Team Metal Heads thread : Keep metal alive join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 string

good to hear you guys are doing shows on a consistent basis and RANDOM guess that the band youre not a fan of is tteotd?

and p0tat0, nice to see you dude, long time. glad you took a liking to orphaned land. good stuff!

anyways, lets see how much of party-san i can cover in one post so grab a beer and sit back. dont wanna read? grab a beer anyways! here it is:

Spoiler [+]

after a couple days in berlin, we are off to bad berka for party.san. we take the train for about 4 hours in total. previously, the party.san website claimed that the weather was going to be "perfect" according to the meteorologists and news stations.

so we arrive at the festival and its very, very small compared to wacken. maybe about 10 000 people give or take. hell, the people in front of us on the bus bought their 3 day tickets that very day. we pick a place to camp in a very very open field close to the showers and flush toilets (never use the portables. NEVER). its a nice day (like predicted) and we head down for the metal disco that evening as music doesnt start till tomorrow. our neighbors are very friendly and everything is shaping up to be a good festival...then we wake up

it has rained all night the day before and mud is AWFUL. theres like inches of mud nearly everywhere we walk. theres no point in taking a shower cause you take one step and your ankle deep in the gunk already. perfect weather indeed...

oh and our tent is wet inside. theres a few bugs in it too. i have never seen these things before they they look freaky man. they got bodies like centipedes but not as many legs. their tail looks like two hooks pinching. i dont %!$$%$% know what the hell they were, nor how they got inside but i cant believe they were just chillin there while we slept. anyways, our neighbors help us get rid of the water inside the tent and we head off to see black thrash band ketzer.

the mud makes it incredibly hard to go anywhere. to walk to the festival area the day before took maybe 10 minutes. now it takes closer to 20, 25. the roadways were muddy yeah but you should have seen the stage area, hoooly. they woodchipped and laid down straw but its gonna take much more than that.

theres only one stage at party.san so you dont have to worry about missing a band. one of the perks for a smaller festival. also the market place is smaller yet its easier to find stuff cause there arent 2852345 different stores. not as much choice to eat but you cant go wrong with sausage and beer every day.

anyways, ketzer hits the stage and they kick major %#%. they sound like your typical australian blackened thrash metal band except that these guys are german. nice and fast with shrieking black metal vocals. they only have one album so its like i knew their setlist right off the bat. check out satans boundaries unchained. great stuff

i guess a drawback of having one stage is that the next band has to take a bit longer to get set up/do sound check etc. as black metal band merrimack gets going we decide to go shopping a bit and i get a little excited buying maybe 4 shirts in the span of 10 minutes
. as for merrimack, they were pretty good. dont know very much of their material (in fact, i know none at all) but from what i heard, it was pretty impressive.

we take another look on the other side of the mini metal market and devourment play in the background. we go back to the tent for some beers then check out monstrosity

i am familiar with monstrosity just b/c george fisher was the former vocalist so i metal-archive'd them. let me tell you, he wasnt the only bright spot, they kick major %#% (j1 knows wussup
). i own a couple albums and was expecting a good show but holy #%!* they were one of the best bands of the entire festival, no doubt. final cremation and remnants of divination

now, i dont know what the *%!$ devils blood was doing there. i guess their subject matter has to do with the occult, but what the hell? they sucked. although the first riff they played was pretty catchy. you know what, the guitars were catchy all together its just that the vocalist is like opera sorta singer and she did not move at all. i dont mind female fronted bands at all just so youre thinking but she was boring as hell. they had a live choir too who took forever to get soundchecked. also they were being too dramatic which doesnt work if the crowd isnt behind you.

after devils blood is the headliner for the evening (and right on cue since we were talking about them on the last page) watain. they played a slew of new stuff like malfeitor, waters of ain, reaping death, one song from casus, i am the earth as well as sworn to the dark and legions of the black light. solid. what made it awesome was they played dissection's the somberlain since it was the anniv of jon's death. great way to cap off a rather successful night of music. then we had to get back to the mud. ay yi yi...

day 2:

im hoping for bright skies, the sun and no rain the next morning. i wake up, and its the exact opposite, again. in fact, it rained the whole day. nothing too heavy, it was mostly just drizzling and misting most of the time. still, the mud man, #%!*

the first band of the day is melodic black metal band onheil. they only have one album and its pretty sweet. like ketzer, since they only have one album so the setlist was pretty straightforward. they playedmy favorite song first, nemesis light fading and closed with my 2nd favorite song, as hope dies. check em out if youre a fan of simple, melodic black metal.

