Texting buddies

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Not sure what a text buddy is.

But i have girls that are friends that i will text maybe once a week once every other week if i need a solid female opinion on something.  Normally just want girl advice from a girl.

female opinion is worthless when it comes to other girls, please refrain from making this common mistake. My friend stays on this tip and hes still a not so proud member of the v-club at age 26. The only advice u can get from girl A is maybe what type of gift or clothing u can get for girl B. On an related note, this will most likely boost your chances with girl A.  

Didn't mean to derail the thread. 

Texting buddy sounds like some sort of virtual friend zone appellation 
lol first time hearing about this, I aint about to waste my time texting no h if I aint getting any
There was this chick I knew from high school that I would NEVER put any piece of my body around hers, but she was cool people. So we used to conversate all the time. No big deal.
Originally Posted by dadecounty11

There was this chick I knew from high school that I would NEVER put any piece of my body around hers, but she was cool people. So we used to conversate all the time. No big deal.
Grammar police...conversate is not a word.
Good day

Originally Posted by RawSheed

is this a high school thing?
Originally Posted by ar916

I text girls all the time but I hope it leads to me smashing
I just want to say I'm glad to be back on NT.  With that said this guy has the best point in this thread.

No doubt we've all run into females that use us as texting friendzone buddies...but sometimes you gotta make the best outta the friendzone.  I got this one girl that I'm cool with, would not mind smashing at any time but I have the feeling that she would go psycho once that happens...which will happen.  But the problem with her is that for every 5-6 texts she sends me I text only once and this girl goes psycho asking me why I haven't texted back.  I went on a date over the weekend and she was texting me throughout that date which got my date type jelly and she was trying to gain my attention more (girls are weird no matter if it's a teenager, early or mid twenties...)  I can't complain, it worked well.

I give 2 #!+!* about the OG girls opinions about girls or helping me out with dates but to say that you only text a girl because you wanna smash is like that pseudo alpha male thinking.  I got homegirls out of state and in state that i've become friends with and I like to keep in touch with them.  Just like how girls keep us men in categories the same can be done for them on our part.
Originally Posted by Antidope

You guys mean to tell me that you dont have 1 girl that you're just strictly friends with?
You ever seen a NT PYP? Don't listen to half of these dudes 

MonStar1 wrote:
Nothing wrong with a txt buddy thats outta state.  Keep in touch, share some stories, and if/when you in her area you got that greenlight. 

Now if you got a joint you txt thats in your city or same school and you have no chance of smashing then you a lame. 

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Not sure what a text buddy is.

But i have girls that are friends that i will text maybe once a week once every other week if i need a solid female opinion on something.  Normally just want girl advice from a girl.

female opinion is worthless when it comes to other girls, please refrain from making this common mistake. My friend stays on this tip and hes still a not so proud member of the v-club at age 26. The only advice u can get from girl A is maybe what type of gift or clothing u can get for girl B. On an related note, this will most likely boost your chances with girl A.  

Didn't mean to derail the thread. 

Texting buddy sounds like some sort of virtual friend zone appellation 
Very true. Any advice you get from a girl is hidden underneath some further complexity -- her issues, her bad experience with a past ex-bf, her covering up hidden feelings, her inability to admit to herself the truth about how girls think, etc. Somehow it's always tainted advice. Contrast this to advice you get from a guy -- straightforward and he keeps the goal in mind.
But, like you said, getting advice from girl A can boost your chances with girl A.
Not really a trend. A texting buddy is the equivalent to posting on a message board, i.e. something to do when you're bored and it keeps you slightly entertained. Not that serious.
it's serious when girls only use it to soak up attention and the dude is being misled.

with that being said, if a girl is only using you for convo and attention and you (they guy) has an alternative motive then you a lame.
Originally Posted by Retro23J

So majority of people in this thread only text girls that you're smashing?


also the ones that Im trying to smash

can't be wasting time
Originally Posted by kickstart

Not really a trend. A texting buddy is the equivalent to posting on a message board, i.e. something to do when you're bored and it keeps you slightly entertained. Not that serious.

