thank you

Originally Posted by FeelMode

i cant believe she straight snuck off to Honduras on you


Go Get tested dude, leave chick alone
this thead is ******ed funny

but how the hell you get played like that....chick went to another country w/ a dude...i'll be locked up in jail right now forreal
that dude is a lame........ like i don't know what you look like or anything but she looks dirty and he is a loser..... don't even stress it... dumpher and get tested
its easy to say F it and move on, but nobody is in your situation so they don't know how to deal with it unless they're actually put in thatsituation...

but on the other hand... c'mon now... you fail for not keepin her in check.
strong arm a +++ next time... she'll get the message
Just so ya know man herpes is the least malicious STD. All it has is just an aesthetic downside, you look ugly likea mUHfuk for 5 days and its gone. It cantkill you . I have cold sores occasionally. I contracted it when I was younger, sharing towels, cups etc with my siblings because we were so dirt poor that wedidn't have enough for everyone (this isnt in the USA by the way)
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