Teen Girl In Florida Kicked Almost To Death By Teen Boy She Has Never Meet Over Text Messages

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

They are both idiot.

Another prime example of terrible parenting. Girl's parents should be ashamed for raising a daughter that would say such things about another person's dead relative. And the parents of the other kid should be ashamed for not teaching their son not to hit a woman. Or to react from words with violence. Not to mention they clearly failed at raising their other son considering he committed suicide.

Congrats. You've raised one son who committed suicide and another who could potentially be a murdered. Disgusting. Some people really should not have kids.
Settle down with all that. We haven't even seen transcripts of the text messages so who knows what he said to her or what she even really said to him.
Did you even watch the video? They wouldn't have reported that information if hadn't been verified that she in fact sent the messages.
Yes I saw the video, I posted it. I was getting at we don't know the flow of the conversation and what was said for her to bring up a dead relative. Nobody just brings out such a personal attack without their being something said about them. Remember she doesn't even know this guy and she's never even seen what he looks like so it wasn't they were ex-friends or anything.
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

you guys are silly.
do you start every reply like this?
cause everyone in here is silly and it makes me laugh heartily so.

i laugh at the pre-programed masses.
who want equal rights and separate rights.
i laugh at these people who selectively read and make assumptions and guesses and conclusions that are beyond silly.

i think the boy was in the wrong for the boots. thats like having a bat.
but if he woulda just beat her up without all that... i would be fine with it.

What? are you serious.  The report read that he smashed her head into the concrete 6 times
then kicked her head 'soccer ball style' 5-7 times.  Is that getting beat up to you???  She never fought back once.
How do you repeatedly beat some one like that when she is not even defending herself.  If you think that is fine then
something is wrong with you.

If i found my bro swingin from a tree and you bring that ##@@ up on the fly...
you better believe ima cut open your chest and crush your heart.
you gettin it twisted bro. i said the steel toe boots were too much and the headkicking...
but her gettin beat to that degree is nothing.
from the pics Chris Brown did more.
the heck you talking about? last time i checked rihanna wasn't near death and in a coma.

and wow. i've had people say inappropriate things about my friends who have passed away.. and as hard as it's been to contain myself, the best answer is to walk away.

did all of you forget the little quote "2 wrongs dont make a right?" because it seems you're justifying his actions based on the fact that a middle schooler was talking some smack.. IN A TEXT MESSAGE. What about "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" if you're mature, you'd understand that hateful words shouldn't bring you down and the best bet is to laugh in the face of evil and walk away. heck, he could've played a prank on her.. thrown eggs at her? put gum in her hair? isn't that what you do when you're THIRTEEN? the heck is a 15 year old doing with steel toe boots?!

there is NO excuse for that kid's actions. none. physical violence is never acceptable, ONLY IN DEFENSE. attacking a middle schooler is rotten.
How you gonna make fun of a dude who found his brother dead though? Let me go up to that mom and tell her
that her daughter looks like a lemonhead now, this lady would try to rip my head off. People need to learn that there
are consequences to their actions and this chick provoked buddy.
Dude definitely did take it too far with the steel toe boots, he didn't have to do all that.
that girl deserved to get kicked in the head maybe a few times but not as bad as she got it.

you don't speak on someones dead family members like that and expect there to be no consequence to it.
Originally Posted by moneymike88

How you make fun of somebody's family member committing suicide though

the real question is why are you laughing at a matter this serious moneymike88?
You people are stupid 

Kid is 15 the worst thing that's gonna happen to him is he goes to Youth Authority or whatever they have down there and or family gets sued.

 @ guys saying you should go to jail and get raped in every situation. I kind of got the feeling some of you actually enjoy getting anal raped.
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

well she did start popping off for no reason. all he did was ask where his shorty was and she comes and says i dont like the relationship ya two are having and then she goes on and disses him over his bro who committed suicide. come on son

sad situation

Word. I'm not condoning what he did... but...

...every action has a reaction.
dudes brother commits suicide

stupid chick makes fun of him for it

dude goes ballistic and stomps stupid chick out
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

well she did start popping off for no reason. all he did was ask where his shorty was and she comes and says i dont like the relationship ya two are having and then she goes on and disses him over his bro who committed suicide. come on son

sad situation

Word. I'm not condoning what he did... but...

...every action has a reaction.
Co sign..

Dude OD'd though
Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

you guys are silly.
do you start every reply like this?
cause everyone in here is silly and it makes me laugh heartily so.

i laugh at the pre-programed masses.
who want equal rights and separate rights.
i laugh at these people who selectively read and make assumptions and guesses and conclusions that are beyond silly.

i think the boy was in the wrong for the boots. thats like having a bat.
but if he woulda just beat her up without all that... i would be fine with it.

