Terence Crutcher murdered by cops in Tulsa, Oklahoma

The number of white people I have as friends on FB amd in real life has gone down to 3 this year, and that's because they've always basically been intelligent minorities in white bodies anyway. I don't trust any white people and assume theyre racist scumbags unless they prove me wrong.
The number of white people I have as friends on FB amd in real life has gone down to 3 this year, and that's because they've always basically been intelligent minorities in white bodies anyway. I don't trust any white people and assume theyre racist scumbags unless they prove me wrong.
na man you cant go about it like this, yes i have argued w some white friends over their thoughts of these situations but then again i have white freinds who have stood up for me in racist moments. we cant generalize them like america does middle eastern human beings

Not only that. But a ******* chopper for someone who's car broke down?
the helicopter choppas -Bhris brown
:smh: another one , but ppl say there are no problems we should just shut up n be happy we live in the US
I'm thinking about sending an email to the cats on my team and letting them know that we should grab some drinks and talk about the current state of affairs.

While there is a large contigency of folks who are bigots without any type of understanding, I've met a few white folk that are truthfully ignorant to what's going on, and are willing to listen.

I had a long conversation with one analyst after the cops got shot in Dallas...

Watching the media, he thought it was BLM people who was out to kill cops and white folks.

I explained to him the fallacy of black on black crime, systemic racism, distrust with the police, and the reasoning behind BLM.

Dude thanked me for the enlightenment.

Besides that, I'm not waiting on the majority to fix things for me...

I plan to have my own investment fund by 40, and direct that capital to women / minority led initiatives and business.

The retire and run a community facility for the yoof.

:pimp: :pimp:
Cmon man! Justice department is OBLIGATED To act on this crime and prosecute that officer, this was murder, no way around it, no way to spin it...the people need to get justice at least once man.
The 40-year-old Tulsa man was shot on September 16 in the Oklahoma city after his SUV broke down.

Video recorded by a police helicopter and a patrol car’s dashboard camera shows Mr. Crutcher raising his hands, walking toward a car and leaning against it. He was then Tasered by one officer, Tyler Turnbough, and fatally shot by Officer Shelby, the department said, though the view from both cameras is obstructed in the moments before those actions.

“We are truly devastated, the entire family is devastated,” said Tiffany Crutcher, Terence’s twin sister. “You all want to know who that big bad dude was? That big bad dude was my twin brother. That big bad dude was a father. That big bad dude was a son. That big bad dude was enrolled at Tulsa Community College. … That big bad dude loved God. That big bad dude was at church singing with all his flaws every week. That big bad dude, that’s who he was.”

Police Chief Chuck Jordan announced before the video and audio recordings' release that Crutcher had no weapon on him or in his SUV when he was shot Friday.

View media item 2172359
View media item 2172362

Videos in the link with different angles of the shooting.




so in the first video, the heavy.com

at :33 the 1st officer says 'he's still walking, looks like he's following commands'

the 2nd officer says 'time for a taser I think'

:x what in the actual **** b? how..as brilliant as my mind is..I just cannot comprehend that.

'looks like a bad dude too'

and then there's this..

Her Husband Is Also a Tulsa Cop & Was in the Helicopter at the Time of the Shooting

which i knew just hearing him talk about her.

and this.

She Has Been Accused of Excessive Force Twice in Her Career

Shelby has been accused of using excessive force twice during her career, KOTV reports.

Both of those complaints were determined to be unfounded, the news station reports. Details of those cases were not immediately available.

Her personnel file also shows that she is a field training officer, meaning she works to train rookie officers.

She has also received four letters of commendation and an Oklahoma meritorious service award, according to KOTV.

Shelby was born in Poteau, Oklahoma, and graduated from Mannford High School in 1992, before studying biology at Northeastern State University, according to personnel files obtained by KJRH-TV.

Shelby was briefly a member of the Oklahoma Air National Guard, from May 2000 to October 2000, as a trainee, but left after injuring her knee.

According to KJRH, she checked yes to the question of whether she’d “ever possessed or used illegal drugs,” on her application for the sheriff’s office, and also checked yes when asked if she had ever had a “victim protection order filed against you, or any action pending.”

You can read the full application here.

She also says she worked as a teacher’s assistant at a Tulsa school from 2001 to 2002.

In 2004, prior to becoming a police officer, Shelby spoke at a “Pro America Rally” at a Tulsa high school, according to a Tulsa World article from the time.

She led the Pledge of Allegiance, and spoke about her husband, fellow Tulsa Police Officer Dave Shelby, who was deployed to Iraq at the time.
Besides that, I'm not waiting on the majority to fix things for me...

I plan to have my own investment fund by 40, and direct that capital to women / minority led initiatives and business.

The retire and run a community facility for the yoof.

I went for a walk at lunch just to clear my head and this is exactly what I was thinking about doing. 

The gov of today ain't getting it done.

If this falls through then I'm gonna disappear into the woods and live out my days in solitude away from people. 
wait, I just realized Tulsa is the site of the Black Wall Street  terrorist attacks...there's a long history of hate there, those cops are probably those peoples' great-grandkids.
Besides that, I'm not waiting on the majority to fix things for me...

I plan to have my own investment fund by 40, and direct that capital to women / minority led initiatives and business.

