Terror Attack In Paris

Gwap... i voted for him. Miss me with your views on my political affiliation. I find his foreign policy judgement to be terrible. It isnt a view i had at first it took years to develop. Maybe around the time he called the forhood massacre "workplace violnece" or when Hilary and him backed thr muslim brotherhood after the arab spring. Or when he blamed bengazi on a video instead of the actions of violent radical muslims.

Never felt that bengazi was a mistake or plan or anything like that. But blaming it on the video "the innocence of muslims" was disgusting. I dont give a **** if someone made a video that pissed people off. Dont justify it.
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What would you change about his foreign policy... besides semantics.

If you want a well thought out answer youll have to wait until i have a second ive been typing everything quick off the top of my head without thinking and editing slightly. A few quick thoughts, claiming there was a red line in syria was a very bad move. Because once he didnt act on it, it shows weakness. You may think its semantics, but I don't. At all. The middle east is a hardcore, unforgiving place. And again i truly belive that compassion and mercy is mistaken for weakness. And his and Hilary backing the Muslim bortherhood over Sisi.
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Good post and I do agree... WITHIN the religion. It's up to these respected Arab leaders to take the lead. We can easily go to war, kill, drop bombs, and what really comes out of it? More hatred against the west, more terrorism, more propaganda.

This administration in my opinion actually thinks about the consequences before making press releases because we all know every spoken word could eventually lead to foreign policy changes.

Listen if you compare him to bush, yes he looks much, much, much better. But i do have significant issues. But yes i will absolutely grant you that hes better than bush

Thin line between professorial and an out of touch pseudo intellectual in an ivory tower.
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You got ppl in germany with anti-islam protests going. Ignorant :smh:

Saw that ISIS and Al Qaeda are now trying to compete with each other. The U.S is their main goal.
Al-Queda isn't a real thing and it never was. I stand by that to this very day.

ISIS is a made up thing too. I don't care what anyone says.
**** them white males heads ISIS loves cutting off looked awfully real to me.......ISIS mogs gives no damns 
**** them white males heads ISIS loves cutting off looked awfully real to me.......ISIS mogs gives no damns 
So what if the heads were real. Still think that the organization is something else masked as a terror group. IDK sounds crazy but that's just what I believe.
Al-Queda isn't a real thing and it never was. I stand by that to this very day.

ISIS is a made up thing too. I don't care what anyone says.
No it's real. The thing is that ISIL or ISIS are funded by Saudi royals, and since the U.S. has a trade relationship with Saudi Arabia, they are going to continue to exist
And Al-Qaeda was created by our government to annoy the Russians :lol: and that backfired when they started coming at us
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No it's real. The thing is that ISIL or ISIS are funded by Saudi royals, and since the U.S. has a trade relationship with Saudi Arabia, they are going to continue to exist
And Al-Qaeda was created by our government to annoy the Russians
and that backfired when they started coming at us
That sounds legit.
lol@people equating a cartoon of mohammad with anti semitism

anti semitism = advocating violence against jews
cartoon of mohammad = making fun of a religion

if they made a cartoon that was advocating violence against muslims i would be against it...
but that's not what they are doing.
It was satire of a mythical figure.. 
No different than a cartoon making fun of moses or abraham....

stop trying to make both actions equal

Man, you can't say anything that goes against the Zionist narrative and NOT be called "Anti-Semetic", you dont even have to say anything remotely close to violence to be called anti-semetic. Look at anti-Jewish drawings of figures with big noses, long beards, and payes that are called anti-semetic, just drawings! I'm Jewish and grew up in Zionist household, I know the games the play with semantics.

Muhammad isnt a "mythical" figure in the eyes of Muslims. We are told to be "tolerant" towards everyone except Muslims.


speak bad against gays your a hater

speak bad against jews ur an antisemite

speak bad against black people your a racist

speak bad against muslim u get murdered by fanatics and then blamed for pissing them off

i'd rather be called an antisemitic racist hater.
I find it hilarious when NT'ers decide to throw on their moral compass & when to ask for "class".

A bunch of innocent people were just murdered because this magazine continued to attack a certain religion, instead of showing respect and maybe honoring the lives of the people lost, said publication decides to continue to poke fun at muslims..... Not to say murder is suitable due to a religion being made fun of, but do the editors not feel any guilt behind the messages they promote to the people which essentially got some of their employees killed.
What are you talking about?

The ppl who lost their lives were all dedicated to what the magazine continues to do. It's only right that they continue to do it. That's how they honor the ppl who died for what they believed in.

Suddenly stopping because those ppl were murdered would be spitting on their graves and saying the terrorists won.

In a free society everyone should have the right to express themselves without persecution.