so the next 3 bands are milking the goatmachine (
), lividity (not a fan of pornogrind. thats just %!$$%$% weird) and suicidal angels (they play all 3 festivals) so we skipped them and went to town for a bite. (we had a donair pizza at some random diner which sucked %#% btw). the town was almost deserted. i dunno if its like that because the town is so small, or if they go into hiding once the metalheads come rolling in (i know i would)

so we head back to the festival and origin is about to start. we arrive just in time and they were amazing. i dunno about you guys, but i much prefer the new vocalist. he actually moves around! he has long hair too!
but seriously, the bassist is AMAZING. crazy bastard taps while doing vocals
. and what can be said about paul? i love this band and they never fail live. they played a new song that i didnt know about and if anyone knows what it is lmk, please. it hit me like a sack of bricks it was so awesome.

ok, so ofermod apparently is going to go so demonical plays instead. they were good, but i didnt know anything. hell, i have 2 albums in itunes but i never came around the listening to it. damn shame. once they finish they fans starts chanting for one more and the vocalist says, "no...not worth it" then walks off the stage. the *%!$? i dunno if hes a *+$+$%*#$ of if he was tired of the mud.

the crown is up and we watch/listen from the beer gardens. not a huge loss since they are at summer breeze later anyways. my friend and my brother argued with me what genre they were. they said a heavier thrash metal but i said straight up death metal. *shrugs shoulders*

so im excited since ofermod didnt show up. not because i dont like them (#%!*, ive never heard of them before), but because this means the heavy hitters of the evening start earlier. so then what happens next? ofermod shows up
. the music was there, just black metal, but the overdramatic intro was a sore to watch. it was longer than the bloody sound check for christs sake. some australians we met liked them alot so i tried to keep an open mind, but they bored the *%!$ out of me. they just...stood there. NOBODY was into it. less people than tdb actually. then the guys guitar breaks and they are forced to stop. son didnt have a back up? for real? oh well, i wanted them off anyways. its just that the outro was the same and just as long as the intro

now time for those heavy hitters i alluded to in the last paragraph. first is death doom masters, asphyx. ho-ly sweet flying *%!$ they were heavy. vermin, scorbutics, ms bismarck, bloodswamp, death the brual way, the rack...#%!* man it was crazy. we had a good spot too with tons of room. i dunno if its because of how small the festival is, or because everyone was afraid of the mud

next heavy hitter, from minneapolis maryland: DYING, FETUSSSSSS. they just jumped right into it after sound check. other bands have their intros (like ofermod
) but fetus just smashed everyones faces right of the bat like always with praise the lord. they moved in with your treachery will die with you, homicidal retribution, one shot one kill, grotesque impalement. damn shame they only had 45 minutes though. i could of watched them for 2 hours.

dark-throne, dark-throne, dark-throne chants begin to surface after fetus because nocturno culto's side project sarke is next. unfortunately, he doesnt play an instrument live so he had a beer in his hands for most of the show. not good. he sounded very sluggish and drunk. primitive killing was catchy as hell but aside from that a very, very dissapointing performance. i was so upset that i didnt even buy the sarke shirt i was about to buy

now that thats over, its time for the headliner: mother %!$$%$% autopsy. they were the secret headliner so i was pretty stoked since i missed them at the maryland deathfest. this made up quite nicely

they were booked for an hour, but played maybe an hour and a half. setlist had twisted mass of burnt decay, severed survival, grip of winter, deathmask, human genocide, gasping for air, dead, charred remains and many many more. no slaughterday though wtefff. i dunno how the vocalist does vocals while playing drums but thats pretty dope. the only #$!%%# thing was that we had a kinda crappy spot because it was so damn packed. whatever, im happy i got to see them and hopefully everyone else gets a chance too now that they have reformed full time. hopefully they play slaughterday for you too.

we get back to the tent and we have been infested with insects again. there is a slug about the size of my pointer finger just chilling on the door and i had no idea how the hell the guy got there cause he wasnt there a minute ago. anyways, every night we have to wipe our shoes off bc we store them in the tent and we dont want mud in there. that #%!* takes about 10 min each cause theres so much of it. just one more night of camping and i cant wait to get to the grand hotel back in berlin.

day 3 (cause i got nothing better to do):

we wake up to some heat. could this be? the sun?!??! open the tent and yes, the sun is out. unfortunately, its not enough to dry up the massive amounts of mud everywhere. nice to not have any rain though.

