The 20/30 Rule of Women In Relationships... Gentlemen enter please.

Brolic Scholar wrote:
Women in relationships (marriages or otherwise) who are not happy will NEVER be happy because they are looking for a man that does not exist.

Here is where cheating comes in for women. When they creep and YES men, they creep more often and with more stealth than you can even comprehend, they go out to find a man who can meet NOT 30 of those characteristics, but only the 6 to 10 that their man can't provide.

There's a few things to take from this, but I'll share with you two:

1. A man who is filling the 6-10 slot will never be able to make that woman happy on a long term basis because she will always be looking for an idealistic version of a man who can make her "happy".

2. If you try to step your side/JO role up into the full-time slot you not only have to provide what her last man provided (financially, emotionally, etc.), you have to step your game up at least 3 times, but more than likely four times (4 x 6 = 24) and guess what? You're still not that dude she really wants. Oh, you'll fill the slot for a while, but sooner or later, she'll be out looking for someone to make up for your 6-10 short comings.

Take that and run with it men. Oh yeah, discuss...

gatdamnnn...prolly the realest %+%+ ive ever read on NT.

its sad to think about but its true...she can be committed for 15 yrs and it only takes one hr and another slick talking cat to step in and handle business. Even if its for only one night. 
^^^^ how are we men any better though???....a man can be committed for 30 years, kids and grand kids and would drop all of that for some young P he met in a third world country in a second all while putting in ALL the work
that's even more pathetic.
Lemme make it clear why this even came up.

I was recently approached by a woman I know who has two kids and a man who takes care of her (she doesn't work) and she wants to do something strange sans change with me...

I asked her why she doesn't just make her man happy and she wasn't trying to hear it. Dude is working hard every day to keep her and their kids living well and all she's worried about is what he ISNT'T doing. The 6 million dollar question is why doesn't she focus on what he IS doing?

Sadly, this isn't the only woman I've known in a similar situation looking for that dude to fill the 6-10 slot.

I've met THREE women in the last year with very similar situations, who I've turned down, and the crazy part is their man was the only one working in all three situations. DIRTY!

I won't ever get married again after my divorce is done. Things aren't the way they used to be.

EDIT: Yes I'm generalizing, but I'm fine with that.
We are now doing math equations to find out why women cheat??? 

Come on bros. 

Small piece of advice.  If you are steady worried your girl is cheating...she probably is.  Ignorance is bliss
I see the intention of this thread...but IMO poor execution.

Its a vague enough idea as it is...You can't apply quantities to these things.

I'm more a fan of the 80/20 rule. Basically, seeking that small missing part isn't worth it in most relationships.

Almost a pseudoscientific approach in here.

All I can say is, if you're not happy, won't be happy.
I didn't mean for it to be scientific and I've never heard of the 80/20 rule. Just a theory I was hit with that I've never heard. Obviously, it is a generalization and not meant to explain cheating in an exact way.

What is the 80/20 rule and how could I have executed better? Serious question.
Same thing you said basically. Our mate gives you 80% of what you want/need but you go off for that 20% you think you need so bad.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

and i can say a guy can make a list of 30 characteristics and his woman could have all of em but if another chick has a better body then.......

no one is ever perfect. it's not about meeting a perfect person. perfect doesn't exist.

also some human beings are trife regardless of gender. accept it and keep it moving
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

and i can say a guy can make a list of 30 characteristics and his woman could have all of em but if another chick has a better body then.......

no one is ever perfect. it's not about meeting a perfect person. perfect doesn't exist.

also some human beings are trife regardless of gender. accept it and keep it moving
Jethucka stay preachin.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Lemme make it clear why this even came up.

I was recently approached by a woman I know who has two kids and a man who takes care of her (she doesn't work) and she wants to do something strange sans change with me...

I asked her why she doesn't just make her man happy and she wasn't trying to hear it. Dude is working hard every day to keep her and their kids living well and all she's worried about is what he ISNT'T doing. The 6 million dollar question is why doesn't she focus on what he IS doing?

Sadly, this isn't the only woman I've known in a similar situation looking for that dude to fill the 6-10 slot.

I've met THREE women in the last year with very similar situations, who I've turned down, and the crazy part is their man was the only one working in all three situations. DIRTY!

I won't ever get married again after my divorce is done. Things aren't the way they used to be.

EDIT: Yes I'm generalizing, but I'm fine with that.


Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Lemme make it clear why this even came up.

I was recently approached by a woman I know who has two kids and a man who takes care of her (she doesn't work) and she wants to do something strange sans change with me...

I asked her why she doesn't just make her man happy and she wasn't trying to hear it. Dude is working hard every day to keep her and their kids living well and all she's worried about is what he ISNT'T doing. The 6 million dollar question is why doesn't she focus on what he IS doing?

Sadly, this isn't the only woman I've known in a similar situation looking for that dude to fill the 6-10 slot.

I've met THREE women in the last year with very similar situations, who I've turned down, and the crazy part is their man was the only one working in all three situations. DIRTY!

I won't ever get married again after my divorce is done. Things aren't the way they used to be.



It really is.
@#$@ love and all that @$@%%@. Women don't know what they want.

Yes kinda mad.
Stuff like this makes me not want to invest in being married...Its like everyone cheats men and women, its just a matter when. It may not be physical cheating but maybe emotional cheating. Its like no one is ever content or happy with what they have, they want more and more.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

We all want perfection that doesn't exist, I'm sure we as men have a list to check off thats probably a lot more than 30 characteristics and we cheat based on JUST one
it's just life man and we tend to over analyze everything.
If you reduce anything in life down to a perfect list, you'll be a hamster on a wheel for life.
i told a girl that im talkin to make a list and check off the qualities in me and she said 20. FML ahahhahahaahaaaaaaa
Sadly this is true
. Oh well We on NT should have a thread like this but for Women then check off what your girl does.
This comes down to finding people who have their head on straight. Priorities in order and etc.
Yeah 6 is my favorite number anyways

dag Brolic, i've always seen you helping out us dudes with GOOD advice with women and now i hear you going through a divorce, that's tough. Stay strong and keep your head up homie!
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