The 2009 NCAA basketball Champs

Originally Posted by Biff Stuntwell

Cincy? lololol

how long have we owned you guys now?


Bearcats are gonna be hard for us..... <joking> CINCY SUCKS </joking>
Years past are one thing but this year will be the end of all that.
I am a student at UL. We are good and def a top 5 team, but to claim we will win the NC already is a little to soon. From the games I have seen so far, UNC ishead and shoulders better then anyway in the country. Could this change by March? Hell yeah it can. We have the talent to beat UNC, so does UCONN, Pitt, Texas,ND, Oklahoma, and few other teams. HOPEFULLY the cards go all the way this year!
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Mjmvp23


Because my Cats will knock you out before then or if you make it to the finals we'll get you then.
That's a good one.

And, wildKYcat, why did you even enter a 2009 basketball champs thread?

Just kidding guys, on a serious note. The PG situation is kinda crazy. But, when the games mean more I think McGee will get the nod for the most part. Iactually like Sosa off the bench, he can give the team a spark when they need it.

And I think we have the same chance or better as most teams in the top 15 or so to win it all (outside of UNC). If UNC don't win it this year, Roy didanother choke job, IMO.
I don't see a BE championship or NCAA unless you guys learn to win big games.

Earl Clark and Terrence Williams seem to disappear at time. And you can't have that happen with your top players.
Becuase last time I checked you haven't won $@+% since you made it to the BE.

Unless you establish a point guard. And someone steps up as your go to guy. I can't ever take Louisville as a contender.

And I know the talent is there. They have as much talent as anyone.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

And, wildKYcat, why did you even enter a 2009 basketball champs thread?
i guess opposite of the reason why we've never seen you in a college football thread the last two seasons?
Originally Posted by tmay407

Originally Posted by RKO2004

How did your football team do this year against ours?
I'm confused...I thought this was a thread about basketball?
Exactly. But, 1 win after 5 straight losses, I guess you gotta rub it in a little. Enjoy the coach (and success) while you can.

And wildKY, good one. I can no longer even attempt to defend the football team. But, I would have loved to talk about the Gaylord Hotel Bowl the last 2 years.
Funny thing is, I got Louisville winning the Big East and giving UNC the time of their life in the NC game, so when fam made this post I didn't think itwas far fetched at all. I just got a feeling Samardo could put up Blake Griffin numbers by the end of the season if he finally turns it on on the defensiveend. I know with that big body he knows how to rebound and beast on the defensive end but don't understand why he chooses to slack off on the defensiveside of the ball.

I just polished off 12 Guiness Draughts and a bottle of Andre Champagne and bout to start on this Goose. Happy Thanksgiving Eve ya'll!!!!!!!

(via laptop from the hotel room in South Beach)
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Funny thing is, I got Louisville winning the Big East and giving UNC the time of their life in the NC game, so when fam made this post I didn't think it was far fetched at all. I just got a feeling Samardo could put up Blake Griffin numbers by the end of the season if he finally turns it on on the defensive end. I know with that big body he knows how to rebound and beast on the defensive end but don't understand why he chooses to slack off on the defensive side of the ball.

I just polished off 12 Guiness Draughts and a bottle of Andre Champagne and bout to start on this Goose. Happy Thanksgiving Eve ya'll!!!!!!!

(via laptop from the hotel room in South Beach)
it's only 8 oclock man... don't go dying on usnow. (actually, you're fine... guinness is actually relatively low alc and carbs... it's all good, just didn't know people went in like this forthanksgiving...eve.)
Originally Posted by Mjmvp23

Y'all gotta settle on a PG though...
McGee will be our go to guy when it's all said and done. Just wait until Peyton Siva arrives next year.
Because now when Louisville gets upset in the second round of the tournament I'm gonna have to listen to a lot of *@$* about how "Louisville fans claimed they were gonna win it all.
I'm not guaranteeing we're going to win it all but we have as good of a chance as uconn and unc. I would love to play unc again this year in the tournament. We actually have a center with knee's and has some strenght in them.

Peyton Siva

Been my dude since he was a Freshman. Watched his 1st ever HS basketball game.
Dude was killing in HS since day 1.
This year he's about to have a HUGE senior year.
Can't wait to watch
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Originally Posted by tmay407

Originally Posted by RKO2004

How did your football team do this year against ours?
I'm confused...I thought this was a thread about basketball?
Exactly. But, 1 win after 5 straight losses, I guess you gotta rub it in a little. Enjoy the coach (and success) while you can.
I sure will
. And Tmay this is a basketball thread but wetaking over every sport.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I sure will
. And Tmay this is a basketball thread but we taking over every sport.
I'm guessing you're not counting baseball and womens' sports? If my school (Texas A&M) didn't have such a good baseball teamand a great womens' sports program, I probably wouldn't count 'em either
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Mjmvp23

Y'all gotta settle on a PG though...
McGee will be our go to guy when it's all said and done. Just wait until Peyton Siva arrives next year.
Because now when Louisville gets upset in the second round of the tournament I'm gonna have to listen to a lot of *@$* about how "Louisville fans claimed they were gonna win it all.
I'm not guaranteeing we're going to win it all but we have as good of a chance as uconn and unc. I would love to play unc again this year in the tournament. We actually have a center with knee's and has some strenght in them.

Peyton Siva

Been my dude since he was a Freshman. Watched his 1st ever HS basketball game.
Dude was killing in HS since day 1.
This year he's about to have a HUGE senior year.
Can't wait to watch

sounds awesome. cant wait to have him here in the ville next season. dude looks like a ball player and looks like a smart kid
Well, just to play Devils Advocate...UNC did lose to Santa Clara they year they won the NC....And WKU was a tourney team last year.

But still
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