Terror Attack In Paris

Duke canceled the Islamic prayer and I've never seen so many conservatives happy and talking down on Islam.

Grouping all Islamic people together is so damn dumb
Who said islam as a whole has to be forgiven? 

Freedom of speech should be taken away when it harms...
if by "harm" you mean make a mocking cartoon of a mythical figure?

Charlie hebdo makes fun of religions.... period....

They are not attacking muslim people.... they are mocking islam as an institution....

If somebody were to say college is so dumb....
look at all the problems with college...
the college system is completely irrational...
make a cartoon about a college dean...
would you say it's their fault that they got killed by a college student?

of course not...

So why are you making some special exception for the religion of islam?

false equivalency, people live their lives, raise their kids, and make decisions on their spiritual faith. You can't compare that to a college institution. The platform nor the tier isn't the same.

Separately, I feel like some of you have never been checked for some slick **** you've said in real life.
Being checked for saying slick **** is the real false equivalency here.

The ppl at Charlier Hebdo were killed for their work which was them expressing themselves via satire. That is no way comparable to being "checked".

Yall dudes are so full of bull **** on this topic it's sickening. I might get e.coli just by replying to some of this nonsense.
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Duke canceled the Islamic prayer and I've never seen so many conservatives happy and talking down on Islam.

Grouping all Islamic people together is so damn dumb

From what ive read they only cancelled an actual prayer being read over the loud speaker. The one where it talks aboit allah and god is the greatest. And i see no issue with that. They are still doing the call to prayer just not over the loud speaker. I wouldnt expect them to allow bible verses ot a hanukah prayer over the loud speaker either. No reason. I wouldnt be shocked that the same "progressive" people pushing for the prayer get all pissed off when people say under god during the pledge

Can someone point out exactly which cartoons were inciting violence? If love to see it. I saw one with a orthodox jew making out with a nazi implying they share tendancies or ideals. Dont see any assassination attempts or anyone caping for them
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I'm more less speaking on the fellow North Carolinian folks who are commenting on the article on my facebook feed 

so much ignorance in the comments 
Oh well... yeah I can't even imagine. I doubt you're seeing many amazing well thought out reactions. :rofl:
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Saw that Vice doc on the IS yesterday. My gawd.......Russia, the US, Iran, Hezbollah and Israel need to prioritize and join forces asap. The young and disenfranchised in the ME are being recruited by these satanists who are posing under the banner of Islam
Well....they were Jews. And according to some on here, the Jews were behind this, thus it was deserved.

If someone believes that they are morons.

don't listen to dude, ppl getting all their labels mixed up from a distance. Mossad =/= "Jews" Second, it's only a theory and doesn't negate the threat of religious fundamentalism and other problems in the middle east.
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CNN Freedom Project
Belgian operation thwarted 'major terrorist attacks,' kills 2 suspects
By Paul Cruickshank, Mariano Castillo and Catherine E. Shoichet, CNN
Updated 0451 GMT (1251 HKT) January 16, 2015

Belgian officials: 'Major terrorist attacks' thwarted 02:11
Story highlights
Witness: "In this little city, everybody heard the sound"
Terrorist cell was plotting an imminent attack in Belgium, officials say
(CNN)[Breaking news update, posted at 11:50 p.m. ET]

A Western Intelligence source tells CNN that the ongoing terror threat appears to involve up to 20 sleeper cells of between 120 to 180 people ready to strike in France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. The source said that European Union and Middle East intelligence agencies identified an "imminent threat" to Belgium, possibly also to the Netherlands.

[Previous story, posted at 8 p.m. ET]

Belgian operation thwarted 'major terrorist attacks'

(CNN) -- A terror cell on the brink of carrying out an attack was the target of a raid Thursday that left two suspects dead, Belgian authorities said.

A third suspect was injured and taken into custody in the operation at a building in the eastern city of Verviers, prosecutor's spokesman Thierry Werts told reporters.

A senior Belgian counterterrorism official told CNN that the alleged terror cell is believed to have received instructions from ISIS.

