Thanks for the change, Obama.

Dude says "I'm masters educated" then follows up with "don't let the post count fool you"
I see this thread is going in the usual direction. NT never fails
Dude says "I'm masters educated" then follows up with "don't let the post count fool you"
I see this thread is going in the usual direction. NT never fails
gotta love the male internet bravado. all conversations lead to "What are your credentials?" lol
gotta love the male internet bravado. all conversations lead to "What are your credentials?" lol
Originally Posted by tkthafm

You haven't answered my question. Who are the "actual owners" you keep talking about ? 
brownsuga1 wrote:
And as for the topic at hand, Obama never wanted the Patriot Act completely reversed. 
Oh really ?

Would you vote to repeal the Patriot Act?

Yes, I would vote to repeal the U.S. Patriot Act, although I would consider replacing that shoddy and dangerous law with a new, carefully crafted proposal that addressed  in a much more limited fashion the legitimate needs of law enforcement in combating terrorism (for example, permitting a warrant for the interception of cell phone calls, and not just land-based phones to accommodate changes in technology).

Now he expands it beyond Bush ever did. 

Your own link doesn't even support it. 
However, on March 2, 2006, U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D - Illinois) voted to re-authorize the Patriot Act  [Source:  3/2/2006 Senate Roll Call Vote #029].  In fact, on February 16, 2006, Sen. Obama had this to say on the floor of the United States Senate:
"This compromise does modestly improve the PATRIOT Act by strengthening civil liberties protections without sacrificing the tools that law enforcement needs to keep us safe [...] So, I will be supporting the Patriot Act compromise. [Source:  2/16/2006 Floor Statement of Senator Barack Obama on USA PATRIOT Act Reauthorization]
Originally Posted by tkthafm

You haven't answered my question. Who are the "actual owners" you keep talking about ? 
brownsuga1 wrote:
And as for the topic at hand, Obama never wanted the Patriot Act completely reversed. 
Oh really ?

Would you vote to repeal the Patriot Act?

Yes, I would vote to repeal the U.S. Patriot Act, although I would consider replacing that shoddy and dangerous law with a new, carefully crafted proposal that addressed  in a much more limited fashion the legitimate needs of law enforcement in combating terrorism (for example, permitting a warrant for the interception of cell phone calls, and not just land-based phones to accommodate changes in technology).

Now he expands it beyond Bush ever did. 

Your own link doesn't even support it. 
However, on March 2, 2006, U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D - Illinois) voted to re-authorize the Patriot Act  [Source:  3/2/2006 Senate Roll Call Vote #029].  In fact, on February 16, 2006, Sen. Obama had this to say on the floor of the United States Senate:
"This compromise does modestly improve the PATRIOT Act by strengthening civil liberties protections without sacrificing the tools that law enforcement needs to keep us safe [...] So, I will be supporting the Patriot Act compromise. [Source:  2/16/2006 Floor Statement of Senator Barack Obama on USA PATRIOT Act Reauthorization]
Are you blind ?

He stated what I quoted in '03 (wanting to repeal/limit the PATRIOT act)

Then proceeds to contradict himself and vote against what he stated in '06 (voted FOR the PATRIOT act)

And now proceeds to EXPAND the Patriot act (contradicting himself once again, not only did he extend it, but the definitions are much more broad see my 2nd link in OP)

It's not the first time a political figure has changed their opinion/lied about something, so that's not the issue. The issue is the lack of criticism/attention over this when, under Bush it received much more criticism (including by OBAMA HIMSELF in '03). 
Seems things are only "bad" if Bush does them but Obama can trample the Constitution and it's all good.

Thanks Obama.
Are you blind ?

He stated what I quoted in '03 (wanting to repeal/limit the PATRIOT act)

Then proceeds to contradict himself and vote against what he stated in '06 (voted FOR the PATRIOT act)

And now proceeds to EXPAND the Patriot act (contradicting himself once again, not only did he extend it, but the definitions are much more broad see my 2nd link in OP)

It's not the first time a political figure has changed their opinion/lied about something, so that's not the issue. The issue is the lack of criticism/attention over this when, under Bush it received much more criticism (including by OBAMA HIMSELF in '03). 
Seems things are only "bad" if Bush does them but Obama can trample the Constitution and it's all good.

Thanks Obama.
Originally Posted by 36 OUNCES

Y'all are really that surprised tho?

It's like watching basketball and not expecting to see anyone get dunked on....

....Anything any politician tries to pull doesn't catch me off guard one bit.
Originally Posted by 36 OUNCES

Y'all are really that surprised tho?

It's like watching basketball and not expecting to see anyone get dunked on....

....Anything any politician tries to pull doesn't catch me off guard one bit.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by rashi


Here you have it, people. Our education system.

haha. how old are you?

i'm masters educated and i laugh at people like you.  dont let the post count fool you i've been around for a while.

education system?  please boy. you equate the president to a baby killer? because liberals support abortion.

the republicans killed the education system buddy. no child left behind.  your mom should've swallowed you.


You have a Master's in what exactly?

With that type of sentence structure, you could've fooled me being a 10 year old. I'm not even going to bolster my education and what degrees I have, that was in another thread.

