Thanks for the change, Obama.

When did Obama say that he was completely against the Patriot Act?

As a US Senator and candidate for the presidency, Barack Obama never actually argued for a repeal of the Bush administration's security initiatives. Instead, he's consistently argued for enhanced judicial oversight and a pullback on the most extreme elements of the bill, such as the use of National Security Letters to search people's personal records without a court-issued warrant.

While many in his own party opposed the PATRIOT Act outright, as president Obama has said repeatedly that the emergency measures remain a valuable tool for law enforcement engaged in national security prerogatives.
When did Obama say that he was completely against the Patriot Act?

As a US Senator and candidate for the presidency, Barack Obama never actually argued for a repeal of the Bush administration's security initiatives. Instead, he's consistently argued for enhanced judicial oversight and a pullback on the most extreme elements of the bill, such as the use of National Security Letters to search people's personal records without a court-issued warrant.

While many in his own party opposed the PATRIOT Act outright, as president Obama has said repeatedly that the emergency measures remain a valuable tool for law enforcement engaged in national security prerogatives.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by All Ready

yall dudes are corny, presidents are nothing more than mascots

they have no power, they do what they are told and get all the credit or backlash

smarten up
Right. Presidents have no power.
Help me smarten up. Who tells him what to do ? The illuminati ?
Obama is just a helpless victim in all of this, poor guy. 
do you really think the government just sits back and lets a president do whatever he wants?
if you can't understand that i don't know what to tell you
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by All Ready

yall dudes are corny, presidents are nothing more than mascots

they have no power, they do what they are told and get all the credit or backlash

smarten up
Right. Presidents have no power.
Help me smarten up. Who tells him what to do ? The illuminati ?
Obama is just a helpless victim in all of this, poor guy. 
do you really think the government just sits back and lets a president do whatever he wants?
if you can't understand that i don't know what to tell you
Originally Posted by All Ready

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by All Ready

yall dudes are corny, presidents are nothing more than mascots

they have no power, they do what they are told and get all the credit or backlash

smarten up
Right. Presidents have no power.
Help me smarten up. Who tells him what to do ? The illuminati ?
Obama is just a helpless victim in all of this, poor guy. 
do you really think the government just sits back and lets a president do whatever he wants?
if you can't understand that i don't know what to tell you
Who is "the government" ? Is the president not part of the government ?
Obviously the president doesn't have unlimited power and is influenced by lobbyists and what not, but you honestly believe he has NO power and is free from blame for anything he does ? If you do, I don't know what to tell you. It was Obama himself who asked congress for this longer extension. 
Originally Posted by All Ready

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by All Ready

yall dudes are corny, presidents are nothing more than mascots

they have no power, they do what they are told and get all the credit or backlash

smarten up
Right. Presidents have no power.
Help me smarten up. Who tells him what to do ? The illuminati ?
Obama is just a helpless victim in all of this, poor guy. 
do you really think the government just sits back and lets a president do whatever he wants?
if you can't understand that i don't know what to tell you
Who is "the government" ? Is the president not part of the government ?
Obviously the president doesn't have unlimited power and is influenced by lobbyists and what not, but you honestly believe he has NO power and is free from blame for anything he does ? If you do, I don't know what to tell you. It was Obama himself who asked congress for this longer extension. 
Originally Posted by Adrian1221

Originally Posted by o fenomeno

Originally Posted by rashi

I bet 99% of you voted for this children murdering psychopath.

and i'm about to again next year 

you! *points finger* back to that ronaldo avy naow!
im so flatterd you noticed man...decided it was time for a change after 5 years. dont be surprised if i go back to it once hall and oates gets on my nerves.
Originally Posted by Adrian1221

Originally Posted by o fenomeno

Originally Posted by rashi

I bet 99% of you voted for this children murdering psychopath.

and i'm about to again next year 

you! *points finger* back to that ronaldo avy naow!
im so flatterd you noticed man...decided it was time for a change after 5 years. dont be surprised if i go back to it once hall and oates gets on my nerves.
I have no idea what you guys expected the guy to do in 3 years. You really think the economy was going to upstart with a snap of a finger? The system was screwed up beyond belief. Investors and investment banks screwed us over with their greed. It takes time to get things going again. Luckily the freefall stopped and it was stabilized.

Doesn't help when you got two wars going on that costs a billion dollars a day. It takes time. The dude himself said don't expect change to come quickly. He's done questionable things like getting involved with Libya but to say this administration is the same as the last is lunatic. The problem with everyone in this country including myself is that we're not patient.

And as for the topic at hand, Obama never wanted the Patriot Act completely reversed.
I have no idea what you guys expected the guy to do in 3 years. You really think the economy was going to upstart with a snap of a finger? The system was screwed up beyond belief. Investors and investment banks screwed us over with their greed. It takes time to get things going again. Luckily the freefall stopped and it was stabilized.

