Tell me, how can you NOT think Tupac is the G.O.A.T?

His influence and impact is far reaching, but his death gave his legacy a crazy boost

........and that's the truth.

Also, to the dude that gave the breakdown on why he thinks Em is G.O.A.T, your analysis is laughable at best. For example..............

3. He dropped arguably 3 classic albums

To each is own, but if you think Em has dropped 3 classics, let alone 3 straight classic you might need help immediately if not sooner.
4. He was the first to successfully break the "color barrier" in hip-hop

Ever heard of the Beastie Boys champ, how about 3rd Base?? You're really showing your hip hop history here, or lack thereof.

8. He's helped establish other hip-hop giants (50 Cent, G-Unit, D-12 (maybe a reach))

Hip Hop giants, lol. He helped establish one hip hop giant at best, and that's 50. I would hardly call G-Unit and D-12 hip hop giants.

There were some more holes in your argument but you get the point.
Pac is the best and after pac is nas then jay and big why????? Well nas and pac can talk about any thing they have plenty of subjects big and jay basicallytalk about the same things( jay talks about different subjects now that he's old he cant spit that block #%# bt imo AMG was a cop out for him to talk aboutblock #%#) You got a guy talking about em is better than pac how this guy talks about killing his mom and girl friend I cant relate to that. Pac did not havethe best lyrics but he got his messages through everyone on this site can relate to pac music. Pac by far has a greater influence on the rap game and rap fansthan any artist NOT JAY Z !!!!! Um from the south but I listen to music from all regions good music is good music no matter where it comes from but down hereJAY Z is irrelevant so how can you be a the biggest influence when you not repected in all regions
Originally Posted by PeterJamesThe3rd

tupac and jay arent the greatest...

tupac in most cases had a lack luster rhyme scheme... he sucked at word play and couldn't say a decent punchline to save his life...
So its all about punchlines and word play?

put it like this... if pac never died... he would have been forgotten by now... or at best be like snoop... still dropping but you know it aint gona be hard...
You're an idiot. Noone has shown more improvement over the course of their career than Pac. His growth is unprecedented and has/will NEVER beparalleled. Potential defines his passing away

For example:
Nas - Look at Illmatic, fast forward 12 years & then listenn to HHID. Makes you go
, right?
Jay - Look @ Reasonable doubt, fast forward 10 years & then listen to Kingdom Come, same result.
Pac - 2pacalypse was
, it was a solid album that everyone enjoyed &you figured that it was his debut so you'd be happy with a few more tries close to it. But when you fast forward 4 years he releases Me Against The World,which is arguably the greatest album of all time. But he didn't stop there, years later he releases The 7 Day Theory, which was another classic and one oftop 15 greatest albums of all time.

Bottom line: Tupac Shakur is the greatest rapper of all time.
Originally Posted by IronMike 44KOs

For example:
Nas - Look at Illmatic, fast forward 12 years & then listenn to HHID. Makes you go
, right?
Jay - Look @ Reasonable doubt, fast forward 10 years & then listen to Kingdom Come, same result.
Pac - 2pacalypse was
, it was a solid album that everyone enjoyed & you figured that it was his debut so you'd be happy with a few more tries close to it. But when you fast forward 4 years he releases Me Against The World, which is arguably the greatest album of all time. But he didn't stop there, years later he releases The 7 Day Theory, which was another classic and one of top 15 greatest albums of all time.

Bottom line: Tupac Shakur is the greatest rapper of all time.

there is a 12 year difference between both jay and nas albums. not a 12 year difference between 2pacalypse and Makaveli.

thats like comparing Penny's great years to AI's career.
Originally Posted by shch

No one person is the greatest imo. People like Pac, Biggie, Rakim, KRS-One, etc each brought something different to the table. They helped revolutionize the whole movement. Saying one is better than the other is just weird. Btw, there's a reason why so many people consider Tupac as the greatest ever......'cause he paints pictures with his lyrics. I've read lyrics by him that one of my English teacher brought to class that I like a lot more than the poems we read out of text books.