If you ever read any of my posts, you would see I never voted and don't participate in the "Democratic" process. I'm an Anarchist who believes in the eradication of the State as a whole. I can careless if Barack Obama white zebra striped, it still doesn't take away the fact that he's responsible for exacerbating a war that has already killed hundreds of thousands (accounted for) of innocent civilians, among them are women and children.

"Republicans killed the education system". This government as a whole killed our education system with there compulsory social engineering "education". I don't know if you understand this, but we live in a ONE PARTY system with 2 factions, the only difference between them is the lobbyists of the Multinational Corporations they slave to.

by the way your from florida? you're prob a cuban republican

Please turn of the Cable news, man.

I'm far from Cuban, and far from being a Republican.

omg an anarchist!!!!!! god save the queen. punk rock. molotov cocktails!!!!!!
my sentence structure. anarchist whos part of the grammar police too, damn.

and you bolster degrees. man u must be so intelligent. 

yea, lame.

do me a favor if youre such an anarchist, go change the world and log off NT.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by rashi


Here you have it, people. Our education system.

haha. how old are you?

i'm masters educated and i laugh at people like you.  dont let the post count fool you i've been around for a while.

education system?  please boy. you equate the president to a baby killer? because liberals support abortion.

the republicans killed the education system buddy. no child left behind.  your mom should've swallowed you.


You have a Master's in what exactly?

With that type of sentence structure, you could've fooled me being a 10 year old. I'm not even going to bolster my education and what degrees I have, that was in another thread.

If you ever read any of my posts, you would see I never voted and don't participate in the "Democratic" process. I'm an Anarchist who believes in the eradication of the State as a whole. I can careless if Barack Obama white zebra striped, it still doesn't take away the fact that he's responsible for exacerbating a war that has already killed hundreds of thousands (accounted for) of innocent civilians, among them are women and children.

"Republicans killed the education system". This government as a whole killed our education system with there compulsory social engineering "education". I don't know if you understand this, but we live in a ONE PARTY system with 2 factions, the only difference between them is the lobbyists of the Multinational Corporations they slave to.

by the way your from florida? you're prob a cuban republican

Please turn of the Cable news, man.

I'm far from Cuban, and far from being a Republican.

omg an anarchist!!!!!! god save the queen. punk rock. molotov cocktails!!!!!!
my sentence structure. anarchist whos part of the grammar police too, damn.

and you bolster degrees. man u must be so intelligent. 

yea, lame.

do me a favor if youre such an anarchist, go change the world and log off NT.
Originally Posted by spacerace

Originally Posted by Unsayable Peak


what's up with people always telling me to "wake up!"

just let me go on about my sheepish ways, please!
You read his statement and this is your response? 

He wasn't talking to you anyways.
Originally Posted by spacerace

Originally Posted by Unsayable Peak


what's up with people always telling me to "wake up!"

just let me go on about my sheepish ways, please!
You read his statement and this is your response? 

He wasn't talking to you anyways.
Man I say let the man do His's easy for one to blame and point fingers..if you have ever been in charge of leading few people, manager, lead or supervisor you
know what that comes with. Things happen and WE don't get details as to what took place. The Man is Human like anyone else on here. He is doing a good job.
It;s ok to hate someone for no apparent reason. Even Jesus Christ was hatered. Am OUT!
Man I say let the man do His's easy for one to blame and point fingers..if you have ever been in charge of leading few people, manager, lead or supervisor you
know what that comes with. Things happen and WE don't get details as to what took place. The Man is Human like anyone else on here. He is doing a good job.
It;s ok to hate someone for no apparent reason. Even Jesus Christ was hatered. Am OUT!
Originally Posted by Ajwings23

Man I say let the man do His's easy for one to blame and point fingers..if you have ever been in charge of leading few people, manager, lead or supervisor you
know what that comes with. Things happen and WE don't get details as to what took place. The Man is Human like anyone else on here. He is doing a good job.
It;s ok to hate someone for no apparent reason. Even Jesus Christ was hatered. Am OUT!
I find it odd only black people compare him to Jesus.Barakka isn't really helping folks out homie sorry.He isn't really doing his job he is to bi partisan and weak to do that.Him and the Democrats are too soft to really push an agenda.
Originally Posted by Ajwings23

Man I say let the man do His's easy for one to blame and point fingers..if you have ever been in charge of leading few people, manager, lead or supervisor you
know what that comes with. Things happen and WE don't get details as to what took place. The Man is Human like anyone else on here. He is doing a good job.
It;s ok to hate someone for no apparent reason. Even Jesus Christ was hatered. Am OUT!
I find it odd only black people compare him to Jesus.Barakka isn't really helping folks out homie sorry.He isn't really doing his job he is to bi partisan and weak to do that.Him and the Democrats are too soft to really push an agenda.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by Ajwings23

Man I say let the man do His's easy for one to blame and point fingers..if you have ever been in charge of leading few people, manager, lead or supervisor you
know what that comes with. Things happen and WE don't get details as to what took place. The Man is Human like anyone else on here. He is doing a good job.
It;s ok to hate someone for no apparent reason. Even Jesus Christ was hatered. Am OUT!
I find it odd only black people compare him to Jesus.Barakka isn't really helping folks out homie sorry.He isn't really doing his job he is to bi partisan and weak to do that.Him and the Democrats are too soft to really push an agenda.
 This is the first and only time i've witnessed that, so I have no idea where you get these generalizations from...
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