so heres the thing about the tent i was talking about, what made us miss tribulation (who i heard had one of the better shows of the festival according to the internet). i dont know how it happened, but our door fell off. thats right, the %!$$%$% door. all the problems we had in the past with the tent and this #%!* happens? how? i dont know but it sucked. our stuff was just exposed to everybody who walked by. thats why i was paranoid to leave. also my brother and friend were drunk with our neighbors so they didnt give a rats %#% if our stuff was exposed or not. so i duct tape the door "shut" and leave for desaster

desaster was alright. good ol blackened thrash but im not too too fond of the current vocalist live. hes good, but nothing spectacular. they didnt play the one song i wanted in a winter battle (heres a vid from a past party.san live: so overall a disappointing show. not terrible like sarke, but disappointing nontheless.

i cant get the tent off my mind so i go back to check on it. varg is playing and i only really really like one song (everything else kind of sounds the same) so i dont think i miss out on much. plus they play all 3 festivals as well so maybe ill catch them at summer breeze cause i missed them at wacken as well. so i go back and the the door has fallen off...again. so i grab the tape and redo it but much much better with like 3 layers of tape. the roll is almost gone by now but i dont care. i go back and find out varg didnt play my favorite song so im relieved.

next is manegarm. i LOVE folk metal, you all know that, but manegarm is booooring. some good songs here and there but everything sounds the same. my friend compared their performance to svartstot at wacken. good for a bit, then they start to get old. i cant wait for them to finish b/c the next lineup of bands gives me goosebumps just looking back.

first: necrophagist. muhamed has long hair now
. anyways it looks cool with his new hair cause he was in the middle and his bassist is bald and left handed and his guitarist is also bald and right handed so with them on each side the set looked symmetrical

they played the usual stuff (for gods sake man, release another album!) like stillborn one, foul body autopsy, stabwound, extreme unction, fermented offal discharge. they were done in maybe 30 -35 minutes even though they were booked for almost 50. bastards
. was still awesome though

next was aura noir. thanks j1 for initially intoducing me to them, they were love at first listen. i wanted a shirt but they only had the logo and on the back said the ugliest band in the world (which is prolly true cause them dudes are UGLY). played hells fire (WOOOOOOO), black metal jaw, condor, all great songs. then this one guy with crutches came out and did vocals for the encore. i dont know who he was but he was bald and i think they called him the aggressor whom hasnt been on stage for 11 years? i dunno about him but he was AWESOME. they played son of hades with him and after the show he did an inverted cross with his crutches

could this night be any better? yes it can with napalm freaking death. barney is by far the most entertaining front man to watch. before the song has even started dudes already ran in 3 circles
. they play plenty of newer material as well as the staples of nazi punks *%!$ off and you suffer. my friend doesnt listen to napalm death so he was confused when they played it and why everyone was cheering. i had a hard time convincing him it was an actual song
. by the end of the show my buddy proudly called himself a new napalm death fan. i love going to shows when a band is able to convince you that theyre even better than what you think

could this night be any better? yes it certainly can with suffocation. frank mullen is the #%!* man
. he just got up there, said "holy #%!*, look at all these %!$$%$% people" and went into thrones of blood. i love his accent too. so un-metal like. oh, and mike alexander looks funny without the braids. who cares though, he tore it up as did terrence and everyone else. no abomination rebron or bind torture kill but they did play the staples of pierced from within and infecting the crypts which is always good.

i ask again, could this night be any better? yes it %!*$**%+%+%!# can with lock up for the second time. more or less the same setlist (shortened a tad bit) as wacken and i guess shane didnt mind pulling a double shift today with only and hour break. tom called us all lucky bastards cause he was performing at the brutal assault the night before while we watched autopsy. he then commented on the awesome streak of bands that evening and he was a lucky boy and told us that we didnt want to miss the next band. exact same way i felt because the next band was %!$$%$% cannibal corpse

like lock up, the same setlist from wacken except exact instead of a couple songs missing. i didnt care, it was awesome. george wanted everyone to mosh and not be a #++#$ since it was muddy. he was getting pretty pissed cause the pit was pretty mediocre/poor compared to wacken but can you really blame us? hell, you know when he asks at the very end, "ARE YOU READY?" *crowd cheer* "that was %!$$%$% weak, ARE YOU READYYYY?" *crowd cheer* he said, "that was still pretty %!$$%$% weak...HAMMER blah blah blah". i dunno, he seemed kind of aggravated cause if lack of crowd participation. still a great show though.

what a night! all those bands in a row starting with necrophagist without having to sit through someone crappy (*cough* edguy *cough*) was a treat indeed. we head back to tent reminiscing and come back to the door which has fallen off. miraculously, our #%!* was untouched. phew. my friend says *%!$ this #%!* and decides that we leave the tent at the festival and buy a new one in berlin. i got nothing against that. so we clean our shoes for the last time and seal the door with whats left of the tape from the inside along with a garbage bag for another layer.