Originally Posted by IronMike 44KOs

put it like this... if pac never died... he would have been forgotten by now... or at best be like snoop... still dropping but you know it aint gona be hard...
You're an idiot. Noone has shown more improvement over the course of their career than Pac. His growth is unprecedented and has/will NEVER be paralleled. Potential defines his passing away

For example:
Nas - Look at Illmatic, fast forward 12 years & then listenn to HHID. Makes you go
, right?
Jay - Look @ Reasonable doubt, fast forward 10 years & then listen to Kingdom Come, same result.
Pac - 2pacalypse was
, it was a solid album that everyone enjoyed & you figured that it was his debut so you'd be happy with a few more tries close to it. But when you fast forward 4 years he releases Me Against The World, which is arguably the greatest album of all time. But he didn't stop there, years later he releases The 7 Day Theory, which was another classic and one of top 15 greatest albums of all time.

Bottom line: Tupac Shakur is the greatest rapper of all time.

Although i don't agree with Me against being the best album haha .. far from it. Maybe top 20.

But I do agree that Pac showed great progress and got better and more creative with each album, and I honestly believe that if he were alive still that hewould hv even gotten better ...
G.O.A.T. is an opinion, simple as that. The only measurable categories would be album sales, gross net worth, etc.

and sad to say, but you're not going to find Pac ahead of 50 on any of those list.

So once again, G.O.A.T. is opinion.

I happen to like BIG more than Pac.

that's just me.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

His influence and impact is far reaching, but his death gave his legacy a crazy boost

........and that's the truth.

Also, to the dude that gave the breakdown on why he thinks Em is G.O.A.T, your analysis is laughable at best. For example..............

3. He dropped arguably 3 classic albums

To each is own, but if you think Em has dropped 3 classics, let alone 3 straight classic you might need help immediately if not sooner.
4. He was the first to successfully break the "color barrier" in hip-hop

Ever heard of the Beastie Boys champ, how about 3rd Base?? You're really showing your hip hop history here, or lack thereof.

8. He's helped establish other hip-hop giants (50 Cent, G-Unit, D-12 (maybe a reach))

Hip Hop giants, lol. He helped establish one hip hop giant at best, and that's 50. I would hardly call G-Unit and D-12 hip hop giants.

There were some more holes in your argument but you get the point.

How is that laughable? You only replied to three of his ten reasons. Plus you can reword number four to say that he is the most successful personto break the color-barrier in hip hop. I'll give you the other ones (though he does have a couple classic albums IMO), but still, that's only twoslightly flawed arguments. Hardly laughable. Props to him for actually coming up with justification for his opinion.
ive never felt the passion/emotion of any rapper on any rap song consistently outside of 2pac. it doesn't matter who u are, u can feel what he's's like he's reading a poem to the public with music in the background. that's why i think he's the best.

he's not the best lyricist; he's not the best at word play; he's not the best at anything really. but he's great at each. but most importantly,he makes u FEEL what he's saying. that in itself puts himself on top.

nobody in today's game can even sniff 2pac when it comes to that.
it's like he's reading a poem to the public with music in the background. that's why i think he's the best.

that's the same reason i feel he isn't the best. to me pac isn't a rapper in the same sense that Big, Jay, Nas, etc. is. i always saw him asmore of a poet which is why, for me at least, i don't consider him to be the goat rapper
How is that laughable? You only replied to three of his ten reasons. Plus you can reword number four to say that he is the most successful person to break the color-barrier in hip hop. I'll give you the other ones (though he does have a couple classic albums IMO), but still, that's only two slightly flawed arguments. Hardly laughable. Props to him for actually coming up with justification for his opinion.

Alright, let's look at a few more of those viewpoints then, that way I would have replied to at least five of the ten reasons. Making half of the pointsinvalid.......

1. I think its a pretty common knowledge that Eminem is the best lyricist (Wordplay, Breath Control, etc ...)

If we're talking about pure lyricism then no, the correct answer would be Canibus.

6. He has created some of the greatest diss tracks ever (Nail In The Coffin, Hail Mary, The Sauce, I Remember)

I don't agee with that. Mainly because of the competition that he faced from those diss tracks. I hardly consider Benzino, Ja Rule, Insane Clown Posse,and the one white dude that he dissed on the MMLP heavyweights in any way shape or form. For example, LL vs. Canibus, Big vs. Pac, Jay vs. Nas, Beanie vs.Kiss, do you see a pattern champ, all aforementioned rappers are heavyweights in some way shape or form. With Em and anybody that he battled he was alwaysVarsity and the rappers he dissed were always JV or middle schoolers at best.

9. We've seen him grow and mature through his career (can be said for many artists as well)

Just as you stated, this statement applies to many other rappers as well. Nothing of importance here.

