The 20/30 Rule of Women In Relationships... Gentlemen enter please.

Originally Posted by datboi81

Yeah 6 is my favorite number anyways

dag Brolic, i've always seen you helping out us dudes with GOOD advice with women and now i hear you going through a divorce, that's tough. Stay strong and keep your head up homie!


My head is always up. Even on a bad day. (pause) Appreciate it fam.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

We all want perfection that doesn't exist, I'm sure we as men have a list to check off thats probably a lot more than 30 characteristics and we cheat based on JUST one
it's just life man and we tend to over analyze everything.
But I feel like women put more thought into their lists in terms of writing that stuff down and discussing it with friends and actually seeing where their man compares. Don't know any men that take it to that level.

I only speak for myself but when I've cheated it's not because my gf was lacking one of the checkpoints. It's usually just 1 reason - a cute girl is throwin P at me.

It's not like I think "oh my girl doesn't cook enough, must smash a random chick"
You can't place a formula or ratio on han nature though...a woman wants the best suited man for herself and vice versa, if you are not in a relationship, you are in search of perfection, if you are in one you start to realize there is no such thing first hand, your tolerance level rises, perfection becomes a non-factor, the only thing that matters is compatibility. Putting a numerical value like 20/30 to explain why women cheat is silly man...
Originally Posted by ksteezy

You can't place a formula or ratio on han nature though...a woman wants the best suited man for herself and vice versa, if you are not in a relationship, you are in search of perfection, if you are in one you start to realize there is no such thing first hand, your tolerance level rises, perfection becomes a non-factor, the only thing that matters is compatibility. Putting a numerical value like 20/30 to explain why women cheat is silly man...

I agree, it's somewhat silly and simplistic, HOWEVER, if you don't think women cheat to fill voids, whereas men cheat to add another notch, then I don't know what to tell you hombrah.
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