What? are you serious.  The report read that he smashed her head into the concrete 6 times
then kicked her head 'soccer ball style' 5-7 times.  Is that getting beat up to you???  She never fought back once.
How do you repeatedly beat some one like that when she is not even defending herself.  If you think that is fine then
something is wrong with you.

If i found my bro swingin from a tree and you bring that ##@@ up on the fly...
you better believe ima cut open your chest and crush your heart.
you gettin it twisted bro. i said the steel toe boots were too much and the headkicking...
but her gettin beat to that degree is nothing.
from the pics Chris Brown did more.
the heck you talking about? last time i checked rihanna wasn't near death and in a coma.

and wow. i've had people say inappropriate things about my friends who have passed away.. and as hard as it's been to contain myself, the best answer is to walk away.

did all of you forget the little quote "2 wrongs dont make a right?" because it seems you're justifying his actions based on the fact that a middle schooler was talking some smack.. IN A TEXT MESSAGE. What about "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" if you're mature, you'd understand that hateful words shouldn't bring you down and the best bet is to laugh in the face of evil and walk away. heck, he could've played a prank on her.. thrown eggs at her? put gum in her hair? isn't that what you do when you're THIRTEEN? the heck is a 15 year old doing with steel toe boots?!

there is NO excuse for that kid's actions. none. physical violence is never acceptable, ONLY IN DEFENSE. attacking a middle schooler is rotten.
Rhianna is like 21 years old, this girl is 13 or 14. Of course shes going to suffer more because she is younger and not as strong as grown woman.
Originally Posted by DublBagn

the title of this thread made my head hurt.....

Teen Girl In Florida Kicked Almost To Death By Teen Boy She Has Never Meet Over Text Messages

these parts are horrible....it should read something like

Florida teen almost kicked to death by a boy she met via text message.....

EDIT:  I cant believe people are in here standing up for this piece of %@%#....When is it ever ok to hit a girl?  and no matter what was said about his dead brother he should not have taken things this far.  I hope this kid rots in jail, because he is a nut bag,  dude had a 3 mile bike ride to think about what he was doing.......

For all the people defending him, so if anyone says anything that pisses you off you get to put them in a coma......????  also, the girl who said something should never be the same again, have brain damage and a life of health problems because he cant control his anger??? 

I do hope she gets better...
you're soft.

every is walking a tight rope when speaking their opinion but at the end of the day someone you truly love and care about who is deceased, if you're going to disrespect them I'd knock someones block off too or keep trying til im dead or in jail. you can play the logic game but all that sounds like is your a man with NO PRIDE.
At the end of the day, words are words. Although mental pain can be just as harming as physical pain, there are no justifications for acts like this. What she said about his brother was probably wrong, I'm sure we can all agree on that, but what's worse is what he did in retaliation. People saying she deserved it, or she caused it herself are just promoting idiotic and senseless behavior. If you can't teach kids to practice discipline and patience, this is whats going to happen on the regular.
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

you guys are silly.
do you start every reply like this?
cause everyone in here is silly and it makes me laugh heartily so.

i laugh at the pre-programed masses.
who want equal rights and separate rights.
i laugh at these people who selectively read and make assumptions and guesses and conclusions that are beyond silly.

i think the boy was in the wrong for the boots. thats like having a bat.
but if he woulda just beat her up without all that... i would be fine with it.

What? are you serious.  The report read that he smashed her head into the concrete 6 times
then kicked her head 'soccer ball style' 5-7 times.  Is that getting beat up to you???  She never fought back once.
How do you repeatedly beat some one like that when she is not even defending herself.  If you think that is fine then
something is wrong with you.

If i found my bro swingin from a tree and you bring that ##@@ up on the fly...
you better believe ima cut open your chest and crush your heart.
you gettin it twisted bro. i said the steel toe boots were too much and the headkicking...
but her gettin beat to that degree is nothing.
from the pics Chris Brown did more.
the heck you talking about? last time i checked rihanna wasn't near death and in a coma.

and wow. i've had people say inappropriate things about my friends who have passed away.. and as hard as it's been to contain myself, the best answer is to walk away.

did all of you forget the little quote "2 wrongs dont make a right?" because it seems you're justifying his actions based on the fact that a middle schooler was talking some smack.. IN A TEXT MESSAGE. What about "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" if you're mature, you'd understand that hateful words shouldn't bring you down and the best bet is to laugh in the face of evil and walk away. heck, he could've played a prank on her.. thrown eggs at her? put gum in her hair? isn't that what you do when you're THIRTEEN? the heck is a 15 year old doing with steel toe boots?!

there is NO excuse for that kid's actions. none. physical violence is never acceptable, ONLY IN DEFENSE. attacking a middle schooler is rotten.
Rhianna is like 21 years old, this girl is 13 or 14. Of course shes going to suffer more because she is younger and not as strong as grown woman.
uh , what? Rihanna didnt get stomped in the head with a metal boot.