Doesn't help when you got two wars going on that costs a billion dollars a day. It takes time. The dude himself said don't expect change to come quickly. He's done questionable things like getting involved with Libya but to say this administration is the same as the last is lunatic. The problem with everyone in this country including myself is that we're not patient.

And as for the topic at hand, Obama never wanted the Patriot Act completely reversed.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by All Ready

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Right. Presidents have no power.
Help me smarten up. Who tells him what to do ? The illuminati ?
Obama is just a helpless victim in all of this, poor guy. 
do you really think the government just sits back and lets a president do whatever he wants?
if you can't understand that i don't know what to tell you
Who is "the government" ? Is the president not part of the government ?
Obviously the president doesn't have unlimited power and is influenced by lobbyists and what not, but you honestly believe he has NO power and is free from blame for anything he does ? If you do, I don't know what to tell you. It was Obama himself who asked congress for this longer extension. 

a president is no different from a supervisor at a job, there are certain agendas the ACTUAL owners will want pushed
bush was just a terrible mascot aka a terrible image

nothing has really changed hence the thread sir 
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by All Ready

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Right. Presidents have no power.
Help me smarten up. Who tells him what to do ? The illuminati ?
Obama is just a helpless victim in all of this, poor guy. 
do you really think the government just sits back and lets a president do whatever he wants?
if you can't understand that i don't know what to tell you
Who is "the government" ? Is the president not part of the government ?
Obviously the president doesn't have unlimited power and is influenced by lobbyists and what not, but you honestly believe he has NO power and is free from blame for anything he does ? If you do, I don't know what to tell you. It was Obama himself who asked congress for this longer extension. 

a president is no different from a supervisor at a job, there are certain agendas the ACTUAL owners will want pushed
bush was just a terrible mascot aka a terrible image

nothing has really changed hence the thread sir 
You haven't answered my question. Who are the "actual owners" you keep talking about ? 
brownsuga1 wrote:
And as for the topic at hand, Obama never wanted the Patriot Act completely reversed. 

Oh really ?

Would you vote to repeal the Patriot Act?

Yes, I would vote to repeal the U.S. Patriot Act, although I would consider replacing that shoddy and dangerous law with a new, carefully crafted proposal that addressed  in a much more limited fashion the legitimate needs of law enforcement in combating terrorism (for example, permitting a warrant for the interception of cell phone calls, and not just land-based phones to accommodate changes in technology).

Now he expands it beyond Bush ever did. 
You haven't answered my question. Who are the "actual owners" you keep talking about ? 
brownsuga1 wrote:
And as for the topic at hand, Obama never wanted the Patriot Act completely reversed. 

Oh really ?

Would you vote to repeal the Patriot Act?

Yes, I would vote to repeal the U.S. Patriot Act, although I would consider replacing that shoddy and dangerous law with a new, carefully crafted proposal that addressed  in a much more limited fashion the legitimate needs of law enforcement in combating terrorism (for example, permitting a warrant for the interception of cell phone calls, and not just land-based phones to accommodate changes in technology).

Now he expands it beyond Bush ever did. 
Originally Posted by rashi

I bet 99% of you voted for this children murdering psychopath.
because presidents never have blood on their hand.
this guy mad because his mom prob aborted five of his brothers and he the only one left and he mad because there's a 'colored" in the white house.

tell the m why u mad and how theytoookourjobs and your proud 'merican libertarian blah blah blah.

all the same democrat = republican = any party.  black bush white bush.

u mad. yeah u mad?  cool sig too. 
Originally Posted by rashi

I bet 99% of you voted for this children murdering psychopath.
because presidents never have blood on their hand.
this guy mad because his mom prob aborted five of his brothers and he the only one left and he mad because there's a 'colored" in the white house.

tell the m why u mad and how theytoookourjobs and your proud 'merican libertarian blah blah blah.

all the same democrat = republican = any party.  black bush white bush.

u mad. yeah u mad?  cool sig too. 
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Obama > McCain though. It's not like you guys had or still have a better choice

I ain't even mad though,my President is black and my Camry is grey

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Obama > McCain though. It's not like you guys had or still have a better choice

I ain't even mad though,my President is black and my Camry is grey

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by rashi

I bet 99% of you voted for this children murdering psychopath.
because presidents never have blood on their hand.
this guy mad because his mom prob aborted five of his brothers and he the only one left and he mad because there's a 'colored" in the white house.

tell the m why u mad and how theytoookourjobs and your proud 'merican libertarian blah blah blah.

all the same democrat = republican = any party.  black bush white bush.

u mad. yeah u mad?  cool sig too. 

you must be new around here.

we all ignore rashi's anti gov't rants.

he's right, we're wrong in his world.

that's not to say he's right about certain things. but he basically hates anything and everything the gov't does, regardless of who is in charge.
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