That good ole hurt

Jun 28, 2008
You know that feeling of just pain you get when you lose a family member or long time pet or your girl broke your heart. That feeling of just being dddddddoooooooooowwwwwnnnnn! What's the worse feeling of pain emotionally you have had? Mine would have to be when my dad died or watching my grandmother who raised me die painfully from cancer.
You know that feeling of just pain you get when you lose a family member or long time pet or your girl broke your heart. That feeling of just being dddddddoooooooooowwwwwnnnnn! What's the worse feeling of pain emotionally you have had? Mine would have to be when my dad died or watching my grandmother who raised me die painfully from cancer.
When I was 13 and my best friend was killed by his brother. This event changed my life. Had me messed up for years. And I'm sorry OP, but there is nothing good about this kind of hurt.
RIP Kevin
When I was 13 and my best friend was killed by his brother. This event changed my life. Had me messed up for years. And I'm sorry OP, but there is nothing good about this kind of hurt.
RIP Kevin
07 was a bad year. April 16th the shootings at VT happened (I didn't know anybody personally but many of my friends did and the situation was obviously really sad for the whole campus). When I was still dealing with that about 3 weeks later my grandfather whom I was really close with died. Prior to those two events I probably hadn't cried in ten years or so, but I remember being in the hospital just straight up bawling my eyes out for hours. I think I became much more of an emotional person after that.

Also later that year when Sean Taylor died I remember being very upset for a couple weeks over it.
07 was a bad year. April 16th the shootings at VT happened (I didn't know anybody personally but many of my friends did and the situation was obviously really sad for the whole campus). When I was still dealing with that about 3 weeks later my grandfather whom I was really close with died. Prior to those two events I probably hadn't cried in ten years or so, but I remember being in the hospital just straight up bawling my eyes out for hours. I think I became much more of an emotional person after that.

Also later that year when Sean Taylor died I remember being very upset for a couple weeks over it.
Sorry, but you had to have made at least 20 threads with a little over a thousand posts.
Get a blog. Utilize it.

And to contribute, it has to be leaving Guam 4 years ago. Leaving all my friends, friends that were like family, leaving during my senior year of high school, leaving basically everything I knew.
It was hard, but it was exciting.
Sorry, but you had to have made at least 20 threads with a little over a thousand posts.
Get a blog. Utilize it.

And to contribute, it has to be leaving Guam 4 years ago. Leaving all my friends, friends that were like family, leaving during my senior year of high school, leaving basically everything I knew.
It was hard, but it was exciting.
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