i wake up in the middle of the night to realize that the door has fallen off again but i just dont give a *%!$ anymore and go right back to sleep

morning we wake up early to avoid the rush of people and leave our tent at the campground with some cheap beers still inside. someone eventually drank them, i guarantee that

2 festivals, 1 to go

wow, i got all of it. still got to post pictures from party.san and summer breeze so im not done yet!
I'd like you guys to check out my boys band. I'm not 100% sure if it fits here but couldn't think of a better place to post this 
. My friend is playing synth. Their first EP is coming out anyday now. Feedback is appreciated
^are you %!%+!%* serious? i seen that band before on this week promoting them

good for him. to be honest, im not the biggest fan of the whole sumerian scene whom they seem to influenced by but they sound impressive. songwriting sounds great. actually, they seem to be getting some good press wherever i look. tell em to fix that myspace page asap though

swear to god theres something in that water in finland with all the talent over there. send me a bottle?

anyways, heres my pictures from party.san. enjoy (unless you have 56k)

Spoiler [+]

told you it was smaller than wacken






the mud
. got worse as the festival went on. this is nothing. i had to throw away a pair of socks every single evening









asphyx! (w/ a coffins shirt!)




dying, fetusssssss!




nocturno cu...i mean, sarke. too bad they sucked







the tent door. forgot to mention that the roof thing that prevents rain broke. the pole snapped as you can see. %@@! this thing. all i can do now is look back and laugh cause it is pretty funny




aura noir. told you they were ugly



napalm death!





cannibal corpse again!




ill grade the music at the festival an A+ and everything else a C. breakfast was hot garbage (shouldnt say hot, *%$# was cold as sin
) and the festival seemed very disorganized as they days went on. overall a B. dare i say this? i had more fun here than wacken
Originally Posted by Physicx

^are you %!%+!%* serious? i seen that band before on this week promoting them

good for him. to be honest, im not the biggest fan of the whole sumerian scene whom they seem to influenced by but they sound impressive. songwriting sounds great. actually, they seem to be getting some good press wherever i look. tell em to fix that myspace page asap though

swear to god theres something in that water in finland with all the talent over there. send me a bottle?
Yeah they are definitely influenced by the Sumerian scene. They are good friends with the whole Circle of Contempt. I'm not 100% sure but the COC singer might have a guest feature on the EP. I'll post a link to it as soon as I'm allowed

The MySpace will be fixed soon too.
Went to the American Carnage Tour about 2 weeks ago to see Testament
, Megadeth
and Slayer
In Sac
crappy pics but i had no space for room, everyone was pushing, moshed my $## off in testament and went up front to see my god Dave Mustaine



stayed in a seat (tired from moshing) from most of Slayer but the second Raining Blood
and Angel of Death
(last song) came on I ran straight into the circle pit.
Took so long to post because I just healed from my battle wounds and regained consciousness

and Kerry King is now my new God, so I'm going to have to pick up polytheism
that is kinda messed up that one of the founders of dream theater leaves just like that. oh well, their loss is a7x's gain. dont like either band all that much though
. still, when i watched dream theater open for maiden, mike was a joy to watch. i kept my eyes on him for nearly the whole show.

and dude, thanks for the pictures and short review. i know i had fun when canadian carnage made its way around here last year. wish we had testament although machine head was pretty darn good. suicide silence on the other hand...
Damn Physicx you do the best reviews. Better than mine of course I'm always talking about taking a piss. And its been a damn while since I hit up a show. Money has really been hard on me. I got Rush next week so I'll bring on my review for that. By the way awesome pictures man and the tent pic was hilarious. I swear I spit out my drink.

By the way dude thanks for the small review on American Carnage. I'm going to that show 2 days after Rush only this is with Anthrax.
will listen once i get home, thanks

ill try and spread the word via facebook

and bcf, thanks for the kind words. your reviews are pretty damn good too, i just happened to notice that you threw in taking a leak very review
. its all good, i pissed on the fence all the damn time my whole trip. if you ever go to wacken (and you WILL
), dont use the portables, theyre nasty. suck it up and spend the money on flush toilets, its well worth it, trust me. and bring your own toilet paper
yeaaahhhhh boyyyyyyy

Greek extreme metallers ROTTING CHRIST will embark on a North American tour in March/April 2011. Support on the trek will come from MELECHESH, HATE, ABIGAIL WILLIAMS and LECHEROUS NOCTURNE.