14 or 24, you'd have the same injuries if your head was impounded with a steel toe.

wow at the ignorance of some of you...
Damn I cant believe fools are defending this guy. So his lame @!! brother offs himself so now because some girl made fun of him he gets to beat her to death. Sorry I got no respect for ******* who need to take themselves out.

And another note was up with guys just straight taking flight on a girl??
Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

you guys are silly.
do you start every reply like this?
cause everyone in here is silly and it makes me laugh heartily so.

i laugh at the pre-programed masses.
who want equal rights and separate rights.
i laugh at these people who selectively read and make assumptions and guesses and conclusions that are beyond silly.

i think the boy was in the wrong for the boots. thats like having a bat.
but if he woulda just beat her up without all that... i would be fine with it.

What? are you serious.  The report read that he smashed her head into the concrete 6 times
then kicked her head 'soccer ball style' 5-7 times.  Is that getting beat up to you???  She never fought back once.
How do you repeatedly beat some one like that when she is not even defending herself.  If you think that is fine then
something is wrong with you.

If i found my bro swingin from a tree and you bring that ##@@ up on the fly...
you better believe ima cut open your chest and crush your heart.
you gettin it twisted bro. i said the steel toe boots were too much and the headkicking...
but her gettin beat to that degree is nothing.
from the pics Chris Brown did more.
the heck you talking about? last time i checked rihanna wasn't near death and in a coma.

and wow. i've had people say inappropriate things about my friends who have passed away.. and as hard as it's been to contain myself, the best answer is to walk away.

did all of you forget the little quote "2 wrongs dont make a right?" because it seems you're justifying his actions based on the fact that a middle schooler was talking some smack.. IN A TEXT MESSAGE. What about "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" if you're mature, you'd understand that hateful words shouldn't bring you down and the best bet is to laugh in the face of evil and walk away. heck, he could've played a prank on her.. thrown eggs at her? put gum in her hair? isn't that what you do when you're THIRTEEN? the heck is a 15 year old doing with steel toe boots?!

there is NO excuse for that kid's actions. none. physical violence is never acceptable, ONLY IN DEFENSE. attacking a middle schooler is rotten.
Rhianna is like 21 years old, this girl is 13 or 14. Of course shes going to suffer more because she is younger and not as strong as grown woman.
uh , what? Rihanna didnt get stomped in the head with a metal boot.

14 or 24, you'd have the same injuries if your head was impounded with a steel toe.

wow at the ignorance of some of you...
you sir are an idiot. what are you talking about. so your saying if a baby got pounded with a steel toe boot, the injuries would be the same as a 40 year old man? what are you honestly talking about. your body isnt fully developed when your young, thus your body cant take as much pain if you were older. seriously, go take a physio class
Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

you guys are silly.
do you start every reply like this?
cause everyone in here is silly and it makes me laugh heartily so.

i laugh at the pre-programed masses.
who want equal rights and separate rights.
i laugh at these people who selectively read and make assumptions and guesses and conclusions that are beyond silly.

i think the boy was in the wrong for the boots. thats like having a bat.
but if he woulda just beat her up without all that... i would be fine with it.

What? are you serious.  The report read that he smashed her head into the concrete 6 times
then kicked her head 'soccer ball style' 5-7 times.  Is that getting beat up to you???  She never fought back once.
How do you repeatedly beat some one like that when she is not even defending herself.  If you think that is fine then
something is wrong with you.

If i found my bro swingin from a tree and you bring that ##@@ up on the fly...
you better believe ima cut open your chest and crush your heart.
you gettin it twisted bro. i said the steel toe boots were too much and the headkicking...
but her gettin beat to that degree is nothing.
from the pics Chris Brown did more.
the heck you talking about? last time i checked rihanna wasn't near death and in a coma.

and wow. i've had people say inappropriate things about my friends who have passed away.. and as hard as it's been to contain myself, the best answer is to walk away.

did all of you forget the little quote "2 wrongs dont make a right?" because it seems you're justifying his actions based on the fact that a middle schooler was talking some smack.. IN A TEXT MESSAGE. What about "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" if you're mature, you'd understand that hateful words shouldn't bring you down and the best bet is to laugh in the face of evil and walk away. heck, he could've played a prank on her.. thrown eggs at her? put gum in her hair? isn't that what you do when you're THIRTEEN? the heck is a 15 year old doing with steel toe boots?!

there is NO excuse for that kid's actions. none. physical violence is never acceptable, ONLY IN DEFENSE. attacking a middle schooler is rotten.
Rhianna is like 21 years old, this girl is 13 or 14. Of course shes going to suffer more because she is younger and not as strong as grown woman.
uh , what? Rihanna didnt get stomped in the head with a metal boot.