Yall dudes got some pretty sad twisted ideals. Type of ppl deep down would prefer living in a dictatorship.
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Al-Queda isn't a real thing and it never was. I stand by that to this very day.

ISIS is a made up thing too. I don't care what anyone says.

This might actually be the only thing that makes sense at the end of the day. I mean, don't these organizations understand that violent attacks will only make the rest of the world hate Islam even more, perpetuate the 'war on terror' and increase the popularity of these cartoons? It's counterproductive. It's almost as if they're contractors for Halliburton.
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Al-Queda isn't a real thing and it never was. I stand by that to this very day.

ISIS is a made up thing too. I don't care what anyone says.
This might actually be the only thing that makes sense at the end of the day. I mean, don't these organizations understand that violent attacks will only make the rest of the world hate Islam even more, perpetuate the 'war on terror' and increase the popularity of these cartoons? It's counterproductive. It's almost as if they're contractors for Halliburton
teamjordan and bruhman have solved the terrorist issue.....

there are no terrorists now... why didn't we realize it sooner....
Al-Queda isn't a real thing and it never was. I stand by that to this very day.

ISIS is a made up thing too. I don't care what anyone says.

This might actually be the only thing that makes sense at the end of the day. I mean, don't these organizations understand that violent attacks will only make the rest of the world hate Islam even more, perpetuate the 'war on terror' and increase the popularity of these cartoons? It's counterproductive. It's almost as if they're contractors for Halliburton
teamjordan and bruhman have solved the terrorist issue.....

there are no terrorists now... why didn't we realize it sooner....

clever tactic - when your position is under scrutiny, always jump to extremes to discredit any other possibility.
^ How do you fight radical Islam as a whole? Please enlighten us... because Nation building didn't work in Iraq/Afghan.

You should ask "Why?" is there Radical Islam. Once you know the "why", you will know how to take care of it.

Ironically through all of this, in these videos they post to the internet they tell you how to stop them:

^ How do you fight radical Islam as a whole? Please enlighten us... because Nation building didn't work in Iraq/Afghan.

You should ask "Why?" is there Radical Islam. Once you know the "why", you will know how to take care of it.

Ironically through all of this, in these videos they post to the internet they tell you how to stop them:

You do realize they kill more of their own people than they do us....

Leaving their land won't change anything
You should ask "Why?" is there Radical Islam. Once you know the "why", you will know how to take care of it.

Ironically through all of this, in these videos they post to the internet they tell you how to stop them:


You do realize they kill more of their own people than they do us....

Leaving their land won't change anything

Yep. What land did we occupy in 93 when they bombed the World Trade Center? What about the USS Cole bombing in 2000? What land did we occupy before 9/11?
You do realize they kill more of their own people than they do us....

Leaving their land won't change anything

Leave their internal issues to amongst themselves.

Yep. What land did we occupy in 93 when they bombed the World Trade Center? What about the USS Cole bombing in 2000? What land did we occupy before 9/11?

Are ya'll that short sighted? The bombing in '93 was done retaliation to the long standing meddling in Mid-East politics. Little did the US know they were funding fighters (mujahideen)of an extreme view of Islam back in the 80's that ended up biting them in the *** decades later. The USS Cole bombing was done in retaliation to the meddling in East Africa issues.

You guys act like Al-Qaeda is just attacking because of the narrative "They hate our freedoms!!11!!11!!!!!111". That's not the case at all.
Killing over the prophet has nothing to do with "occupation" whos occupying syria?

When the brother is yelling on tape he isnt talking about occupation.
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You do realize they kill more of their own people than they do us....

Leaving their land won't change anything

Leave their internal issues to amongst themselves.
Yep. What land did we occupy in 93 when they bombed the World Trade Center? What about the USS Cole bombing in 2000? What land did we occupy before 9/11?

Are ya'll that short sighted? The bombing in '93 was done retaliation to the long standing meddling in Mid-East politics. Little did the US know they were funding fighters (mujahideen)of an extreme view of Islam back in the 80's that ended up biting them in the *** decades later. The USS Cole bombing was done in retaliation to the meddling in East Africa issues.

You guys act like Al-Qaeda is just attacking because of the narrative "They hate our freedoms!!11!!11!!!!!111". That's not the case at all.
So the united states is going to stop using it's global influence because a few terrorists want to fight us?


If you look at the whole picture, we are winning...

our influence is stronger than theirs.

Our death rate is lower than theirs....

Our wealth, freedom, and longterm viability is greater than theirs..

i guess we should dismantle israel too...they won't stop until they are gone... 

then whatever political position they take after all these things we will have to appease

c'mon.... when it comes to killing and bloodshed, we do it better than them..

how we let these extremists control our foreign policy..they are on the losing side
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