Teen Girl In Florida Kicked Almost To Death By Teen Boy She Has Never Meet Over Text Messages

So everytime someone talks about a dead relative that was extremely close to me I can beat their skull in with no repercussions?

Sorry fam that doesn't fly at all, he needs to go to jail for a good amount of time.
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69
i think the boy was in the wrong for the boots. thats like having a bat.
but if he woulda just beat her up without all that... i would be fine with it.
What? are you serious.  The report read that he smashed her head into the concrete 6 timesthen kicked her head 'soccer ball style' 5-7 times.  Is that getting beat up to you???  She never fought back once.
How do you repeatedly beat some one like that when she is not even defending herself.  If you think that is fine then
something is wrong with you.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Eh, guess there is something wrong with me then. Depending on where you're from (hell, this is pretty much standard anywhere) When you talk about a dead person in someones family or what have you, expect to get your #+% kicked, doesn't matter the degree of the beating you take. The boots were OD, but I can't say I feel sorry for her. *shrugs*[/color]
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

They are both idiot.

Another prime example of terrible parenting. Girl's parents should be ashamed for raising a daughter that would say such things about another person's dead relative. And the parents of the other kid should be ashamed for not teaching their son not to hit a woman. Or to react from words with violence. Not to mention they clearly failed at raising their other son considering he committed suicide.

Congrats. You've raised one son who committed suicide and another who could potentially be a murdered. Disgusting. Some people really should not have kids.
I agree with mostly everything but the part about the parents being at fault for their son committing suicide. There are instances where parents of a person who committed suicide are unaware of any problems that that person had. If their child was dealing with depression, that wouldn't necessarily be a correlation to bad parenting. Some people try to hold things in to themselves, and others around them have no way of helping them if there aren't any signs of that that person needs to seek help.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

How you gonna make fun of a dude who found his brother dead though? Let me go up to that mom and tell her
that her daughter looks like a lemonhead now, this lady would try to rip my head off. People need to learn that there
are consequences to their actions and this chick provoked buddy.
Dude definitely did take it too far with the steel toe boots, he didn't have to do all that.
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

So everytime someone talks about a dead relative that was extremely close to me I can beat their skull in with no repercussions?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Where did I say you CAN do that? [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] Fact of the matter is, that's a VERY sensitive thing for most people.. I'm really not surprised that he spazzed out on her. Note for some of you, watch who you talk !@!# to. [/color]
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

He shouldn't be held responsible for his actions.

Have your bro kill himself and some teeny bopper crack jokes a week later.
He was obviously unstable and just snapped
word....hope they don't throw him in jail....he just needs some counseling...they said he's never gotten trouble before....
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

So everytime someone talks about a dead relative that was extremely close to me I can beat their skull in with no repercussions?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Where did I say you CAN do that? [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] Fact of the matter is, that's a VERY sensitive thing for most people.. I'm really not surprised that he spazzed out on her. Note for some of you, watch who you talk !@!# to. [/color]
I said with no repercussions, do you think he deserves punishment?

or do you think counseling is suitable enough for leaving this girl two kicks away from being brain dead?
Now I'm not going to go as far as to say dude shouldn't be punished at all...he definitely needs some help
and I do think he should serve some time. To be honest, I feel bad for both parties, but I sympathize with the dude a tiny bit more
call me evil, insensitive or whatever. Chick probably was used to talking slick with no repercussions, that is
probably why she felt comfortable and secure enough to take it to THAT level with someone who just recently
found his brother/best friend hanging dead from a tree right before his birthday.
^^^ valid point made, BUT insults are said to gain a certain reaction PURPOSELY just because it wasn't the reaction she or any of us would exspect doesn't mean his reaction wasn't justified, jus my op. If he woulda cursed her fam he'd still be wrong because obviously two wrongs don't make a right. Remember everyone has different reactions to different *+@# ,how abt we all hold judgement for dude. Truthfully in that situation and unfortunate circumstance for the dude losin his bro a person insulting there grave would bring out a SHYTSTORM worth of rage... For me atleast (I kno NT has tons o ghandi actin folk on here).
Someone already said it, but dude shoulda got a female cousin or other female relative to beat down the broad that was talking %!$$ on his deceased brother.  That might have still got him in a little trouble, but the whole situation would be a lot better.  All around @####% situation.  But damn, wonder what the deal is with the suicide?  What could be so bad to make someone do that?  Some selfish %!$$...
Originally Posted by popcornplaya

I would post Dave Chappelle's "How Old Is Fifteen Really?", but I don't wanna get warned for profanity.

On EVERYTHING, I SWEAR I just watched that clip like 5 mins before I looked in this thread.
Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

you guys are silly.
do you start every reply like this?
cause everyone in here is silly and it makes me laugh heartily so.

i laugh at the pre-programed masses.
who want equal rights and separate rights.
i laugh at these people who selectively read and make assumptions and guesses and conclusions that are beyond silly.

i think the boy was in the wrong for the boots. thats like having a bat.
but if he woulda just beat her up without all that... i would be fine with it.

What? are you serious.  The report read that he smashed her head into the concrete 6 times
then kicked her head 'soccer ball style' 5-7 times.  Is that getting beat up to you???  She never fought back once.
How do you repeatedly beat some one like that when she is not even defending herself.  If you think that is fine then
something is wrong with you.