14 or 24, you'd have the same injuries if your head was impounded with a steel toe.

wow at the ignorance of some of you...


Your final sentence in that post says alot about you. You're not allowed to call anyone ignorant anymore
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

you guys are silly.
do you start every reply like this?
cause everyone in here is silly and it makes me laugh heartily so.

i laugh at the pre-programed masses.
who want equal rights and separate rights.
i laugh at these people who selectively read and make assumptions and guesses and conclusions that are beyond silly.

i think the boy was in the wrong for the boots. thats like having a bat.
but if he woulda just beat her up without all that... i would be fine with it.

What? are you serious.  The report read that he smashed her head into the concrete 6 times
then kicked her head 'soccer ball style' 5-7 times.  Is that getting beat up to you???  She never fought back once.
How do you repeatedly beat some one like that when she is not even defending herself.  If you think that is fine then
something is wrong with you.

If i found my bro swingin from a tree and you bring that ##@@ up on the fly...
you better believe ima cut open your chest and crush your heart.
you gettin it twisted bro. i said the steel toe boots were too much and the headkicking...
but her gettin beat to that degree is nothing.
from the pics Chris Brown did more.
the heck you talking about? last time i checked rihanna wasn't near death and in a coma.

and wow. i've had people say inappropriate things about my friends who have passed away.. and as hard as it's been to contain myself, the best answer is to walk away.

did all of you forget the little quote "2 wrongs dont make a right?" because it seems you're justifying his actions based on the fact that a middle schooler was talking some smack.. IN A TEXT MESSAGE. What about "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" if you're mature, you'd understand that hateful words shouldn't bring you down and the best bet is to laugh in the face of evil and walk away. heck, he could've played a prank on her.. thrown eggs at her? put gum in her hair? isn't that what you do when you're THIRTEEN? the heck is a 15 year old doing with steel toe boots?!

there is NO excuse for that kid's actions. none. physical violence is never acceptable, ONLY IN DEFENSE. attacking a middle schooler is rotten.
Rhianna is like 21 years old, this girl is 13 or 14. Of course shes going to suffer more because she is younger and not as strong as grown woman.
uh , what? Rihanna didnt get stomped in the head with a metal boot.

14 or 24, you'd have the same injuries if your head was impounded with a steel toe.

wow at the ignorance of some of you...
you sir are an idiot. what are you talking about. so your saying if a baby got pounded with a steel toe boot, the injuries would be the same as a 40 year old man? what are you honestly talking about. your body isnt fully developed when your young, thus your body cant take as much pain if you were older. seriously, go take a physio class

but your comparison is ridiculous! a baby vs a teenager .. and a 14 year old vs a 24 year old?

if rihanna got beat in the head with a steel toe boot i guarantee you she'd be hospitalized, girl got slapped around a little.. this teenager was almost BEAT TO DEATH and STOMPED ON. huge difference.

*rolls eyes*

please refrain from name calling, btw. it's not allowed on NT. and i'm not a sir.
She was out of pocket for talking negative about his dead brother, she deserved to get beat up............. but, she doesn't deserve to be fighting for her life over what she said, Son went overboard bigtime. Stomped her out with steel toes and slammed her head into the cement? He may as well should have brought a gun and shot her, he was trying to decapitate her. Truly sad for all parties involved, kid probably gonna spend the rest of his life in jail if the girl doesn't pull through.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69
i think the boy was in the wrong for the boots. thats like having a bat.
but if he woulda just beat her up without all that... i would be fine with it.
What? are you serious.  The report read that he smashed her head into the concrete 6 timesthen kicked her head 'soccer ball style' 5-7 times.  Is that getting beat up to you???  She never fought back once.
How do you repeatedly beat some one like that when she is not even defending herself.  If you think that is fine then
something is wrong with you.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Eh, guess there is something wrong with me then. Depending on where you're from (hell, this is pretty much standard anywhere) When you talk about a dead person in someones family or what have you, expect to get your #+% kicked, doesn't matter the degree of the beating you take. The boots were OD, but I can't say I feel sorry for her. *shrugs*[/color]
i love how everyone here is saying that it's justified bc she talked about his dead brother, when NONE OF US know what was even said or how it was brought up. smh.
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