Some members of the cell had traveled to Syria and met with ISIS, which plotted the attacks as retaliation for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria and Iraq, the Belgian source said.

"This was in the framework of an operation looking into an operational cell made up of people, some of whom coming back from Syria," Werts said. "The investigation made it possible to determine that the group was about to carry out major terrorist attacks in Belgium imminently."

The operation, which authorities said was ongoing, added fresh fuel to a fear that's been simmering for months as thousands of Europeans went off to join ISIS fighters in Syria.

Would they bring the war back with them when they returned home?

Belgium tho?
The operation, which authorities said was ongoing, added fresh fuel to a fear that's been simmering for months as thousands of Europeans went off to join ISIS fighters in Syria.

Would they bring the war back with them when they returned home?
I really don't understand why they let these people back in. I'm sure it has something to do with legal technicality mumbo jumbo, but surely more can be done to prevent people who fought for ISIS to return into the country they traveled away from.
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the endgame is to maintain our economic, political, and military influence on the world.... 

We are sustaining this goal...

Their endgame is the removal of US influence from their lands and the founding of a caliphate...

They are failing at this

We are winning, they are losing.

wars come and go...

I don't see how you can say "We are winning" when there is more terror attacks and more terror groups NOW then there was prior to 9/11 when the whole purpose is to attenuate that.

So basically what you saying is:

Economic and legitimization of the U.S. government and a very small rich few > Morality

When in fact you can accomplish both.
the endgame is to maintain our economic, political, and military influence on the world.... 

We are sustaining this goal...

Their endgame is the removal of US influence from their lands and the founding of a caliphate...

They are failing at this

We are winning, they are losing.

wars come and go...

I don't see how you can say "We are winning" when there is more terror attacks and more terror groups NOW then there was prior to 9/11 when the whole purpose is to attenuate that.

So basically what you saying is:

Economic and legitimization of the U.S. government and a very small rich few > Morality

When in fact you can accomplish both.
more terrorist groups = more us involvement in the middle east = more manipulation of Muslim nations = more us caused deaths of Muslim people.

I don't see how we aren't winning in the sense of preventing terrorists from getting close to any of their goals. The economics of the Us doesn't Even matter because we weren't a Utopia before these issues. Why would our economic structure have to change for us to be winning against terrorist groups? As long as we maintain political economic and military influence we are winning against them
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Millions march in support of freedom of speech and expression.

Comedian is arrested for anti-semitic FB post.

Yeah, those who gave the okay on that made decisions based off fear.

I was like how could they try to slip an arrest of a comedian cuz he makes antisemitic posts online? Have you been to the internet?
Jews are the most protected people in the west. You make any joke about them and it's career suicide
That's the thing though. Dude's career isn't in jeopardy at all. It's thriving. Dude sells out events cuz of his offensive jokes (not all just antisemitic).
Jews are the most protected people in the west. You make any joke about them and it's career suicide

Im sure quite a few hicks say the same thing about black people lol. Either way dont worry. This only helps his career thrive. Its like a rapper getting shot. This has been his shtick for a while. Remember tony parker doing the salute?

Now that i think of it. The spurs are the most invincible team in sports. Parker did the salue and nothing happened. The picture with weapons pointed at joey Crawford lookalike. Tim duncan gay rumors, swapping wives... all not blown up.
This is my problem with Obama. **** like this.

Speaking at a joint news conference at the White House with PM David Cameron, he claimed that America is more integrated than some other nations.

"Our biggest advantage is that our Muslim populations, they feel themselves to be Americans. There is this incredible process of immigration and assimilation that is part of our tradition," he said.

"There are parts of Europe in which that is not the case and that's probably the greatest danger that Europe faces."

While Cameron acknowledged the importance of assimilation, he said that even among groups who were well-integrated, people were being recruited by the extremists.

 "You can have, tragically, people who have had all the advantages of integration, who have had all the economic opportunities our countries can offer, who still get seduced by this poisonous, radical death cult of a narrative," he said.