This. All the pseudo alpha males on NT who say they only text girls to smash...right
Here are some important points mentioned so far that I find to be true:

- Girls will text you out of the blue either for attention or because they actually care...both sometimes

- A guy should know or have some basic understanding as to why this girl is texting him ( is she an attention *$@%!, what happens when you text her randomly one day, is she asking for your advice?, are you willing to give it to her?, what are the consequences of playing this cat and mouse game with a girl that your most likely trying to smash?)

- Using a girls advice on girls your trying to smash doesn't work. Girls/women are overly complex creatures...you'd do better by picking up a issue of maxim for advice than asking some of these #%%+!$...you want advice...emulate the dudes you look up to that get the womenz.

- Having close homegirls that you text regularly and don't expect sex from is not a myth you high schoolers...

- If a girl texts you 5+ times in half hour because your not responding to her...either let her sweat it out or tell her to back the +%!$ up.

- While i'm not an advocate of playing games with girls...girls are advocates of playing games...for every text she sends you wait atleast 15 min before responding, the 2nd go around wait an hour, 3rd go around wait half hour.( this is all b.s. what you should really do is practice controlling hastiness. If you see a text put your phone down and go do some errands and then get back to her. If she asks you why it's taking you so long to text back, don't text her an answer or text her an answer that totally ignores that question. If the message is urgent then text back as quick as you want to. If you find that she's being an attention *$@%!, and is not gonna work in any way to your advantage text her the next day...just to keep them clinging to life support.

The main message is the age old saying "don't make them your priority when to them your only an option"
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Not sure what a text buddy is.

But i have girls that are friends that i will text maybe once a week once every other week if i need a solid female opinion on something.  Normally just want girl advice from a girl.

female opinion is worthless when it comes to other girls, please refrain from making this common mistake. My friend stays on this tip and hes still a not so proud member of the v-club at age 26. The only advice u can get from girl A is maybe what type of gift or clothing u can get for girl B. On an related note, this will most likely boost your chances with girl A.  

Didn't mean to derail the thread. 

Texting buddy sounds like some sort of virtual friend zone appellation 
Very true. Any advice you get from a girl is hidden underneath some further complexity -- her issues, her bad experience with a past ex-bf, her covering up hidden feelings, her inability to admit to herself the truth about how girls think, etc. Somehow it's always tainted advice. Contrast this to advice you get from a guy -- straightforward and he keeps the goal in mind.
But, like you said, getting advice from girl A can boost your chances with girl A.
Maybe this differs person to person guys.  But if i asked my guy friends about things (just like asking NT) you get the worst advice ever.  AKA Whip it out.  PIIHB.  Tell her "don't make me turn this rape into a murder".  Guys give way worse advice.  No one knows how a girl thinks, other then a girl.  Your friend who is a 26 year old virgin probably just has 0 game and gets put in the friend zone all the time.  I have girls that are friends that have long standing boyfriends.  They give honest advice (for the most part).

But i guess its just subjective on who you ask.  Most of my guy friends have been wifed up for a while so they really don't know what being single is like.  And my single guy friends don't have the best track records so their advice is iffy at best.  If i had a guy friend that got a ton of women and knew how to accomplish this i think id take his advice over a womans.  But when a female says "if a guy did ____ i would sleep with him"  i take that to mean more then.  Hey when you are alone with her just whip it out.
My "texing buddy" is my lesbian best friend. We probably send 100+ texts back and forth per day. Never heard that term until today though.
oidreez wrote:
kickstart wrote:
Not really a trend. A texting buddy is the equivalent to posting on a message board, i.e. something to do when you're bored and it keeps you slightly entertained. Not that serious.

This. All the pseudo alpha males on NT who say they only text girls to smash...right

My phone doesnt ring and vibrate every time someone replies on message boards or Twitter. I get the alerts and respond on my own time without somebody crying about why it took a day or two for me to respond. Texting is too personal. I'd rather IM so I can sign on/off or just hit me on email or something. SMS's have to have a  purpose other than curing loneliness.
when a chick say she need textin buddies i take it as her needin ****. every time i ever took a chcik up on her "textin buddies" offer i ended up smashin so...
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

I see this term used here and there on the internet, and it's probably one of the dumbest trends I've seen on the net. I would be mad annoyed if some broad that I never see kept texting me throughout the day and we never got to the POINT!

Spoiler [+]
We all know what the point is when talking to women...

Not to sound like such a guy (
), but what's the point of talking all day, if we're not gunna smash at some point? I don't get it. I just don't

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