Also, how to you figure the Beastie Boys weren't successful?? They did world-wide tours, sold platinum albums and were highly respected in the hip hopcommunity just like Em, wayyyyyyyyyyyy before Em.

Finally for those that don't know, Ice Cube was Pac way before Pac even knew who he was. That's why in terms of music to me Ice Cube>Pac.
All around jayz is the total package which would make him the GOAT. It doesnt really matter though, they had way different messages and appeal. Why is there somuch competition amoungst rappers. Pac aint even alive and people are still putting him against others. Pac did his thing, jay did too but what separates j isthat he continues with new stuff even though its "past his time". Is death a credential to be the GOAT. Man if rappers would stop goin againsteachother and try to get it crackin together they could really take over the and eat. The record heads got rappers on that old slave mentallity like crabs in abucket, peeps gotta wake up man. threads like this add fuel to the fire.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

His influence and impact is far reaching, but his death gave his legacy a crazy boost

........and that's the truth.

Also, to the dude that gave the breakdown on why he thinks Em is G.O.A.T, your analysis is laughable at best. For example..............

3. He dropped arguably 3 classic albums

To each is own, but if you think Em has dropped 3 classics, let alone 3 straight classic you might need help immediately if not sooner.
4. He was the first to successfully break the "color barrier" in hip-hop

Ever heard of the Beastie Boys champ, how about 3rd Base?? You're really showing your hip hop history here, or lack thereof.

8. He's helped establish other hip-hop giants (50 Cent, G-Unit, D-12 (maybe a reach))

Hip Hop giants, lol. He helped establish one hip hop giant at best, and that's 50. I would hardly call G-Unit and D-12 hip hop giants.

There were some more holes in your argument but you get the point.

co-sign. I mine f with Em hard because he is undoubtly a beast, BUT his longevity just isn't half of what Pacs was. I mean Pac brought us albumafter album of non stop hits up until the last few projects that Aftermath and Shady put out. Why were his last few projects on Aftermath and Shady garbage?simply because they were trying too hard to bring Pac up to current day hip-hop. None of his work was intended to have Ashanti and T.I. on a track talkingabout Pacs life because all his stuff was classic.

Now on to Eminem unfortunatly he just isn't what he used to be and he burned out in under 5 albums. I mean The Eminem Show was the last good thing he putout and that was what a good 5 years ago. Also with the way hip hop has changed so dramatically to being more about party music none of Em's stuff havethat party vibe to it because all of it sounds weird and creepy. Like Smack That with Akon he was talking about some random bs.

at Deuce King thinking Cannabis is better than Em. Cannabis wasgood but his inability to gain mainstream success voids him from any convo. Besides LL murdered him. Dude thought he could get at L and say 99% of his fanswear high heels and L came back with 99% of Cannabis's' fans don't exist.
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

at Deuce King thinking Cannabis is better than Em. Cannabis was good but his inability to gain mainstream success voids him from any convo. Besides LL murdered him. Dude thought he could get at L and say 99% of his fans wear high heels and L came back with 99% of Cannabis's' fans don't exist.

That was funny.

But yeah, props to Deuce King for the better rebuttal. I think NT is great when such debates are backed with good justification. But nevertheless, it'sall subjective.
"BUT his longevity just isn't half of what Pacs was"

..... Em became big in 98' and around '04 he started his decline after 8 mile and the Green Lantern Mixtapes (6yrs longevity)
..... 2Pac became dropped his first album in '91 and he died in '96 (5 years longevity)

So I would disagree that Em's longevity is not half of what Pac's was, but rather that it was longer. Their longevity was tied at best.

"The Eminem Show was the last good thing he put out "
..... I would disagree. 8 Mile was hot and the Green Lantern Mixtapes were IMO some of his best work.

Mr. Anleau .... I disagree with some of your points, but I do agree that his music should never be played in a club. He's just not that type of rapper.Also, I agree with HUYNer, NT debates are made all the better with good justification from each side.

at Deuce King thinking Cannabis is better than Em. Cannabis was good but his inability to gain mainstream success voidshim from any convo. Besides LL murdered him. Dude thought he could get at L and say 99% of his fans wear high heels and L came back with 99% ofCannabis's' fans don't exist."

.... haha, yeah there's no way Canibis is better than Em. But that was pretty funny.
After sobering up....I'm gonna have to take back that comment about "GRODT".

I was speedin with that one.

But I stand by everything else.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

After sobering up....I'm gonna have to take back that comment about "GRODT".

I was speedin with that one.

But I stand by everything else.
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