Ummm did I miss 9/11, the Boston bombing, forthood massacre, and random "lone wolf" attacks. I don't think assimilation has prevented attacks in America. The balls on this guy. Always blame the victim. Always an excuse. same as he blamed the video for the Benghazi attack.

So now he blames the host countries for the Muslim lack of assimilation. And that's why attacks happen. His world view straight up bothers me makes so so nervous.. Bad people don't do bad things. It's all about the abused and downtrodden being misunderstood.
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Jews are the most protected people in the west. You make any joke about them and it's career suicide

Im sure quite a few hicks say the same thing about black people lol. Either way dont worry. This only helps his career thrive. Its like a rapper getting shot. This has been his shtick for a while. Remember tony parker doing the salute?

Now that i think of it. The spurs are the most invincible team in sports. Parker did the salue and nothing happened. The picture with weapons pointed at joey Crawford lookalike. Tim duncan gay rumors, swapping wives... all not blown up.
Isn't that cuz the San Antonio investigative sports media sucks? Like they don't even care to get to the bottom of it so it lessens the lure of bigger name sensationalist reporters to go and do their on detective work.

I kinda feel it'd be just as not a big deal if the Spurs sucked for most of their history.
This is my problem with Obama. **** like this.

Speaking at a joint news conference at the White House with PM David Cameron, he claimed that America is more integrated than some other nations.

"Our biggest advantage is that our Muslim populations, they feel themselves to be Americans. There is this incredible process of immigration and assimilation that is part of our tradition," he said.

"There are parts of Europe in which that is not the case and that's probably the greatest danger that Europe faces."

While Cameron acknowledged the importance of assimilation, he said that even among groups who were well-integrated, people were being recruited by the extremists.

 "You can have, tragically, people who have had all the advantages of integration, who have had all the economic opportunities our countries can offer, who still get seduced by this poisonous, radical death cult of a narrative," he said.

Ummm did I miss 9/11, the Boston bombing, forthood massacre, and random "lone wolf" attacks. I don't think assimilation has prevented attacks in America. The balls on this guy. Always blame the victim. Always an excuse. same as he blamed the video for the Benghazi attack.

So now he blames the host countries for the Muslim lack of assimilation. And that's why attacks happen. His world view straight up bothers me makes so so nervous.. Bad people don't do bad things. It's all about the abused and downtrodden being misunderstood.
Comparing American Muslim communities to European Muslim communities?

You havnt studied the difference huh?
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This is my problem with Obama. **** like this.

Speaking at a joint news conference at the White House with PM David Cameron, he claimed that America is more integrated than some other nations.

"Our biggest advantage is that our Muslim populations, they feel themselves to be Americans. There is this incredible process of immigration and assimilation that is part of our tradition," he said.

"There are parts of Europe in which that is not the case and that's probably the greatest danger that Europe faces."

While Cameron acknowledged the importance of assimilation, he said that even among groups who were well-integrated, people were being recruited by the extremists.

 "You can have, tragically, people who have had all the advantages of integration, who have had all the economic opportunities our countries can offer, who still get seduced by this poisonous, radical death cult of a narrative," he said.

Ummm did I miss 9/11, the Boston bombing, forthood massacre, and random "lone wolf" attacks. I don't think assimilation has prevented attacks in America. The balls on this guy. Always blame the victim. Always an excuse. same as he blamed the video for the Benghazi attack.

So now he blames the host countries for the Muslim lack of assimilation. And that's why attacks happen. His world view straight up bothers me makes so so nervous.. Bad people don't do bad things. It's all about the abused and downtrodden being misunderstood.
Comparing American Muslim communities to European Muslim communities?

You havnt studied the difference huh?

No, I can't bet my last surviving dollar he hasn't.

DubA wants Obama to come out and say "All Muslims are terrorists". Meanwhile, the country he stands up for and defends in every political thread is probably the biggest terrorist-regime in the world.

Face it bruh, not all terrorist are Muslim, and not all Muslims are terrorists. The quicker you can comprehend that, the better quality of life you can live.
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