Team Metal Heads thread : Keep metal alive join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so speaking of Parkway Drive, where do you guys stand on the whole Epitaph records vs. Sumerian Records debate?

As we know Mitch is gone and at his memorial show, Phil Bozeman from Whitechapel sang vocals, and Absolutely KILLED it

Dem lows at 1:20 and 2:11
saw some posts here and I thought you guys were showing the new Metallica song that they previewed in Colombia,
well here it is

same 'ol same 'ol they really lost their song writing ability for years now
I rarely listen to anything after the self titled/black album. Hell I don't listen to the black album a lot. They were better when they made simple thrash metal songs inspired by hp lovecraft stories, bible/ten commandments movie and things of that nature. That being said the first 4 albums are some of my favorite albums in any genre.  

when it comes to the big 4 or any other big famous bands that clearly have their best years gone I appreciate their effort to stay relevant by releasing albums but I feel they don't need to do that. just tour and do festivals, people will come to see you for the rest of your life while still selling out shows, something hip hop doesnt have. This genre is scarce today and we hold on to our greats. rap has a new hit man every 6 months while forgetting the last guy. and here we have Rob still posting Dio, Megadeth, and Maiden.


anyway Killer be Killed has one hell of a collab I'd give them that. Dillinger Escape plan always threw me off musically, especially when I saw them

the newest Animals As Leaders is out tomorrow, even though I just looked that up since I've had the album for a while already


when it comes to the big 4 or any other big famous bands that clearly have their best years gone I appreciate their effort to stay relevant by releasing albums but I feel they don't need to do that. just tour and do festivals, people will come to see you for the rest of your life while still selling out shows, something hip hop doesnt have. This genre is scarce today and we hold on to our greats. rap has a new hit man every 6 months while forgetting the last guy. and here we have Rob still posting Dio, Megadeth, and Maiden.

/rant :lol:
I'm more an old school metalhead. :\ I don't like a lot of the current metal bands.
Thinking of doing a vocal cover contest for Whitechapel.

I've done a couple before, but it's been so damn long I'd have to take a couple weeks to dust off the cobwebs. Anyone wanna see my old covers, PM me and I'll link them to you. I could use opinions on whether I should attempt this or not. :lol:

I agree with Marco that there are good bands out there of course and Albooboo that its far and wide, I'm still in the "listening heavily to only local artists" phase. These dudes are cool to me and their from the Bay, just forgot really

and spizike just post them here, we won't flame you like the rest of NT, but I do know that with growling and high pitched vocals first rule is dont inhale. I can growl my butt off but know I won't make it since I'm inhaling

also dont have citrus the day of you plan on singing, mess up vocals cords so no OJ juice
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This is my latest one, given it was still a long time ago.

Nothing but exhales. Never inhales.

Lmk what you guys think, even if it's not your genre, any opinion on my capabilities or vocals are welcome.

A bit nervous cause I don't really show too many people these videos, but feel free to check out a couple more of my videos on the channel if you want.
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