Teen: Teacher had sex with me 300 times

Mannnn...What are these kids thinking?

If Ms. Press, Ms. Abrams, Ms. Pirone, Mrs. Rizzotti or Ms. Delapi ever gave me the chance....WOOOOOWEEEEE

You don't know how many times I prayed they would tell me to stay after school and then just seduce me and then I could throw them on the desk and tax that!*%.
Originally Posted by morningstar7777

What a lame. Why would you snitch? You got to smash 300 times, you should be writing letters of appreciation. Spoiled kids.
Originally Posted by Face82

The only thing I hate about these teachers having sex with students......

The student tells.

Stupid Muthas..........
We prayed for ##@ like this to happen to us back in the day. These lames wana go tell.

exactly!!! then dude starts talking to chicks his own age they prolly not even gonna do what she was doing
was it forced? was he intimidated?? "raped" 300 times seems crazy.. he knew darn well what was happening time and time again.. i guess after awhilehe got tired of it , got scared, and initimidated? He wont grow up too well with that mindset he has..
Kid's a pimp, supposedly the teacher got jealous of him because he used the phone she gave him to text other girls. I dont think it was him who snitched,he told his friend about it, and his friend snitched. Hearing all these stories, I honestly think I shoulda put my bid in to so many teachers when I was inschool. And just think about it, if we're hearing just a few of these stories a year, just think about many of these instances are happening thatAREN'T on the news that we don't hear about.
This is crazy, I'm from rockland too
....i find this hilarious
small town people got nothingbetter to do. thats why i'm outta there!
i would have liked school a whole lot more if i was as lucky as these snitch #+% dudes
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