stuff.

I just watched the gangland episode of FSU and that video reminded me of it haha.
good stuff. always give the hardcore in here a listen

ummmmmm...check out my friends band

i realize im biased cause im friends with them but its actually better than i anticipated. serpents child is great and my personal favorite but the drummer could improve. ill cut him a bit of slack tho cause hes only been playing for about a year
For the guys here that play instruments, which one would you say is the easiest to pick up? Im trying to work out more on my free time and also I would like to try my hand at learning how to play something lol. I guessed acoustic guitar but I really have no idea.
Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

For the guys here that play instruments, which one would you say is the easiest to pick up? Im trying to work out more on my free time and also I would like to try my hand at learning how to play something lol. I guessed acoustic guitar but I really have no idea.
Acoustics fun for me, you never stop learning chords.
Electric is what I mainly play though, some of the techniques are awesome once you got them down, I recently started on 6 string sweep picking.
im playing guitar about 14 years now. never even took a lesson. you just have to want to learn how to play. once you get the hang of it and songs start to sound right, you wont want to put the guitar down. thats what happened for me atleast. i would go back and learn music theory if i could though.

i REALLY wanna get into playing drums but i cant afford a kit or anywhere to store one.
Thanks for the insight guys. I think I may pick up an acoustic electric sometime next week.

And everyone be safe for st pattys!
something for those hangovers today:

these are my boys that went out to the west coast i was talking about. me and the drummer were in a band for 3 years together before he joined LOS. good dudes that are putting the work in. id appreciate it if you gave em a listen.
The limited deluxe edition of Omnivium is going to include a cover of Cacophony's Concerto, everyone who's interested in hearing our take on this classic Friedman/Becker tune, hurry up, this edition is limited to 2000 pieces only[/h6]

Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

 What a way to start the morning. Damn thats good stuff.

I just watched the gangland episode of FSU and that video reminded me of it haha.
that episode was dumb FSU aint even a gang their just a crew. the whole episode was pretty much made up of clips from the boston beatdown dvd. plus i cant believe theres still cops out there that think straight edge is a gang
Yea they kept showing the same clips from the beatdown dvd over and over. It was pretty weak compared to most of the ganglands. lol. I just think its dope they got some hardcore music on the history channel.
Wolves in the Throne Room
A Forest of Stars
... and a "best of black metal" mix Fenriz (Darkthrone) put out.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Man, recently re-discovered this album...

By far their best. It boggles my mind this band could make the trash that was The Burning Red/Supercharger.�
The more things change over the blackening? I disagree. Although I'd like to point out that I'm a fan of the album and not the band. We'll see what they do with their new record this year.

The Blackening is an amazing album and I think most fans would put it either number 1 or a close 2. It is a GREAT album and I love it. However, I think it's too polished.... if that makes sense. TMTC seems more Raw.

Then again, maybe let The Blackening grow on me for a decade and I may favor it. 
Had I hopes for Here Comes The Kraken's new album but now I hate what they've become
, totally differently from Don't Fail Me Darko and their first album
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