Tebow, Lin, now Amukamara pro athletes bout that chaste life

People are just giving props to someone for doing something they would have difficulty achieving...
I'm tired of this contrarian nonsense, you're a troll nonsense whenever someone doesn't share the same views as you. I'm not the only one in this thread who said this isn't "commendable".  He gets no props from me, but I support his right to express his religiosity however he sees fit.
Good for him. Now he needs to worry about that 0-3 start the Giants have had this season
If he wasn't a virgin he woulda stopped them dudes from dumping him in the ice bath after the 1st season.... jus' sayin

thought about this as well -- not thinking that being a virgin is the reason they dumped him or why they did it, but it kind of makes sense he is wired different than other guys on the team which there is no problem with that but they may have done it to get him to open up among the usual rookie hazing.....
you forgot lolo jones 
Wait, so we just take this dude's word for it? I remembered a certain Mr. Howard convincing that world that he was chaste a little while ago...
Sense, this does not make
I guess I was a little vague.

-Having sex is a human need, therefore not having it is like not eating. I understand it's a lifestyle choice, but I just can't get with it. Just my 2 cents.
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I guess I was a little vague.

-Having sex is a human need, therefore not having it is like not eating. I understand it's a lifestyle choice, but I just can't get with it. Just my 2 cents.

I completely get what you are saying

but it is not like food.

You have some people who go their entire life without having sex.
You cant have someone go their entire life without eating

You cant get with it now, but there was a time in your life where you didnt do it at all and guess what ?
you survived.
I completely get what you are saying

but it is not like food.

You have some people who go their entire life without having sex.
You cant have someone go their entire life without eating

You cant get with it now, but there was a time in your life where you didnt do it at all and guess what ?
you survived.
Semantics at that point. I mean categorically speaking if nobody had sex, would the human race survive? 

Surely you could go your entire life without sex, and people do. But aside from religious reason's why would you want to? I mean is it not human nature to want to have sex? I'm all for a religious reason, or any reason honestly, I just can't relate is all.
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I'm tired of this contrarian nonsense, you're a troll nonsense whenever someone doesn't share the same views as you. I'm not the only one in this thread who said this isn't "commendable".  He gets no props from me, but I support his right to express his religiosity however he sees fit.
This sounds all too familiar.
But if it was found out that he was slaying 10 chicks at the same time or another mans wife, dudes would be coming in here talking about respect *denzel gif* SMH.
I guess I was a little vague.

-Having sex is a human need, therefore not having it is like not eating. I understand it's a lifestyle choice, but I just can't get with it. Just my 2 cents.

People live from the time their born until they have sex for the first time. Could be anywhere from 12- 20 years, even sooner or longer. Try not eating for that long and see what happens. Sex is a want, and natural that we want it, but not a need.
But if it was found out that he was slaying 10 chicks at the same time or another mans wife, dudes would be coming in here talking about respect *denzel gif* SMH.

If he was wrapping it up then my feelings would be mutual like they are now. Pro athletes get plenty of groupies and no game is required.

If he was pulling a Dwight Howard then feelings would be negative.

Cool for him sticking to his beliefs but not really a big deal And he shouldn't get anymore praise for not smashing than others do for smashing
Yeah you don't need to have sex, and don't come in here with the "we are born to procreate" .. cus you could accomplish that without having physical sex.
What about oral sex and other types of sex that doesn't include intercourse is he allowed to do that?

I mean if she was blowing him like 3-5 times per day then he was probably good money, but nothing at all or not even fapping... boy, well then when he lets off on their wedding night or whenever then she is going to go flying like she's banging a geyser waiting to explode :lol:

Wood though :D
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