If i found my bro swingin from a tree and you bring that ##@@ up on the fly...
you better believe ima cut open your chest and crush your heart.
you gettin it twisted bro. i said the steel toe boots were too much and the headkicking...
but her gettin beat to that degree is nothing.
from the pics Chris Brown did more.

and wow. i've had people say inappropriate things about my friends who have passed away.. and as hard as it's been to contain myself, the best answer is to walk away.
Having a tragic death in your FAMILY, and knowing someone who died a tragic death are TWO completely different situations.....
this is how i see it. all jokes aside

you reap what you sow.

yes he responded in a very harsh violent manner, BUT had she kept her mouth shut and not crossed that line you don't cross, (talking about someones dead close relatives) she would be enjoying her monday rather then looking like a lemonhead due to some steel toe boots and some dumb jibber jabber from her big mouth.

like it was said earlier, let me go up to her dad and laugh about what happened to his daughter and see how he would react to me.

this could have all been avoided had this girl kept her big mouth shut.

yes the reaction was od but its her fault because she brought it upon herself.

dude who kicked her face in didn't wake up that day planning to kick some random girls face in. that random girl happened to run her mouth on someones dead brother and due to that two peoples lives ended up becoming forever altered.
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

So everytime someone talks about a dead relative that was extremely close to me I can beat their skull in with no repercussions?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Where did I say you CAN do that? [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] Fact of the matter is, that's a VERY sensitive thing for most people.. I'm really not surprised that he spazzed out on her. Note for some of you, watch who you talk !@!# to. [/color]
I said with no repercussions, do you think he deserves punishment?

or do you think counseling is suitable enough for leaving this girl two kicks away from being brain dead?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I really don't care. All I'm saying is I can see why that kid responded the way he did.[/color]

Chick probably was used to talking slick with no repercussions, that is
probably why she felt comfortable and secure enough to take it to THAT level with someone who just recently
found his brother/best friend hanging dead from a tree right before his birthday.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Agreed.[/color]
Truthfully in that situation and unfortunate circumstance for the dude losin his bro a person insulting there grave would bring out a SHYTSTORM worth of rage... For me atleast (I kno NT has tons o ghandi actin folk on here).
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Co-sign.[/color]
I wouldn't say anyone who reacts in a violent way to someone (male or female) who made fun of a deceased family member is wrong, but I do feel this kid took it too far.
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

well she did start popping off for no reason. all he did was ask where his shorty was and she comes and says i dont like the relationship ya two are having and then she goes on and disses him over his bro who committed suicide. come on son

sad situation

Word. I'm not condoning what he did... but...

...every action has a reaction.

"Don't write a check that your %@% can't cash"

I guess some of yall are used to talking to people reckless, but where im from if you say some +$@! you better be prepared to take any consequences that come with it
Like most people in here have said... I have NO IDEA how I would react if I was in dude's situation.

Dude found his brother hanging a DAY BEFORE HIS BIRTHDAY???

That girl definitely crossed the line.
this girl reminds me of alot of you dudes acting tough behind a screen only thing different is the boy knew where she was and he made that trip and gave her wat she was looking for i hope this is a lesson learned for her and everybody that read this story...............

and no he shouldnt have did that much but it is wat it is
Originally Posted by SdotRusherz

Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

you guys are silly.
do you start every reply like this?
cause everyone in here is silly and it makes me laugh heartily so.

i laugh at the pre-programed masses.
who want equal rights and separate rights.
i laugh at these people who selectively read and make assumptions and guesses and conclusions that are beyond silly.

i think the boy was in the wrong for the boots. thats like having a bat.
but if he woulda just beat her up without all that... i would be fine with it.

What? are you serious.  The report read that he smashed her head into the concrete 6 times
then kicked her head 'soccer ball style' 5-7 times.  Is that getting beat up to you???  She never fought back once.
How do you repeatedly beat some one like that when she is not even defending herself.  If you think that is fine then
something is wrong with you.

If i found my bro swingin from a tree and you bring that ##@@ up on the fly...
you better believe ima cut open your chest and crush your heart.
you gettin it twisted bro. i said the steel toe boots were too much and the headkicking...
but her gettin beat to that degree is nothing.
from the pics Chris Brown did more.

and wow. i've had people say inappropriate things about my friends who have passed away.. and as hard as it's been to contain myself, the best answer is to walk away.
Having a tragic death in your FAMILY, and knowing someone who died a tragic death are TWO completely different situations.....
regardless, it's still a loved one.

my 2 best friends were killed.

i don't need anyone to judge my love for people... and i sure as hell wouldn't come close to murdering someone because they are talking smack.

like i said before, violence is not the answer. it's crazy that so many members here think its socially acceptable to beat someone up. it's wrong. point blank. it's illegal.
talking about a dead person isn't. in fact, its laughable when people disrespect my friends who have passed bc the truth is, they dont know +!*. and same goes to this young girl who spoke down on his brother....
^^ exactly what casper said...

No one in here is saying that the kid shouldn't be punished or sent to jail... but a lot of people aren't feeling sympathy for the chick simply because she pretty much created this situation by talking that %+$%.
you don't mess around when it comes to family members.

that girl probably thought she was real funny with the jokes, acting like she won't be held responsible for her actions
She started it and he damn near finished it. Damn
he'll be locked up for a while but whatever comes his way he deserves
Originally Posted by DJ bana

like i said before, violence is not the answer. it's crazy that so many members here think its socially acceptable to beat someone up. it's wrong. point blank. it's illegal.
talking about a dead person isn't. in fact, its laughable when people disrespect my friends who have passed bc the truth is, they dont know +!*. and same goes to this young girl who spoke down on his brother....

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]

Ok, Ghandi.[/color]

Originally Posted by anygivensunday

^^ exactly what casper said...

No one in here is saying that the kid shouldn't be punished or sent to jail... but a lot of people aren't feeling sympathy for the chick simply because she pretty much created this situation by talking that %+$%.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I mean.. It's like some people can't just see that.
That's all it comes down to. You cross that line, you get dealt with.. Is it right? No. But 9/10 that's just how it goes.[/color]
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