The dates are as follows:

Mar. 09 - Jaxx - W. Springfield, VA
Mar. 10 - Championship Bar & Grill - Trenton, NJ
Mar. 11 - Montage Music Hall - Rochester, NY
Mar. 12 - Rocko’s - Manchester, NH
Mar. 13 - The Palladium - Worcester, MA
Mar. 14 - Crazy Donkey - Farmingdale, NY
Mar. 15 - Petite Campus - Montreal, QC - CANADA
Mar. 16 - Mod Club - Toronto, ON - CANADA
Mar. 17 - Blondie’s - Detroit, MI
Mar. 18 - Peabody’s - Cleveland, OH
Mar. 19 - Reggie’s Rock Club - Chicago, IL
Mar. 20 - Station 4 - St. Paul, MN
Mar. 22 - The Republik - Calgary, AB - Canada
Mar. 23 - Starlite Room - Edmonton, AB - Canada
Mar. 25 - El Corazon - Seattle, WA
Mar. 26 - Hawthorne Theatre - Portland, OR
Mar. 27 - DNA Lounge - San Francisco, CA
Mar. 28 - Chain Reaction - Anaheim, CA
Mar. 29 - The Key Club - Hollywood, CA
Mar. 30 - Brick by Brick - San Diego, CA
Mar. 31 - U.B’s Bar - Mesa, AZ
Apr. 01 - The War Legion Underground - Amarillo, TX
Apr. 02 - The Marquee - Tulsa, OK
Apr. 03 - Rail Club - Ft. Worth, TX
Apr. 04 - Emo’s - Austin, TX
Apr. 05 - Walter’s - Houston, TX
Apr. 07 - Brass Mug - Tampa, FL
Apr. 08 - The Masquerade - Atlanta, GA
Apr. 09 - Volume 11 - Raleigh, NC
Apr. 10 - The Casbah - Charlotte, NC
%!%* i waited till the last minute to go to the children of bodom show on the 24th and they sold out of general admission tickets

i waited cause i decided to not go to the noctis festival in calgary and this was the back up. %!%* my life if i cant get a floor ticket
Originally Posted by Physicx

%!%* i waited till the last minute to go to the children of bodom show on the 24th and they sold out of general admission tickets

i waited cause i decided to not go to the noctis festival in calgary and this was the back up. %!%* my life if i cant get a floor ticket
Why would you wait till the last minute homeboy. I'm not sure if you know about this but here.

man i dunno what i was thinking. i was gonna see how my midterms were gonna be cause it was the first week of school last week and i have one right after that weekend. i dont trust myself to study while out of town so i decided to go to this instead. this is stupid, i would have never had this problem if it was at the event center or the shaw cause ALL the tickets there are general. i never even knew this venue existed before this show and i already dont like it

i just hit up some people on kijiji (canadian version of craigslist) hoping i can score some tickets but ill prolly have to overpay

i dont think ill go to the meet and greet. i mean, i already have everything i own from them signed
Originally Posted by Physicx

man i dunno what i was thinking. i was gonna see how my midterms were gonna be cause it was the first week of school last week and i have one right after that weekend. i dont trust myself to study while out of town so i decided to go to this instead. this is stupid, i would have never had this problem if it was at the event center or the shaw cause ALL the tickets there are general. i never even knew this venue existed before this show and i already dont like it

i just hit up some people on kijiji (canadian version of craigslist) hoping i can score some tickets but ill prolly have to overpay

i dont think ill go to the meet and greet. i mean, i already have everything i own from them signed
Damn that sucks dude.  I know how you feel.  It happend to me when I wanted to see Queensryche one year.  They were playing a junkload of songs of the Rage for Order album and by the time I had decided to go the tickets were sold out.  If I could kick myself in the balls I would for being and idiot and not getting them.  Its still hurts to this day.  Well I hope you get those tickets dude.

Rush next Thursday yipeeeeeeeeeeeee.  I hope they allow cameras.  I've already checked the setlist.  It looks to awesome.
man youre soooo lucky that you get to see rush. theyre canadian for christs sake and theyre not even coming here. i really hope they announce a second leg. while i was on my flight home they had the rush documentary from sam dunn and it was AWESOME.

i like how they always play one setlist, take a break then come back and do another one, then do an encore
man youre soooo lucky that you get to see rush. theyre canadian for christs sake and theyre not even coming here. i really hope they announce a second leg. while i was on my flight home they had the rush documentary from sam dunn and it was AWESOME.

i like how they always play one setlist, take a break then come back and do another one, then do an encore
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