The retire and run a community facility for the yoof.

this is the ONLY way to affect any lasting change...nobody that likes their situation is going to change it just because you asked.
Damn that sounds like the white folks saying all black folks are evil until providing or shot.

The circle continues...

Who is the circle perpetuated by? There would be no circle if racist or apathetic white people stopped being ignorant @#$ holes. Why the hell would minorities trust a race that has been enslaving and mistreating them for the past 300+ years?

The percentage of minorities who speak out against racism in the US is FAR higher than the percentage of white people who do the same. It seems that 1/10 white people get it, while the other 9/10 refuse to do anything to make a change.

If it matters, I'm half "white" myself, but @#$@ even my "white" side of the family experiences racism here because of our dark Southern European skin tone :lol: :smh: @#$@, we weren't even considered white in the US until the last century when racist politicians tried uniting all "non-whites" against black people.
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Damn that sounds like the white folks saying all black folks are evil until providing or shot.

The circle continues...
This circle you speak of wouldn't be there if white supremacists didn't poison the world with their ideology.

I don't think generalizing all white people is right but at the same time you also have to understand where they're coming from.

White people aren't the victim of mass scale oppression. When you've been wronged for centuries and an alarming number of white people demonstrate their support for such practices or are woefully ignorant of all things involving racism, can you really blame folks for holding some degree of prejudice against white people? I'm white and I find it frustrating to see the total lack of empathy and understanding from many white people, I can only imagine how that makes people of color feel.
I do

Never been arrested or anything. I have no record or been in **** before. They'd drag my **** thru the dirt
should start a YouTube movement : If I get killed by the police

Record a youtube/Facebook video of yourself, explaining what kind of person you are.

That way, when they try to slander you... You at least had a say.
Does anyone else think about what they'd say about you if the police killed you? I think about it sometimes and it's frightening to think that no matter how upstanding you try to be they will sully your name with the media's help.
All the tim
It won't lol.

I'm shocked you guys still have hope.

They are setting up for the day we react and we'll be eradicated.

We lost.

Games up.

Greatest "system" man has ever created. Yea, no hope over here man. At all.

No reason to.

We have no choice but to deal with it
What is really ******* with me is why did he have to have his hands in the air at all? It wasn't a robbery call, there wasn't an incident. Why couldn't she just pull up to him and talk to him and find out what the issue was? There was no reason for guns to be drawn, or for him to be treated like he committed a crime. Real talk bros, don't call popo for **** no more. Solve it yourself, b/c you or yours will end up dead.

The get me tight when they come at us like criminals from the jump, then wonder why we aren't complying with their ******** orders.
One of the callers said something to the effect of, "he looks crazy, like he's smoking something," which is a lesser talked about ingredient in these incidents that needs to be addressed; the people who call 911 and get police all charged up to begin with. You call police and tell them a black guy and a Latino are in your streets and one is armed and talking about committing suicide and making a scene, they speed there to do some "protecting and serving" and it's just an Autustic adult playing with a wooden toy train who wandered off from his facility and his behavioral therapist. Harmless trespassing/loitering at worst by some kids, in their eyes and then in their 911 calls turns into a gang of thugs outside of my gated community robbing, kidnapping, smoking weed, being loud, shooting at cars passing by and then you get predictably an over the top police response for the level of actual disturbance or offense.
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What is really ******* with me is why did he have to have his hands in the air at all? It wasn't a robbery call, there wasn't an incident. Why couldn't she just pull up to him and talk to him and find out what the issue was? There was no reason for guns to be drawn, or for him to be treated like he committed a crime. Real talk bros, don't call popo for **** no more. Solve it yourself, b/c you or yours will end up dead.

The get me tight when they come at us like criminals from the jump, then wonder why we aren't complying with their ******** orders.

Hes black man. Only thing

Only a dam cop could make u feel like a criminal when ur actually in need of assistance
Most of us already refuse to call them.

Unless my daughter is in immediate danger I don't need them around me and don't need their help for ****.
One of the callers said something to the effect of, "he looks crazy, like he's smoking something," which is a lesser talked about ingredient in these incidents that needs to be addressed; the people who call 911 and get police all charged up to begin with. You call police and tell them a black guy and a Latino are in your streets and one is armed and talking about committing suicide and making a scene, they speed there to do some "protecting and serving" and it's just an Autustic adult playing with a wooden toy train who wandered off from his facility and his behavioral therapist. Harmless trespassing/loitering at worst by some kids, in their eyes and then in their 911 calls turns into a gang of thugs outside of my gated community robbing, kidnapping, smoking weed, being loud, shooting at cars passing by and then you get predictably an over the top police response for the level of actual disturbance or offense.

Very good point, these scary *** people making these calls and making the situation worse before it's even a situation. And nothing happens to them, they get to go about their lives w/o consequence.
**** the police. I recognize that without order we'd be in anarchy...**** them anyways. Men, women, children that play cops n robbers. Middle finger to each of them. Cops aren't arresting cops, so they're down with the get down.
c'mon Betty why u gotta be like that

In all srsness I could only imagine how terrified he may have been as he was walking to his car hands up and all....


I can't even begin to imagine what was going through his head during that moment. :smh:
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